Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

Partition I:
Concepts and Architecture


Table of Contents

1                  Scope  6

2                  Conformance  7

3                  References  8

4                  Glossary  9

5                  Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure  24

5.1              Relationship to Type Safety  24

5.2              Relationship to Managed Metadata-driven Execution  25

5.2.1          Managed Code  25

5.2.2          Managed Data  26

5.2.3          Summary  26

6                  Common Language Specification (CLS) 27

6.1              Introduction  27

6.2              Views of CLS Compliance  27

6.2.1          CLS Framework  27

6.2.2          CLS Consumer 27

6.2.3          CLS Extender 28

6.3              CLS Compliance  28

6.3.1          Marking Items as CLS-Compliant 29

7                  Common Type System   31

7.1              Relationship to Object-Oriented Programming  33

7.2              Values and Types  33

7.2.1          Value Types and Reference Types  33

7.2.2          Built-in Types  33

7.2.3          Classes, Interfaces and Objects  34

7.2.4          Boxing and Unboxing of Values  35

7.2.5          Identity and Equality of Values  35

7.3              Locations  36

7.3.1          Assignment Compatible Locations  36

7.3.2          Coercion  36

7.3.3          Casting  37

7.4              Type Members  37

7.4.1          Fields, Array Elements, and Values  37

7.4.2          Methods  37

7.4.3          Static Fields and Static Methods  38

7.4.4          Virtual Methods  38

7.5              Naming  38

7.5.1          Valid Names  38

7.5.2          Assemblies and Scoping  39

7.5.3          Visibility, Accessibility, and Security  40

7.6              Contracts  42

7.6.1          Signatures  43

7.7              Assignment Compatibility  46

7.8              Type Safety and Verification  46

7.9              Type Definers  46

7.9.1          Array Types  47

7.9.2          Unmanaged Pointer Types  49

7.9.3          Delegates  49

7.9.4          Interface Type Definition  49

7.9.5          Class Type Definition  50

7.9.6          Object Type Definitions  52

7.9.7          Value Type Definition  54

7.9.8          Type Inheritance  55

7.9.9          Object Type Inheritance  55

7.9.10         Value Type Inheritance  55

7.9.11         Interface Type Inheritance  55

7.10             Member Inheritance  56

7.10.1         Field Inheritance  56

7.10.2         Method Inheritance  56

7.10.3         Property and Event Inheritance  56

7.10.4         Hiding, Overriding, and Layout 56

7.11             Member Definitions  57

7.11.1         Method Definitions  58

7.11.2         Field Definitions  58

7.11.3         Property Definitions  58

7.11.4         Event Definitions  59

7.11.5         Nested Type Definitions  60

8                  CLI Metadata  61

8.1              Components and Assemblies  61

8.2              Accessing Metadata  61

8.2.1          Metadata Tokens  62

8.2.2          Member Signatures in Metadata  62

8.3              Unmanaged Code  62

8.4              Method Implementation Metadata  62

8.5              Class Layout 63

8.6              Assemblies: Name Scopes for Types  63

8.7              Metadata Extensibility  64

8.8              Globals, Imports, and Exports  66

8.9              Scoped Statics  66

9                  Name and Type Rules for the Common Language Specification  67

9.1              Identifiers  67

9.2              Overloading  67

9.3              Operator Overloading  68

9.3.1          Unary Operators  68

9.3.2          Binary Operators  69

9.3.3          Conversion Operators  70

9.4              Naming Patterns  70

9.5              Exceptions  71

9.6              Custom Attributes  71

10                Collected CLS Rules  73

11                Virtual Execution System   76

11.1             Supported Data Types  76

11.1.1         Native Size: native int, native unsigned int, O and &   77

11.1.2         Handling of Short Integer Data Types  78

11.1.3         Handling of Floating Point Datatypes  78

11.1.4         CIL Instructions and Numeric Types  80

11.1.5         CIL Instructions and Pointer Types  81

11.1.6         Aggregate Data  82

11.2             Module Information  85

11.3             Machine State  85

11.3.1         The Global State  85

11.3.2         Method State  86

11.4             Control Flow   89

11.4.1         Method Calls  90

11.4.2         Exception Handling  93

11.5             Proxies and Remoting  99

11.6             Memory Model and Optimizations  99

11.6.1         The Memory Store  99

11.6.2         Alignment 99

11.6.3         Byte Ordering  99

11.6.4         Optimization  99

11.6.5         Locks and Threads  100

11.6.6         Atomic Reads and Writes  100

11.6.7         Volatile Reads and Writes  101

11.6.8         Other Memory Model Issues  101

11.7             Atomicity of Memory Accesses  101

12                Index  103

1         Scope

This ECMA Standard defines the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in which applications written in multiple high level languages may be executed in different system environments without the need to rewrite the application to take into consideration the unique characteristics of those environments. This ECMA Standard consists of several sections in order to facilitate understanding various components by describing those components in their separate sections. These sections are:

Partition I: Architecture

Partition II: Metadata Definition and Semantics

Partition III: CIL Instruction Set

Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries

Partition V: Annexes

2         Conformance

A system claiming conformance to this ECMA Standard shall implement all the mandatory requirements of this standard, and shall specify the profile (see Partition IV) that it implements. The minimal implementation is the Kernel Profile (see Partition IV). A conforming implementation may also include additional functionality that does not prevent running code written to rely solely on the profile as specified in this standard. For example, it may provide additional classes, new methods on existing classes, or a new interface on a standardized class, but it shall not add methods or properties to interfaces specified in this standard.

A compiler that generates Common Intermediate Language (CIL, see Partition III) and claims conformance to this ECMA Standard shall produce output files in the format specified in this standard and the CIL it generates shall be valid CIL as specified in this standard. Such a compiler may also claim that it generates verifiable code, in which case the CIL it generates shall be verifiable as specified in this standard.

3         References

IEC 60559:1989, Binary Floating-point Arithmetic for Microprocessor Systems (previously designated IEC 559:1989)

ISO/IEC 10646 (all parts), Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS).

The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0, defined by: The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN 0-201-61633-5), and Unicode Technical Report #15: Unicode Normalization Forms.

ISO/IEC 646:1991   Information technology -- ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange

ISO/IEC 11578:1996 (E) Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Annex A: Universal Unique Identifier

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 180-1), Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1), 1995 April 7.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition), 2000 October 6,

Network Working Group. RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee.  1999 June,

Network Working Group. RFC 2617: HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication.  J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, L. Stewart.  1999 June,

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter. 1998 August,

Network Working Group. RFC-1222: Advancing the NSFNET Routing Architecture.  H-W Braun, Y. Rekhter. 1991 May,

4         Glossary

For the purpose of this ECMA Standard, the following definitions apply.  They are collected here for ease of reference, but the definition is presented in context elsewhere in the specification, as noted. Definitions enclosed in square brackets [ ] were not extracted from the body of the standard.

The remainder of this section and its subsections contain only informative text







Only an abstract object type is allowed to define method contracts for which the type or the VES does not also provide the implementation. Such method contracts are called abstract methods



Accessibility of members

A type scopes all of its members, and it also specifies the accessibility rules for its members.  Except where noted, accessibility is decided based only on the statically visible type of the member being referenced and the type and assembly that is making the reference.  The CTS supports seven different rules for accessibility: Compiler-Controlled; Private; Family; Assembly; Family-and-Assembly; Family-or-Assembly; Public.


Accessibility of Members

Aggregate data

Data items that have sub-components (arrays, structures, or object instances) but are passed by copying the value. The sub-components can include references to managed memory. Aggregate data is represented using a value type



Aggregate Data

Application domain

A mechanism … to isolate applications running in the same operating system process from one another. 



Proxies and Remoting

Array elements

The representation of a value (except for those of built-in types) can be subdivided into sub-values.  These sub-values are either named, in which case they are called fields, or they are accessed by an indexing expression, in which case they are called array elements.



Fields, Array Elements, and Values



[Value of an operand to a method call]




Array types

Types that describe values composed of array elements are array types



Fields, Array Elements, and Values


An assembly is a configured set of loadable code modules and other resources that together implement a unit of functionality.



Assemblies and Scoping

Assembly scope

Type names are scoped by the assembly that contains the implementation of the type….. The type name is said to be in the assembly scope of the assembly that implements the type.



Assemblies and Scoping

Assignment compatibility

Assignment compatibility of a value (described by a type signature) to a location (described by a location signature) is defined as follows: One of the types supported by the exact type of the value is the same as the type in the location signature.



Assignment Compatibility



Attributes of types and their members attach descriptive information to their definition.



Attributes and Metadata

Base Class Library

This Library is part of the Kernel Profile.  It is a simple runtime library for a modern programming language. 



Runtime Infrastructure Library

Binary operators

Binary operators take two arguments, perform some operation and return a value.  They are represented as static methods on the class that defines the type of one of their two operands or the return type.



Binary Operators

Boolean Data Type

A CLI Boolean type occupies one byte in memory. A bit pattern of all zeroes denotes a value of false. A bit pattern with any bit set (analogous to a non-zero integer) denotes a value of true.



Boolean Data Type


The box instruction is a widening (always typesafe) operation that converts a value type instance to System.Object by making a copy of the instance and embedding it in a newly allocated object.


Boxing and Unboxing

Boxed type

For every Value Type, the CTS defines a corresponding Reference Type called the boxed type.



Boxing and Unboxing of Values

Boxed value

The representation of a value of a boxed type (a boxed value) is a location where a value of the Value Type may be stored. 



Boxing and Unboxing of Values

Built-in types

..Data types [that] are an integral part of the CTS and are supported directly by the Virtual Execution System (VES). 



Built-In Types

By-ref parameters

The address of the data is passed from the caller to the callee, and the type of the parameter is therefore a managed or unmanaged pointer.


Parameter Passing

By-value parameters

The value of an object is passed from the caller to the callee


Parameter Passing

Calling Convention

A calling convention specifies how a method expects its arguments to be passed from the caller to the called method.  



Calling Convention


Since a value can be of more than one type, a use of the value needs to clearly identify which of its types is being used.  Since values are read from locations that are typed, the type of the value which is used is the type of the location from which the value was read.  If a different type is to be used, the value is cast to one of its other types.  .





[Common Intermediate Language]




Class contract

A class contract specifies the representation of the values of the class type.  Additionally, a class contract specifies the other contracts that the class type supports, e.g., which interfaces, methods, properties and events shall be implemented.




Class type

A complete specification of the representation of the values of the class type and all of the contracts (class, interface, method, property, and event) that are supported by the class type.



Class Type Definition


At the center of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a single type system, the Common Type System (CTS), that is shared by compilers, tools, and the CLI itself.  It is the model that defines the rules the CLI follows when declaring, using, and managing types.



Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure


The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a set of conventions intended to promote language interoperability.



Common Language Specification (CLS)

CLS (consumer)

A CLS consumer is a language or tool that is designed to allow access to all of the features supplied by CLS-compliant frameworks (libraries), but not necessarily be able to produce them.



Common Language Specification (CLS)

CLS (extender)

A CLS extender is a language or tool that is designed to allow programmers to both use and extend CLS-compliant frameworks.



Common Language Specification (CLS)

CLS (framework)

A library consisting of CLS-compliant code is herein referred to as a “framework”. 



Common Language Specification (CLS)

Code labels

Code labels are followed by a colon (“:”) and represent the address of an instruction to be executed



Labels and Lists of Labels


Coercion takes a value of a particular type and a desired type and attempts to create a value of the desired type that has equivalent meaning to the original value.




Common Language Specification (CLS)

The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a set of conventions intended to promote language interoperability.



Common Language Specification (CLS)

Common Type System (CTS)

[I] The Common Type System (CTS) provides a rich type system that supports the types and operations found in many programming languages.



Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure

Compiler-controlled accessibility

Accessible only through use of a definition, not a reference, hence only accessible from within a single compilation unit and under the control of the compiler.


Accessibility of Members

Compound types

.  Types that describe values composed of fields are compound types.



Fields, Array Elements, and Values

Computed destinations

The destination of a method call may be either encoded directly in the CIL instruction stream (the call and jmp instructions) or computed (the callvirt, and calli instructions). 


Computed Destinations


An object type that is not marked abstract is by definition concrete




A system claiming conformance to this ECMA Standard shall implement all the mandatory requirements of this standard, and shall specify the profile that it implements. 






Contracts are named.  They are the shared assumptions on a set of signatures … between all implementers and all users of the contract.




Conversion operators

Conversion operators are unary operations that allow conversion from one type to another.  The operator method shall be defined as a static method on either the operand or return type. 



Conversion Operators

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes add user-defined annotations to the metadata.  Custom attributes allow an instance of a type to be stored with any element of the metadata.



Custom Attributes

Custom modifiers

Custom modifiers, defined using modreq (“required modifier”) and modopt (“optional modifier”), are similar to custom attributes …except that modifiers are part of a signature rather than attached to a declaration.  Each modifer associates a type reference with an item in the signature.



modreq and modopt

Data labels

Data labels specify the location of a piece of data



Labels and Lists of Labels


Delegates are the object-oriented equivalent of function pointers. .  Delegates are created by defining a class that derives from the base type System.Delegate




Derived Type

A derived type guarantees support for all of the type contracts of its base type. A type derives directly from its specified base type(s), and indirectly from their base type(s).



Type Inheritance


An enum, short for enumeration, defines a set of symbols that all have the same type. 





For value types, the equality operator is part of the definition of the exact type.  Definitions of equality should obey the following rules:

·              Equality should be an equivalence operator, as defined above.

·              Identity should imply equality, as stated earlier.

·              If either (or both) operand is a boxed value, equality should be computed by

·              first unboxing any boxed operand(s), and then

·              applying the usual rules for equality on the resulting values.



Equality of values

The values stored in the variables are equal if the sequences of characters are the same.



Identity and Equality of Values

Evaluation stack

Associated with each method state is an evaluation stack… The evaluation stack is made up of slots that can hold any data type, including an unboxed instance of a value type. 


The Evaluation Stack

Event contract

An event contract is specified with an event definition. There is an extensible set of operations for managing a named event, which includes three standard methods (register interest in an event, revoke interest in an event, fire the event).  An event contract specifies method contracts for all of the operations that shall be implemented by any type that supports the event contract.




Event definitions

The CTS supports events in precisely the same way that it supports properties… The conventional methods, however, are different and include means for subscribing and unsubscribing to events as well as for firing the event.



Event Definitions

Exception handling

Exception handling is supported in the CLI through exception objects and protected blocks of code



Exception Handling

Extended Array Library

This Library is not part of any Profile, but can be supplied as part of any CLI implementation.  It provides support for non-vector arrays. 



Extended Array Library

Extended Numerics Library

The Extended Numerics Library is not part of any Profile, but can be supplied as part of any CLI implementation.  It provides the support for floating-point (System.Float, System.Double) and extended-precision (System.Decimal) data types.  



Extended Numerics Library

Family accessibility

accessible to referents that support the same type, i.e. an exact type and all of the types that inherit from it


Accessibility of Members

Family-and-assembly accessibilty

Accessible only to referents that qualify for both Family and Assembly access.


Accessibility of Members

Family-or-assembly accessibility

accessible only to referents that qualify for either Family or Assembly access.


Accessibility of Members

Field definitions

Field definitions name and a location signature. 



Field Definitions

Field inheritance

A derived object type inherits all of the non-static fields of its base object type.



Field Inheritance


Fields are typed memory locations that store the data of a program. 



Defining and Referencing Fields

File Names

A file name is like any other name where “.” is considered a normal constituent character. The specific syntax for file names follows the specifications of the underlying operating system



File Names


A class definition that creates an object type may supply an instance method to be called when an instance of the class is no longer accessible. 



Getter method

By convention, properties define a getter method (for accessing the current value of the property)…



Property Definitions

Global Fields

In addition to types with static members, many languages have the notion of data and methods that are not part of a type at all. These are referred to as global fields and methods.



Global Fields and Methods

Global Methods

In addition to types with static members, many languages have the notion of data and methods that are not part of a type at all. These are referred to as global fields and methods.



Global Fields and Methods

Global state

The CLI manages multiple concurrent threads of control … multiple managed heaps, and a shared memory address space. 



The Global State


[A unique identification string used with remote procedure calls.]





The introduction of a name in a given type hides all inherited members of the same kind (method or field) with the same name.





The introduction of a name in a given type hides any inherited member of the same kind but with precisely the same type (for fields) or signature (for methods, properties, and events).





Hiding controls which method names inherited from a base type are available for compile-time name binding.



Visibility, Accessibility and Hiding


The home of a data value is where it is stored for possible reuse


Homes for Values


Identifiers are used to name entities





The identity operator is defined by the CTS as follows.

·              If the values have different exact types, then they are not identical.

·              Otherwise, if their exact type is a Value Type, then they are identical if and only if the bit sequences of the values are the same, bit by bit.

Otherwise, if their exact type is a Reference Type, then they are identical if and only if the locations of the values are the same.



Identity of values

The values of the variables are identical if the locations of the sequences of characters are the same, i.e., there is in fact only one string in memory. 



Identity and Equality of Values


An assembler language for CIL




Inheritance demand

When attached to a type ..[an inheritance demand] requires that any type that wishes to inherit from this type shall have the specified security permission.  When attached to a non-final virtual method it requires that any type that wishes to override this method shall have the specified permission. 


Security Permissions

Instance Methods

Instance methods are associated with an instance of a type: within the body of an instance method it is possible to reference the particular instance on which the method is operating (via the this pointer).



Static, Instance, and Virtual Methods

Instruction pointer  (IP)

An instruction pointer (IP) points to the next CIL instruction to be executed by the CLI in the present method.



Method State

Interface contract

Interface contracts specify which other contracts the interface supports, e.g. which interfaces, methods, properties and events shall be implemented. 




Interface type definition

An interface definition defines an interface type. An interface type is a named group of methods, locations and other contracts that shall be implemented by any object type that supports the interface contract of the same name.



Interface Type Definition

Interface type inheritance

Interface types may inherit from multiple interface types, i.e. an interface contract may list other interface contracts that shall also be supported. 



Interface Type Inheritance

Interface types

Interface types describe a subset of the operations and none of the representation, and hence, cannot be an exact type of any value.



Classes, Interfaces and Objects


Interfaces…define a contract that other types may implement.



Semantics of Interfaces

Kernel Profile

This profile is the minimal possible conforming implementation of the CLI. 



The Kernel Profile


Provided as a programming convenience; they represent a number that is encoded in the metadata.  The value represented by a label is typically an offset in bytes from the beginning of the current method, although the precise encoding differs depending on where in the logical metadata structure or CIL stream the label occurs.



Labels and Lists of Labels


To a programmer a Library is a self-consistent set of types (classes, interfaces, and value types) that provide a useful set of functionality. 




Local memory pool

The local memory pool is used to allocate objects whose type or size is not known at compile time and which the programmer does not wish to allocate in the managed heap.


Local Memory Pool

Local signatures

.  A local signature specifies the contract on a local variable allocated during the running of a method. 


Local Signatures

Location signatures

All locations are typed.  This means that all locations have a location signature, which defines constraints on the location, its usage, and on the usage of the values stored in the location.


Location Signatures


Values are stored in locations.  A location can hold a single value at a time.  All locations are typed.  The type of the location embodies the requirements that shall be met by values that are stored in the location.




Machine state

One of the design goals of the CLI is to hide the details of a method call frame from the CIL code generator.  The machine state definitions … reflect these design choices, where machine state consists primarily of global state and method state. 



Machine State

Managed code

Managed code is simply code that provides enough information to allow the CLI to provide a set of core services, including

·              Given an address inside the code for a method, locate the metadata describing the method

·              Walk the stack

·              Handle exceptions

·              Store and retrieve security information



Managed Code

Managed data

Managed data is data that is allocated and released automatically by the CLI, through a process called garbage collection. Only managed code can access managed data, but programs that are written in managed code can access both managed and unmanaged data.



Managed Data

Managed pointer types

[ The O and &] datatype represents an object reference that is managed by the CLI


Managed Pointer Types: O and &

Managed Pointers

Managed pointers (&) may point to a field of an object, a field of a value type, an element of an array, or the address where an element just past the end of an array would be stored (for pointer indexes into managed arrays).



Managed Pointers


An assembly is a set of one or more files deployed as a unit. 



Assemblies, Manifests and Modules

Marshalling Descriptors

A Marshalling Descriptor is like a signature – it’s a blob of binary data.  It describes how a field or parameter (which, as usual, covers the method return, as parameter number 0) should be marshalled when calling to or from unmanaged coded via PInvoke dispatch or IJW (“It Just Works”) thunking.



Marshaling Descriptors


Fields, array elements, and methods are called members of the type. Properties and events are also members of the type.




Type Members

Member inheritance

Only object types may inherit implementations, hence only object types may inherit members



Member Inheritance

Memory store

By “memory store” we mean the regular process memory that the CLI operates within.  Conceptually, this store is simply an array of bytes.



The Memory Store


The CLI uses metadata to describe and reference the types defined by the Common Type System. Metadata is stored (“persisted”) in a way that is independent of any particular programming language. Thus, metadata provides a common interchange mechanism for use between tools that manipulate programs (compilers, debuggers, etc.) as well as between these tools and the Virtual Execution System



Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure

Metadata Token

This is a 4-byte value, that specifies a row in a metadata table, or a starting byte offset in the User String heap



Metadata Tokens


A named method describes an operation that may be performed on values of an exact type. 



Classes, Interfaces and Objects

Method contract

A method contract is specified with a method definition. A method contract is a named operation that specifies the contract between the implementation(s) of the method and the callers of the method. 




Method definitions

Method definitions are composed of a name, a method signature, and optionally an implementation of the method. 



Method Definitions

Method inheritance

A derived object type inherits all of the instance and virtual methods of its base object type. It does not inherit constructors or static methods.



Method Inheritance

Method Pointers

Variables of type method pointer shall store the address of the entry point to a method with compatible signature. 



Method Pointers

Method signatures

Method signatures are composed of

·              a calling convention,

·              a list of zero or more parameter signatures, one for each parameter of the method,

·              and a type signature for the result value if one is produced.


Method Signatures

Method state

Method state describes the environment within which a method executes. (In conventional compiler terminology, it corresponds to a superset of the information captured in the “invocation stack frame”).



Method State

methodInfo handle

This .. holds the signature of the method, the types of its local variables, and data about its exception handlers.



Method State


A single file containing executable content



Assemblies, Manifests and Modules

Name Mangling

… the platform may use name-mangling rules that force the name as it appears to a managed program to differ from the name as seen in the native implementation (this is common, for example, when the native code is generated by a C++ compiler).




Platform Invoke

Native Data Types

Some implementations of the CLI will be hosted on top of existing operating systems or runtime platforms that specify data types required to perform certain functions.  The metadata allows interaction with these native data types by specifying how the built-in and user-defined types of the CLI are to be marshalled to and from native data types. 



Native Data Types

Native size types

The native-size, or generic, types (I, U, O, and &) are a mechanism in the CLI for deferring the choice of a value’s size.



Native Size: native int, native unsigned int, O and &

Nested type definitions

A nested type definition is identical to a top-level type definition, with one exception: a top-level type has a visibility attribute, while the visibility of a nested type is the same as the visibility of the enclosing type. 



Nested Type Definitions

Nested types

A type (called a nested type) can be a member of an enclosing type. 


Nested Types

Network Library

This Library is part of the Compact Profile.  It provides simple networking services including direct access to network ports as well as HTTP support.



Network Library


[Object Oriented Programming]




Object type

The object type describes the physical structure of the instance and the operations that are allowed on it.



Object Type Definitions

Object type inheritance

With the sole exception of System.Object, which does not inherit from any other object type, all object types shall either explicitly or implicitly declare support for (inherit from) exactly one other object type. 



Object Type Inheritance


Each object is self-typing, that is, its type is explicitly stored in its representation.  It has an identity that distinguishes it from all other objects, and it has slots that store other entities (which may be either objects or values).  While the contents of its slots may be changed, the identity of an object never changes.



Common Type System

Opaque classes

Some languages provide multi-byte data structures whose contents are manipulated directly by address arithmetic and indirection operations.  To support this feature, the CLI allows value types to be created with a specified size but no information about their data members. 


Opaque Classes


Within a single scope, a given name may refer to any number of methods provided they differ in any of the following: Number of parameters [and] Type of each argument






..Overriding deals with object layout and is applicable only to instance fields and virtual methods.  The CTS provides two forms of member overriding, new slot and expect existing slot.



Hiding, Overriding, and Layout


[Name used within the body of a method to refer to the corresponding argument of the method]




Parameter passing

The CLI supports three kinds of parameter passing, all indicated in metadata as part of the signature of the method.  Each parameter to a method has its own passing convention (e.g., the first parameter may be passed by-value while all others are passed by-ref). 


Parameter Passing

Parameter Signatures

Parameter signatures define constraints on how an individual value is passed as part of a method invocation.


Parameter Signatures


While a method with a pinned local variable is executing the VES shall not relocate the object to which the local refers. 





Methods defined in native code may be invoked using the platform invoke (also know as PInvoke or p/invoke) functionality of the CLI. 



Platform Invoke

Pointer type

A pointer type is a compile time description of a value whose representation is a machine address of a location.



Value Types and Reference Types


Pointers may contain the address of a field (of an object or value type) or an element of an array. 



Pointer Types

Private accessibility

Accessible only to referents in the implementation of the exact type that defines the member.


Accessibility of Members


A Profile is simply a set of Libraries, grouped together to form a consistent whole that provides a fixed level of functionality.  





. Propert[ies] define named groups of accessor method definitions that implement the named event or property behavior.



Member Definitions

Property contract

A property contract is specified with a property definition.  There is an extensible set of operations for handling a named value, which includes a standard pair for reading the value and changing the value.  A property contract specifies method contracts for the subset of these operations that shall be implemented by any type that supports the property contract.




Property definitions

A property definition defines a named value and the methods that access the value. A property definition defines the accessing contracts on that value. 



Property Definitions

Public accessibility

Accessible to all referents


Accessibility of Members

Qualified name

…Consider a compound type Point that has a field named x. The name “field x” by itself does not uniquely identify the named field, but the qualified name “field x in type Point” does.




Assemblies and Scoping


The rank of an array is the number of dimensions. 




Reference demand

Any attempt to resolve a reference to the marked item shall have specified security permission.


Security Permissions

Reference types

Reference Types describe values that are represented as the location of a sequence of bits.  There are three kinds of Reference Types:



Value Types and Reference Types

Reflection Library

This Library is part of the Compact Profile.  It provides the ability to examine the structure of types, create instances of types, and invoke methods on types, all based on a description of the type.



Reflection Library

Remoting boundary

A remoting boundary exists if it is not possible to share the identity of an object directly across the boundary. For example, if two objects exist on physically separate machines that do not share a common address space, then a remoting boundary will exist between them.



Proxies and Remoting

Return state handle

This handle is used to restore the method state on return from the current method. 



Method State

Runtime Infrastructure Library

This Library is part of the Kernel Profile.  It provides the services needed by a compiler to target the CLI and the facilities needed to dynamically load types from a stream in the file format.



Runtime Infrastructure Library


Names are collected into groupings called scopes.  



Assemblies and Scoping


Specifies that a type shall not have subclasses



Inheritance Attributes

Sealed type

An object type declares it shall not be used as a base type (be inherited from) by declaring that it is a sealed type. 



Object Type Inheritance

Security descriptor

This descriptor is not directly accessible to managed code but is used by the CLI security system to record security overrides (assert, permit-only, and deny). 



Method State

Security permissions

Access to members is also controlled by security demands that may be attached to an assembly, type, method, property, or event. 


Security Permissions

Serializable fields

A field that is marked serializable is to be serialized as part of the persistent state of a value of the type. 



Field Definitions

Setter method

By convention, properties define …optionally a setter method (for modifying the current value of the property).



Property Definitions


Signatures are the part of a contract that can be checked and automatically enforced.  Signatures are formed by adding constraints to types and other signatures. 




Simple labels

A simple label is a special name that represents an address



Labels and Lists of Labels

Special members

There are three special members, all methods, that can be defined as part of a type: instance constructors, instance finalizers, and type initializers.



Special Members

Special Types

Special Types are those that are referenced from CIL, but for which no definition is supplied: the VES supplies the definitions automatically based on information available from the reference.



Semantics of Special TYpes

Standard Profiles

There are two Standard Profiles.  The smallest conforming implementation of the CLI is the Kernel Profile, while the Compact Profile contains additional features useful for applications targeting a more resource-rich set of devices.



The Standard Profiles

Static fields

Types may declare locations that are associated with the type rather than any particular value of the type.  Such locations are static fields of the type.



Static Fields and Static Methods

Static methods

…Types may also declare methods that are associated with the type rather than with values of the type.  Such methods are static methods of the type. 



Static Fields and Static Methods

Super Calls

In some cases, it may be desirable to re-use code defined in the base type. E.g., an overriding virtual method may want to call its previous version.  This kind of re-use is called a super call, since the overridden method of the base type is called. 





When they are invoked, instance and virtual methods are passed the value on which this invocation is to operate (known as this or a this pointer). 





A (typically) small piece of code used to provide a transition between two pieces of code where special handling is required




Try block

In the CLI, a method may define a range of CIL instructions that are said to be protected.  This is called the try block. 



Exception Handling

Type definers

Type definers construct a new type from existing types.



Type Definers

Type definition               

The type definition:

·              Defines a name for the type being defined, i.e. the type name, and specifies a scope in which that name will be found

·              Defines a member scope in which the names of the different kinds of members (fields, methods, events, and properties) are bound.  The tuple of  (member name, member kind, and member signature) is unique within a member scope of a type.

·              Implicitly assigns the type to the assembly scope of the assembly that contains the type definition.



Assemblies and Scoping

Type inheritance

Inheritance of types is another way of saying that the derived type guarantees support for all of the type contracts of the base type.  In addition, the derived type usually provides additional functionality or specialized behavior. 



Type Inheritance

Type members

Object type definitions include member definitions for all of the members of the type.  Briefly, members of a type include fields into which values are stored, methods that may be invoked, properties that are available, and events that may be raised.



Type Members

Type safety

An implementation that lives up to the enforceable part of the contract (the named signatures) is said to be typesafe



Type Safety and Verification

Type signatures

Type signatures define the constraints on a value and its usage.


Type Signatures

Typed reference parameters

 A runtime representation of the data type is passed along with the address of the data, and the type of the parameter is therefore one specially supplied for this purpose.



Parameter Passing


Types describe values. All places where values are stored, passed, or operated upon have a type, e.g. all variables, parameters, evaluation stack locations, and method results. The type defines the allowable values and the allowable operations supported by the values of the type.  All operators and functions have expected types for each of the values accessed or used. 



Values and Types

Unary operators

Unary operators take one argument, perform some operation on it, and return the result.  They are represented as static methods on the class that defines the type of their one operand or their return type. 



Unary Operators


Unbox is a narrowing (runtime exception may be generated) operation that converts a System.Object (whose runtime type is a value type) to a value type instance.


Boxing and Unboxing

Unmanaged Code

[Code that does not require the runtime for execution. This code may not use the common type system or other features of the runtime.  Traditional native code (before the CLI) is considered unmanaged]




Unmanaged pointer types

An unmanaged pointer type (also known simply as a “pointer type”) is defined by specifying a location signature for the location the pointer references. Any signature of a pointer type includes this location signature.



Unmanaged Pointer Types


Validation refers to a set of tests that can be performed on any file to check that the file format, metadata, and CIL are self-consistent.



Validation and Verification

Value type inheritance

Value Types, in their unboxed form, do not inherit from any type. 



Value Type inheritance

Value types

In contrast to classes, value types (see Partition I) are not accessed by using a reference but are stored directly in the location of that type.



Semantics of Value Types


The representation of a value (except for those of built-in types) can be subdivided into sub-values. These sub-values are either named, in which case they are called fields, or they are accessed by an indexing expression, in which case they are called array elements.



Fields, Array Elements, and Values

Vararg Methods

vararg methods accept a variable number of arguments. 



Vararg methods

Variable argument lists

The CLI works in conjunction with the class library to implement methods that accept argument lists of unknown length and type (“varargs methods”). 


Variable Argument Lists


Vectors are single-dimension arrays with a zero lower bound.





Memory safety is a property that ensures programs running in the same address space are correctly isolated from one another …Thus, it is desirable to test whether programs are memory safe prior to running them. Unfortunately, it is provably impossible to do this with 100% accuracy. Instead, the CLI can test a stronger restriction, called verifiability.





Verification refers to a check of both CIL and its related metadata to ensure that the CIL code sequences do not permit any access to memory outside the program’s logical address space.



Validation and Verification

Version Number

The version number of the assembly, specified as four 32-bit integers


Version Numbers

Virtual call

..A virtual method may be invoked by a special mechanism (a virtual call) that chooses the implementation based on the dynamically detected type of the instance used to make the virtual call rather than the type statically known at compile time.



Virtual Methods

Virtual calling convention

The CIL provides a “virtual calling convention” that is converted by an interpreter or JIT compiler into a native calling convention. 


Virtual Calling Convention

Virtual execution system

The Virtual Execution System (VES) provides an environment for executing managed code.  It provides direct support for a set of built-in data types, defines a hypothetical machine with an associated machine model and state, a set of control flow constructs, and an exception handling model. 



Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure

Virtual methods

Virtual methods are associated with an instance of a type in much the same way as for instance methods. However, unlike instance methods, it is possible to call a virtual method in such a way that the implementation of the method shall be chosen at runtime by the VES depends upon the type of object used for the this pointer. 



Static, Instance, and Virtual Methods


Attached only to top-level types, and there are only two possibilities: visible to types within the same assembly, or visible to types regardless of assembly.



Visibility of Top-Level Types and Accessibility of Nested Types


If a type overrides an inherited method, it may widen, but it shall not narrow, the accessibility of that method.



Accessibility and Overriding

XML Library

This Library is part of the Compact Profile.  It provides a simple “pull-style” parser for XML.  It is designed for resource-constrained devices, yet provides a simple user model.



XML Library


5         Overview of the Common Language Infrastructure

The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) provides a specification for executable code and the execution environment (the Virtual Execution System, or VES) in which it runs.  Executable code is presented to the VES as  modules.  A module is a single file containing executable content in the format specified in Partition II_cor_security.

The remainder of this section and its subsections contain only informative text

At the center of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a single type system, the Common Type System (CTS), that is shared by compilers, tools, and the CLI itself. It is the model that defines the rules the CLI follows when declaring, using, and managing types. The CTS establishes a framework that enables cross-language integration, type safety, and high performance code execution. This section describes the architecture of CLI by describing the CTS.

The following four areas are covered in this section:

·              The Common Type System.  See Chapter 7_cor_Common_Type_System.  The Common Type System (CTS) provides a rich type system that supports the types and operations found in many programming languages.  The Common Type System is intended to support the complete implementation of a wide range of programming languages. 

·              Metadata.  See Chapter 8_cor_CLI_Metedata. The CLI uses metadata to describe and reference the types defined by the Common Type System. Metadata is stored (“persisted”) in a way that is independent of any particular programming language. Thus, metadata provides a common interchange mechanism for use between tools that manipulate programs (compilers, debuggers, etc.) as well as between these tools and the Virtual Execution System. 

·              The Common Language Specification. See Chapter 9_cor_Name_and_Type_Rules_for_the_Common_Language_System. The Common Language Specification is an agreement between language designers and framework.  (class library) designers.  It specifies a subset of the CTS Type System and a set of usage conventions.  Languages provide their users the greatest ability to access frameworks by implementing at least those parts of the CTS that are part of the CLS.  Similarly, frameworks will be most widely used if their publicly exposed aspects (classes, interfaces, methods, fields, etc.) use only types that are part of the CLS and adhere to the CLS conventions.

·              The Virtual Execution System.  See Chapter 11_cor_Virtual_Execution_System. The Virtual Execution System (VES) implements and enforces the CTS model. The VES is responsible for loading and running programs written for the CLI.  It provides the services needed to execute managed code and data, using the metadata to connect separately generated modules together at runtime (late binding).  

Together, these aspects of the CLI form a unifying framework for designing, developing, deploying, and executing distributed components and applications. The appropriate subset of the Common Type System is available from each programming language that targets the CLI. Language-based tools communicate with each other and with the Virtual Execution System using metadata to define and reference the types used to construct the application. The Virtual Execution System uses the metadata to create instances of the types as needed and to provide data type information to other parts of the infrastructure (such as remoting services, assembly downloading, security, etc.).

5.1         Relationship to Type Safety

Type safety is usually discussed in terms of what it does, e.g. guaranteeing encapsulation between different objects, or in terms of what it prevents, e.g. memory corruption by writing where one shouldn’t. However, from the point of view of the Common Type System, type safety guarantees that:

·              References are what they say they are - Every reference is typed and the object or value referenced also has a type, and they are assignment compatible (see Section 7.7_cor_assignment_compatibility).

·              Identities are who they say they are - There is no way to corrupt or spoof an object, and by implication a user or security domain. The access to an object is through accessible functions and fields. An object may still be designed in such a way that security is compromised. However, a local analysis of the class, its methods, and the things it uses, as opposed to a global analysis of all uses of a class, is sufficient to assess the vulnerabilities.

·              Only appropriate operations can be invoked – The reference type defines the accessible functions and fields. This includes limiting visibility based on where the reference is, e.g. protected fields only visible in subclasses.

The Common Type System promotes type safety e.g. everything is typed. Type safety can be optionally enforced. The hard problem is determining if an implementation conforms to a typesafe declaration. Since the declarations are carried along as metadata with the compiled form of the program, a compiler from the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) to native code (see Section 7.8_cor_Type_Saftey_and_Information) can type-check the implementations.

5.2         Relationship to Managed Metadata-driven Execution

Metadata describes code by describing the types that the code defines and the types that it references externally. The compiler produces the metadata when the code is produced. Enough information is stored in the metadata to:

·              Manage code execution – not just load and execute, but also memory management and execution state inspection.

·              Administer the code – Installation, resolution, and other services

·              Reference types in the code – Importing into other languages and tools as well as scripting and automation support.

The Common Type System assumes that the execution environment is metadata-driven. Using metadata allows the CLI to support:

·              Multiple execution models - The metadata also allows the execution environment to deal with a mixture of interpreted, JITted, native and legacy code and still present uniform services to things like debuggers or profilers, consistent exception handling and unwinding, reliable code access security, and efficient memory management.

·              Auto support for services - Since the metadata is available at execution time, the execution environment and the base libraries can automatically supply support for reflection, automation, serialization, remote objects, and inter-operability with existing unmanaged native code with little or no effort on the part of the programmer.

·              Better optimization – Using metadata references instead of physical offsets, layouts, and sizes allows the CLI to optimize the physical layouts of members and dispatch tables.  In addition, this allows the generated code to be optimized to match the particular CPU or environment.

·              Reduced binding brittleness – Using metadata references reduces version-to-version brittleness by replacing compile-time object layout with load-time layout and binding by name.

·              Flexible deployment resolution - Since we can have metadata for both the reference and the definition of a type, more robust and flexible deployment and resolution mechanisms are possible. Resolution means that by looking in the appropriate set of places it is possible to find the implementation that best satisfies these requirements for use in this context. There are five elements of information in the foregoing: two items are made available via metadata (requirements and context); the others come from application packaging and deployment (where to look, how to find an implementation, and how to decide the best match).

5.2.1         Managed Code

Managed code is simply code that provides enough information to allow the CLI to provide a set of core services, including

·              Given an address inside the code for a method, locate the metadata describing the method

·              Walk the stack

·              Handle exceptions

·              Store and retrieve security information

This standard specifies a particular instruction set, the Common Intermediate Language (CIL, see Partition III), and a file format (see Partition II) for storing and transmitting managed code.

5.2.2         Managed Data

Managed data is data that is allocated and released automatically by the CLI, through a process called garbage collection. Only managed code can access managed data, but programs that are written in managed code can access both managed and unmanaged data.

5.2.3         Summary

The Common Type System is about integration between languages: using another language’s objects as if they were one’s own.

The objective of the CLI is to make it easier to write components and applications from any language. It does this by defining a standard set of types, making all components fully self-describing, and providing a high performance common execution environment. This ensures that all CLI compliant system services and components will be accessible to all CLI aware languages and tools. In addition, this simplifies deployment of components and applications that use them, all in a way that allows compilers and other tools to leverage the high performance execution environment. The Common Type System covers, at a high level, the concepts and interactions that make all of this possible.

The discussion is broken down into four areas:

·              Type System – What types are and how to define them.

·              Metadata – How types are described and how those descriptions are stored.

·              Common Language Specification – Restrictions required for language interoperability.

·              Virtual Execution System – How code is executed and types are instantiated, interact, and die.

End informative text

6         Common Language Specification (CLS)

6.1         Introduction

The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a set of rules intended to promote language interoperability. These rules shall be followed in order to conform to the CLS.  They are described in greater detail in subsequent chapters and are summarized in Chapter 10. CLS conformance is a characteristic of assemblies that are generated for execution on a CLI implementation.  Such assemblies must conform to the CLI specification, in addition to the CLS rules. These additional rules apply only to types that are visible in assemblies other than those in which they are defined, and to the members (fields, methods, properties, events, and nested types) that are accessible outside the assembly (i.e. those that have an accessibility of public, family, or family-or-assembly).

Note: A library consisting of CLS-compliant code is herein referred to as a “framework”.  Compilers that generate code for the CLI may be designed to make use of such libraries, but not to be able to produce or extend such library code.  These compilers are referred to as “consumers”.  Compilers that are designed to both produce and extend frameworks are referred to as “extenders”. In the description of each CLS rule, additional informative text is provided to assist the reader in understanding the rule’s implication for each of these situations.

6.2         Views of CLS Compliance

This section and its subsections contain only informative text

The CLS is a set of rules that apply to generated assemblies. Because the CLS is designed to support interoperability for libraries and the high-level programming languages used to write them, it is often useful to think of the CLS rules from the perspective of the high-level source code and tools, such as compilers, that are used in the process of generating assemblies. For this reason, informative notes are added to the description of CLS rules to assist the reader in understanding the rule’s implications for several different classes of tools and users. The different viewpoints used in the description are called framework, consumer, and extender and are described here.

6.2.1         CLS Framework

A library consisting of CLS-compliant code is herein referred to as a “framework”. Frameworks (libraries) are designed for use by a wide range of programming languages and tools, including both CLS consumer and extender languages. By adhering to the rules of the CLS, authors of libraries ensure that the libraries will be usable by a larger class of tools than if they chose not to adhere to the CLS rules. The following are some additional guidelines that CLS-compliant frameworks should follow:

·              Avoid the use of names commonly used as keywords in programming languages

·              Should not expect users of the framework to be able to author nested types

·              Should assume that implementations of methods of the same name and signature on different interfaces are independent.

·              Should not rely on initialization of value types to be performed automatically based on specified initializer values.

6.2.2         CLS Consumer

A CLS consumer is a language or tool that is designed to allow access to all of the features supplied by CLS-compliant frameworks (libraries), but not necessarily be able to produce them. The following is a partial list of things CLS consumer tools are expected to be able to do:

·              Support calling any CLS-compliant method or delegate

·              Have a mechanism for calling methods that have names that are keywords in the language

·              Support calling distinct methods supported by a type that have the same name and signature, but implement different interfaces

·              Create an instance of any CLS-compliant type

·              Read and modify any CLS-compliant field

·              Access nested types

·              Access any CLS-compliant property. This does not require any special support other than the ability to call the getter and setter methods of the property.

·              Access any CLS-compliant event. This does not require any special support other than the ability to call methods defined for the event.

The following is a list of things CLS consumer tools need not support:

·              Creation of new types or interfaces

·              Initialization metadata (See Partition II) on fields and parameters other than static literal fields. Note that consumers may choose to use initialization metadata, but may also safely ignore such metadata on anything other than static literal fields.

6.2.3         CLS Extender

A CLS extender is a language or tool that is designed to allow programmers to both use and extend CLS-compliant frameworks. CLS extenders support a superset of the behavior supported by a CLS consumer, i.e., everything that applies to a CLS consumer also applies to CLS extenders. In addition to the requirements of a consumer, extenders are expected to be able to:

·              Define new CLS-compliant types that extend any (non-sealed) CLS-compliant base class

·              Have some mechanism for defining types with names that are keywords in the language

·              Provide independent implementations for all methods of all interfaces supported by a type. That is, it is not sufficient for an extender to require a single code body to implement all interface methods of the same name and signature.

·              Implement any CLS-compliant interface

·              Place any CLS-compliant custom attribute on all appropriate elements of metadata

Extenders need not support the following:

·              Definition of new CLS-compliant interfaces

·              Definition of nested types

The common language specification is designed to be large enough that it is properly expressive and small enough that all languages can reasonably accommodate it.

End informative text

6.3         CLS Compliance

As these rules are introduced in detail, they are described in a common format. For an example, see the first rule below.  The first paragraph specifies the rule itself. This is then followed by an informative description of the implications of the rule from the three different viewpoints as described above.

Assemblies, types, and members of types may be marked with a particular custom attribute (see Section 6.3.1_cor_Marking_Items_as_CLS_Compliant) to indicate whether or not they comply with the CLS rules. Absent this attribute, assemblies, types and members of types shall not be assumed to be CLS compliant. If an assembly is marked as CLS compliant, then all of the types within it shall be assumed to be CLS compliant unless explicitly marked otherwise, and if a type is assumed to be CLS compliant then so shall all of its members unless they are explicitly marked otherwise.    Similarly, if an assembly (or type) is marked as non-CLS compliant, then all of the types (or members) within it shall be assumed to be non-CLS compliant, unless explicitly marked otherwise.

The CLS defines language interoperability rules, which apply only to “externally visible” items. The CLS unit of that language interoperability is the assembly– that is, within a single assembly there are no restrictions as to the programming techniques that are used. Thus, the CLS rules apply only to items that are visible (see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_Accessability_Security) outside of their defining assembly and have public, family, or family-or-assembly accessibility (see clause

CLS Rule 1: CLS rules apply only to those parts of a type that are accessible or visible outside of the defining assembly.


CLS (consumer): no impact.

CLS (extender): when checking CLS compliance at compile time, be sure to apply the rules only to information that will be exposed outside the assembly.

CLS (framework): CLS rules do not apply to internal implementation within an assembly.A type is CLS-compliant if all its publicly accessible parts (those classes, interfaces, methods, fields, properties, and events that are available to code executing in another assembly) either

·              have signatures composed only of CLS-compliant types, or

·              are specifically marked as not CLS-compliant

Any construct that would make it impossible to rapidly verify code is excluded from the CLS. This allows all CLS-compliant languages to produce verifiable code if they so choose.

6.3.1         Marking Items as CLS-Compliant

The CLS specifies how to mark externally visible parts of an assembly to indicate whether or not they comply with the CLS requirements. This is done using the custom attribute mechanism (see Section 8.7_cor_Metadata_Extensibility and Partition II). The class System.CLSCompliantAttribute (see Partition IV) indicates which assemblies are CLS-compliant and which types and type members are not CLS-compliant in a compliant assembly.

The constructor for System.CLSCompliantAttribute takes a Boolean argument indicating whether the item with which it is associated is or is not CLS-compliant. This allows any item (assembly, type, or type member) to be explicitly marked as CLS-compliant or not.

The rules for determining CLS compliance are:

·              If no System.CLSCompliantAttribute is associated with a given assembly, that assembly is assumed not to be CLS-compliant.

·              A type is assumed to be CLS-compliant if and only if its enclosing type (for nested types) or assembly (for top-level types) is CLS-compliant, but may be marked as non-compliant (CLSCompliantAttribute(false)).

·              Other members (methods, fields, properties and events) are assumed to be CLS-compliant if and only if the type in which it is defined is CLS-compliant, but they may be marked as non-compliant (CLSCompliantAttribute(false)).

CLS Rule 2: Types whose CLS-compliance differs from that of the assembly in which they are defined shall be so marked with the System.CLSCompliantAttribute. Similarly, members whose CLS-compliance differs from that of their class shall also be so marked.


CLS (consumer): May ignore any member that is marked as not CLS- compliant using the above rules.

CLS (extender): Should encourage correct labeling of newly authored assemblies, classes, interfaces, and methods.  Compile-time enforcement of the CLS rules is strongly encouraged.

CLS (framework): Shall correctly label all publicly exposed members as to their CLS compliance. The rules specified here may be used to minimize the number of markers required (for example, label the entire assembly if all types and members are compliant or if there are only a few exceptions that need to be marked).

7         Common Type System

Types describe values and specify a contract (see Section 7.6_cor_Contracts) that all values of that type shall support. Because the CTS supports Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) as well as functional and procedural programming languages, it deals with two kinds of entities: Objects and Values. Values are simple bit patterns for things like integers and floats; each value has a type that describes both the storage that it occupies and the meanings of the bits in its representation, and also the operations that may be performed on that representation. Values are intended for representing the corresponding simple types in programming languages like C, and also for representing non-objects in languages like C++ and Java™.

Objects have rather more to them than do values. Each object is self-typing, that is, its type is explicitly stored in its representation. It has an identity that distinguishes it from all other objects, and it has slots that store other entities (which may be either objects or values). While the contents of its slots may be changed, the identity of an object never changes.

There are several kinds of Objects and Values, as shown in the following diagram.

Figure 1: Type System

7.1         Relationship to Object-Oriented Programming

This section contains only informative text

The term type is often used in the world of value-oriented programming to mean data representation. In the object-oriented world it usually refers to behavior rather than to representation. In the CTS, type is used to mean both of these things: two entities have the same type if and only if they have both compatible representations and behaviors. Thus, in the CTS, if one type is derived from a base type, then instances of the derived type may be substituted for instances of the base type because both the representation and the behavior are compatible.

In the CTS, unlike some OOP languages, two objects that have fundamentally different representations have different types. Some OOP languages use a different notion of type. They consider two objects to have the same type if they respond in the same way to the same set of messages. This notion is captured in the CTS by saying that the objects implement the same interface.

Similarly, some OOP languages (e.g. SmallTalk) consider message passing to be the fundamental model of computation. In the CTS, this corresponds to calling virtual methods (see clause 7.4.4_cor_Virtual_Methods), where the signature of the virtual method serves the role of the message.

The CTS itself does not directly capture the notion of “typeless programming.”  That is, there is no way to call a non-static method without knowing the type of the object. Nevertheless, typeless programming can be implemented based on the facilities provided by the reflection package (see Partition IV) if it is implemented.

End informative text

7.2         Values and Types

Types describe values. All places where values are stored, passed, or operated upon have a type, e.g. all variables, parameters, evaluation stack locations, and method results. The type defines the allowable values and the allowable operations supported by the values of the type. All operators and functions have expected types for each of the values accessed or used.

A value can be of more than one type. A value that supports many interfaces is an example of a value that is of more than one type, as is a value that inherits from another.

7.2.1         Value Types and Reference Types

There are two kinds of types: Value Types and Reference Types.

·              Value Types - Value Types describe values that are represented as sequences of bits.

·              Reference Types – Reference Types describe values that are represented as the location of a sequence of bits.  There are four kinds of Reference Types:

o             An object type is a reference type of a self-describing value (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects).  Some object types (e.g. abstract classes) are only a partial description of a value.

o             An interface type is always a partial description of a value, potentially supported by many object types.

o             A pointer type is a compile time description of a value whose representation is a machine address of a location.

o             Built-in types

7.2.2         Built-in Types

The following data types are an integral part of the CTS and are supported directly by the Virtual Execution System (VES). They have special encoding in the persisted metadata:

Table 1: Special Encoding

Name in CIL assembler
(see Partition II)

CLS Type?

Name in class library
(see Partition IV)





True/false value




Unicode 16-bit char.




Object or boxed value type




Unicode string




IEC 60559:1989 32-bit float




IEC 60559:1989 64-bit float




Signed 8-bit integer




Signed 16-bit integer




Signed 32-bit integer




Signed 64-bit integer

native int



Signed integer, native size

native unsigned int



Unsigned integer, native size




Pointer plus runtime type

unsigned int8



Unsigned 8-bit integer

unsigned int16



Unsigned 16-bit integer

unsigned int32



Unsigned 32-bit integer

unsigned int64



Unsigned 64-bit integer


7.2.3         Classes, Interfaces and Objects

Every value has an exact type that fully describes the value. A type fully describes a value if it completely defines the value’s representation and the operations defined on the value.

For a Value Type, defining the representation entails describing the sequence of bits that make up the value’s representation. For a Reference Type, defining the representation entails describing the location and the sequence of bits that make up the value’s representation.

A method describes an operation that may be performed on values of an exact type. Defining the set of operations allowed on values of an exact type entails specifying named methods for each operation.

Some types are only a partial description, e.g. interface types. Interface types describe a subset of the operations and none of the representation, and hence, cannot be an exact type of any value. Hence, while a value has only one exact type, it may also be a value of many other types as well. Furthermore, since the exact type fully describes the value, it also fully specifies all of the other types that a value of the exact type can have.

While it is true that every value has an exact type, it is not always possible to determine the exact type by inspecting the representation of the value. In particular, it is never possible to determine the exact type of a value of a Value Type. Consider two of the built-in Value Types, 32-bit signed and unsigned integers. While each type is a full specification of their respective values, i.e. an exact type, there is no way to derive that exact type from a value’s particular 32-bit sequence.

For some values, called objects, it is always possible to determine the exact type from the value. Exact types of objects are also called object types. Objects are values of Reference Types, but not all Reference Types describe objects. Consider a value that is a pointer to a 32-bit integer, a kind of Reference Type. There is no way to discover the type of the value by examining the pointer bits, hence it is not an object. Now consider the built-in CTS Reference Type System.String (see Partition IV). The exact type of a value of this type is always determinable by examining the value, hence values of type System.String are objects and System.String is an object type.

7.2.4         Boxing and Unboxing of Values

For every Value Type, the CTS defines a corresponding Reference Type called the boxed type. The reverse is not true: Reference Types do not in general have a corresponding Value Type. The representation of a value of a boxed type (a boxed value) is a location where a value of the Value Type may be stored. A boxed type is an object type and a boxed value is an object.

All Value Types have an operation called box. Boxing a value of any Value Type produces its boxed value, i.e. a value of the corresponding boxed type containing a bit copy of the original value. All boxed types have an operation called unbox. Unboxing results in a managed pointer to the bit representation of the value.

Notice that interfaces and inheritance are defined only on Reference types. Thus, while a Value Type definition (see clause 7.9.7_cor_Value_Type_Definitions) can specify both interfaces that shall be implemented by the Value Type and the class (System.ValueType or System.Enum) from which it inherits, these apply only to boxed values.

CLS Rule 3: The CLS does not include boxed value types.


In lieu of boxed types, use System.Object, System.ValueType or System.Enum, as appropriate.  (See Partition IV)

CLS (consumer): need not import boxed value types.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax for defining or using boxed value types.

CLS (framework): shall not use boxed value types in their publicly exposed aspects.

7.2.5         Identity and Equality of Values

There are two binary operators defined on all pairs of values, identity and equality, that return a Boolean result. Both of these operators are mathematical equivalence operators, i.e. they are:

·              Reflexive - a op a is true.

·              Symmetric - a op b is true if and only if b op a is true.

·              Transitive - if a op b is true and b op c is true, then a op c is true

In addition, identity always implies equality, but not the reverse, i.e., the equality operator need not be the same as the identity operator as long as two identical values are also equal values.

To understand the difference between these operations, consider three variables whose type is System.String, where the arrow is intended to mean “is a reference to”:

The values of the variables are identical if the locations of the sequences of characters are the same, i.e., there is in fact only one string in memory. The values stored in the variables are equal if the sequences of characters are the same. Thus, the values of variables A and B are identical, the values of variables A and C as well as B and C are not identical, and the values of all three of A, B, and C are equal.          Identity

The identity operator is defined by the CTS as follows.

·              If the values have different exact types, then they are not identical.

·              Otherwise, if their exact type is a Value Type, then they are identical if and only if the bit sequences of the values are the same, bit by bit.

·              Otherwise, if their exact type is a Reference Type, then they are identical if and only if the locations of the values are the same.

Identity is implemented on System.Object via the ReferenceEquals method.          Equality

For value types, the equality operator is part of the definition of the exact type. Definitions of equality should obey the following rules:

·              Equality should be an equivalence operator, as defined above.

·              Identity should imply equality, as stated earlier.

·              If either (or both) operand is a boxed value, equality should be computed by

o             first unboxing any boxed operand(s), and then

o             applying the usual rules for equality on the resulting values.

Equality is implemented on System.Object via the Equals method.

Note: Although two floating point NaNs are defined by IEC 60559:1989 to always compare as unequal, the contract for System.Object.Equals, requires that overrides must satisfy the requirements for an equivalence operator. Therefore, System.Double.Equals and System.Single.Equals return True when comparing two NaNs, while the equality operator returns False in that case, as required by the standard.

7.3         Locations

Values are stored in locations. A location can hold a single value at a time. All locations are typed. The type of the location embodies the requirements that shall be met by values that are stored in the location. Examples of locations are local variables and parameters.

More importantly, the type of the location specifies the restrictions on usage of any value that is loaded from the location. For example, a location can hold values of potentially many exact types as long as all of the values are assignment compatible with the type of the location (see below). All values loaded from a location are treated as if they are of the type of the location. Only operations valid for the type of the location may be invoked even if the exact type of the value stored in the location is capable of additional operations.

7.3.1         Assignment Compatible Locations

A value may be stored in a location only if one of the types of the value is assignment compatible with the type of the location. A type is always assignment compatible with itself. Assignment compatibility can often be determined at compile time, in which case there is no need for testing at run time. Assignment compatibility is described in detail in Section 7.7_cor_assignment_compatibility.

7.3.2         Coercion

Sometimes it is desirable to take a value of a type that is not assignment compatible with a location and convert the value to a type that is assignment compatible. This is accomplished through coercion of the value. Coercion takes a value of a particular type and a desired type and attempts to create a value of the desired type that has equivalent meaning to the original value. Coercion can result in representation changes as well as type changes, hence coercion does not necessarily preserve the identity of two objects.

There are two kinds of coercion: widening, which never loses information, and narrowing, in which information may be lost. An example of a widening coercion would be coercing a value that is a 32-bit signed integer to a value that is a 64-bit signed integer. An example of a narrowing coercion is the reverse: coercing a 64-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer. Programming languages often implement widening coercions as implicit  conversions, whereas narrowing coercions usually require an explicit conversion.

Some widening coercion is built directly into the VES operations on the built-in types (see Section 11.1_cor_COM__Execution_Engine_Architecture). All other coercion shall be explicitly requested. For the built-in types, the CTS provides operations to perform widening coercions with no runtime checks and narrowing coercions with runtime checks.

7.3.3         Casting

Since a value can be of more than one type, a use of the value needs to clearly identify which of its types is being used. Since values are read from locations that are typed, the type of the value which is used is the type of the location from which the value was read. If a different type is to be used, the value is cast to one of its other types. Casting is usually a compile time operation, but if the compiler cannot statically know that the value is of the target type, a runtime cast check is done. Unlike coercion, a cast never changes the actual type of an object nor does it change the representation. Casting preserves the identity of objects.

For example, a runtime check may be needed when casting a value read from a location that is typed as holding values of a particular interface. Since an interface is an incomplete description of the value, casting that value to be of a different interface type will usually result in a runtime cast check.

7.4          Type Members

As stated above, the type defines the allowable values and the allowable operations supported by the values of the type. If the allowable values of the type have a substructure, that substructure is described via fields or array elements of the type. If there are operations that are part of the type, those operations are described via methods on the type. Fields, array elements, and methods are called members of the type. Properties and events are also members of the type.

7.4.1         Fields, Array Elements, and Values

The representation of a value (except for those of built-in types) can be subdivided into sub-values. These sub-values are either named, in which case they are called fields, or they are accessed by an indexing expression, in which case they are called array elements. Types that describe values composed of array elements are array types. Types that describe values composed of fields are compound types. A value cannot contain both fields and array elements, although a field of a compound type may be an array type and an array element may be a compound type.

Array elements and fields are typed, and these types never change. All of the array elements shall have the same type. Each field of a compound type may have a different type.

7.4.2         Methods

A type may associate operations with the type or with each instance of the type. Such operations are called methods. A method is named, and has a signature (see clause 7.6.1_cor_signatures) that specifies the allowable types for all of its arguments and for its return value, if any.

A method that is associated only with the type itself (as opposed to a particular instance of the type) is called a static method (see clause 7.4.3_cor_Static_Fields_Methods).

A method that is associated with an instance of the type is either an instance method or a virtual method (see clause 7.4.4_cor_Virtual_Methods). When they are invoked, instance and virtual methods are passed the instance on which this invocation is to operate (known as this or a this pointer).

The fundamental difference between an instance method and a virtual method is in how the implementation is located. An instance method is invoked by specifying a class and the instance method within that class. The object passed as this may be null (a special value indicating that no instance is being specified) or an instance of any type that inherits (see clause 7.9.8) from the class that defines the method. A virtual method may also be called in this manner. This occurs, for example, when an implementation of a virtual method wishes to call the implementation supplied by its parent class. The CTS allows this to be null inside the body of a virtual method.

Rationale: Allowing a virtual method to be called with a non-virtual call eliminates the need for a “call super” instruction and allows version changes between virtual and non-virtual methods.  It requires CIL generators to insert explicit tests for a null pointer if they don’t want the null this pointer to propagate to called methods.

A virtual or instance method may also be called by a different mechanism, a virtual call. Any type that inherits from a type that defines a virtual method may provide its own implementation of that method (this is known as overriding, see clause 7.10.4). It is the exact type of the object (determined at runtime) that is used to decide which of the implementations to invoke

7.4.3         Static Fields and Static Methods

Types may declare locations that are associated with the type rather than any particular value of the type. Such locations are static fields of the type. As such, static fields declare a location that is shared by all values of the type. Just like non-static (instance) fields, a static field is typed and that type never changes. Static fields are always restricted to a single application domain basis (see Section 11.5), but they may also be allocated on a per-thread basis.

Similarly, types may also declare methods that are associated with the type rather than with values of the type. Such methods are static methods of the type. Since an invocation of a static method does not have an associated value on which the static method operates, there is no this pointer available within a static method.

7.4.4         Virtual Methods

An object type may declare any of its methods as virtual. Unlike other methods, each exact type that implements the type may provide its own implementation of a virtual method. A virtual method may be invoked through the ordinary method call mechanism that uses the static type, method name, and types of parameters to choose an implementation, in which case the this pointer may be null. In addition, however, a virtual method may be invoked by a special mechanism (a virtual call) that chooses the implementation based on the dynamically detected type of the instance used to make the virtual call rather than the type statically known at compile time. Virtual methods may be marked final (see clause 7.10.2).

7.5          Naming

Names are given to entities of the type system so that they can be referred to by other parts of the type system or by the implementations of the types. Types, fields, methods, properties and events have names. With respect to the type system values, locals, and parameters do not have names. An entity of the type system is given a single name, e.g. there is only one name for a type.

7.5.1         Valid Names

All comparisons are done on a byte-by-byte (i.e. case sensitive, locale-independent, also known as code-point comparison) basis. Where names are used to access built-in VES-supplied functionality (for example, the class initialization method) there is always an accompanying indication on the definition so as not to build in any set of reserved names.

CLS Rule 4: Assemblies shall follow Annex 7 of Technical Report 15 of the Unicode Standard 3.0 (ISBN 0-201-61633-5) governing the set of characters permitted to start and be included in identifiers, available on-line at Identifiers shall be in the canonical format defined by Unicode Normalization Form C. For CLS purposes, two identifiers are the same if their lowercase mappings (as specified by the Unicode locale-insensitive, 1-1 lowercase mappings) are the same.  That is, for two identifiers to be considered different under the CLS they shall differ in more than simply their case. However, in order to override an inherited definition the CLI requires the precise encoding of the original declaration be used.


CLS (consumer): need not consume types that violate CLS rule 4, but shall have a mechanism to allow access to named items that use one of its own keywords as the name.

CLS (extender): need not create types that violate CLS rule 4.  Shall provide a mechanism for defining new names that obey these rules but are the same as a keyword in the language.

CLS (framework): shall not export types that violate CLS rule 4.  Should avoid the use of names that are commonly used as keywords in programming languages (see Partition V Annex D)

7.5.2         Assemblies and Scoping

Generally, names are not unique. Names are collected into groupings called scopes. Within a scope, a name may refer to multiple entities as long as they are of different kinds (methods, fields, nested types, properties, and events) or have different signatures.

CLS Rule 5: All names introduced in a CLS-compliant scope shall be distinct independent of kind, except where the names are identical and resolved via overloading.  That is, while the CTS allows a single type to use the same name for a method and a field, the CLS does not.

CLS Rule 6: Fields and nested types shall be distinct by identifier comparison alone, even though the CTS allows distinct signatures to be distinguished.  Methods, properties, and events that have the same name (by identifier comparison) shall differ by more than just the return type, except as specified in CLS Rule 39.


CLS (consumer): need not consume types that violate these rules after ignoring any members that are marked as not CLS-compliant.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax for defining types that violate these rules.

CLS (framework): shall not mark types as CLS-compliant if they violate these rules unless they mark sufficient offending items within the type as not CLS-compliant so that the remaining members do not conflict with one another.

A named entity has its name in exactly one scope. Hence, to identify a named entity, both a scope and a name need to be supplied. The scope is said to qualify the name. Types provide a scope for the names in the type; hence types qualify the names in the type. For example, consider a compound type Point that has a field named x. The name “field x” by itself does not uniquely identify the named field, but the qualified name “field x in type Point” does.

Since types are named, the names of types are also grouped into scopes. To fully identify a type, the type name shall be qualified by the scope that includes the type name. Type names are scoped by the assembly that contains the implementation of the type. An assembly is a configured set of loadable code modules and other resources that together implement a unit of functionality. The type name is said to be in the assembly scope of the assembly that implements the type. Assemblies themselves have names that form the basis of the CTS naming hierarchy_cor_compliance.

The type definition:

·              Defines a name for the type being defined, i.e. the type name, and specifies a scope in which that name will be found

·              Defines a member scope in which the names of the different kinds of members (fields, methods, events, and properties) are bound.  The tuple of  (member name, member kind, and member signature) is unique within a member scope of a type.

·              Implicitly assigns the type to the assembly scope of the assembly that contains the type definition.

The CTS supports an enum (also known as an enumeration type), an alternate name for an existing type. For purposes of matching signatures an enum shall not be the same as the underlying type. Instances of an enum, however, shall be assignment compatible with the underlying type and vice versa. That is: no cast (see clause 7.3.3) or coercion (see clause 7.3.2) is required to convert from the enum to the underlying type, nor are they required from the underlying type to the enum. An enum is considerably more restricted than a true type:

·              It shall have exactly one instance field, and the type of that field defines the underlying type of the enumeration.

·              It shall not have any methods of its own.

·              It shall derive from System.Enum (see Partition IV).

·              It  shall not implement any interfaces of its own.

·              It shall not have any properties or events of its own.

·              It shall not have any static fields unless they are literal (see clause 7.6.1).

The underlying type shall be a built-in integer type. Enums shall derive from System.Enum, hence they are value types. Like all value types, they shall be sealed (see clause 7.9.9).

CLS Rule 7: The underlying type of an enum shall be a built-in CLS integer type.

CLS Rule 8: There are two distinct kinds of enums, indicated by the presence or absence of the System.FlagsAttribute (see Partition IV) custom attribute.  One represents named integer values, the other named bit flags that can be combined to generate an unnamed value.  The value of an enum is not limited to the specified values.

CLS Rule 9: Literal static fields (see clause 7.6.1) of an enum shall have the type of the enum itself.


CLS (consumer): Shall accept definition of enums that follow these rules, but need not distinguish flags from named values.

CLS (extender): Same as consumer. Extender languages are encouraged to allow the authoring of enums, but need not do so.

CLS (framework): shall not expose enums that violate these rules, and shall not assume that enums have only the specified values (even for enums that are named values).

7.5.3         Visibility, Accessibility, and Security

To refer to a named entity in a scope, both the scope and the name in the scope shall be visible (see clause Visibility is determined by the relationship between the entity that contains the reference (the referent) and the entity that contains the name being referenced. Consider the following pseudo-code:

class A
{ int32 IntInsideA;
class B inherits from A
{ method X(int32, int32) returning Boolean
  { IntInsideA := 15;

If we consider the reference to the field IntInsideA in class A:

·              We call class B the referent because it has a method that refers to that field,

·              We call IntInsideA in class A the referenced entity.

There are two fundamental questions that need to be answered in order to decide whether the referent is allowed to access the referenced entity. The first is whether the name of the referenced entity is visible to the referent. If it is visible, then there is a separate question of whether the referent is accessible (see clause

Access to a member of a type is permitted only if all three of the following conditions are met:

1.             The type is visible.

2.             The member is accessible.

3.             All relevant security demands (see clause have been granted.          Visibility of Types

Only type names, not member names, have controlled visibility. Type names fall into one of the following three categories

·              Exported from the assembly in which they are defined.  While a type may be marked to allow it to be exported from the assembly, it is the configuration of the assembly that decides whether the type name is made available.

·              Not exported outside the assembly in which they are defined.

·              Nested within another type.  In this case, the type itself has the visibility of the type inside of which it is nested (its enclosing type).  See clause          Accessibility of Members

A type scopes all of its members, and it also specifies the accessibility rules for its members. Except where noted, accessibility is decided based only on the statically visible type of the member being referenced and the type and assembly that is making the reference. The CTS supports seven different rules for accessibility:

·              Compiler-Controlled – accessible only through use of a definition, not a reference, hence only accessible from within a single compilation unit and under the control of the compiler.

·              Private – accessible only to referents in the implementation of the exact type that defines the member.

·              Family – accessible to referents that support the same type, i.e. an exact type and all of the types that inherit from it.  For verifiable code (see Section 7.8), there is an additional requirement that may require a runtime check: the reference shall be made through an item whose exact type supports the exact type of the referent.  That is, the item whose member is being accessed shall inherit from the type performing the access.

·              Assembly – accessible only to referents in the same assembly that contains the implementation of the type.

·              Family-and-Assembly – accessible only to referents that qualify for both Family and Assembly access.

·              Family-or-Assembly – accessible only to referents that qualify for either Family or Assembly access.

·              Public – accessible to all referents.

In general, a member of a type can have any one of these accessibility rules assigned to it. There are two exceptions, however:

1.             Members defined by an interface shall be public.

2.             When a type defines a virtual method that overrides an inherited definition, the accessibility shall either be identical in the two definitions or the overriding definition shall permit more access than the original definition.  For example, it is possible to override an assembly virtual method with a new implementation that is public virtual, but not with one that is family virtual. In the case of overriding a definition derived from another assembly, it is not considered restricting access if the base definition has Family-or-Assembly access and the override has only family access.

Rationale: Languages including C++ allow this “widening” of access.  Restricting access would provide an incorrect illusion of security since simply casting an object to the base class (which occurs implicitly on method call) would allow the method to be called despite the restricted accessibility.  To prevent overriding a virtual method use final (see clause 7.10.2) rather than relying on limited accessibility.


CLS Rule 10: Accessibility shall not be changed when overriding inherited methods, except when overriding a method inherited from a different assembly with accessibility Family-or-Assembly.  In this case the override shall have accessibility family.


CLS (consumer): need not accept types that widen access to inherited virtual methods.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax to widen access to inherited virtual methods.

CLS (frameworks): shall not rely on the ability to widen access to a virtual method, either in the exposed portion of the framework or by users of the framework.          Security Permissions

Access to members is also controlled by security demands that may be attached to an assembly, type, method, property, or event. Security demands are not part of a type contract (see Section 7.6), and hence are not inherited. There are two kinds of demands:

·              An inheritance demand. When attached to a type it requires that any type that wishes to inherit from this type shall have the specified security permission.  When attached to a non-final virtual method it requires that any type that wishes to override this method shall have the specified permission.  It shall not be attached to any other member.

·              A reference demand.  Any attempt to resolve a reference to the marked item shall have specified security permission.

Only one demand of each kind may be attached to any item. Attaching a security demand to an assembly implies that it is attached to all types in the assembly unless another demand of the same kind is attached to the type. Similarly, a demand attached to a type implies the same demand for all members of the type unless another demand of the same kind is attached to the member.  For additional information, see Declarative Security in Partition II, and the classes in the System.Security namespace in Partition IV.          Nested Types

A type (called a nested type) can be a member of an enclosing type. A nested type has the same visibility as the enclosing type and has an accessibility as would any other member of the enclosing type. This accessibility determines which other types may make references to the nested type. That is, for a class to define a field or array element of a nested type, have a method that takes a nested type as a parameter or returns one as value, etc., the nested type shall be both visible and accessible to the referencing type. A nested type is part of the enclosing type so its methods have access to all members of its enclosing type, as well as family access to members of the type from which it inherits (see clause 7.9.8). The names of nested types are scoped by their enclosing type, not their assembly (only top-level types are scoped by their assembly). There is no requirement that the names of nested types be unique within an assembly.

7.6         Contracts

Contracts are named. They are the shared assumptions on a set of signatures (see clause 7.6.1_cor_Signatures) between all implementers and all users of the contract. The signatures are the part of the contract that can be checked and enforced.

Contracts are not types; rather they specify requirements on the implementation of types. Types state which contracts they abide by, i.e. which contracts all implementations of the type shall support. An implementation of a type can be verified to check that the enforceable parts of a contract, the named signatures, have been implemented. The kinds of contracts are:

·              Class contract – A class contract is specified with a class definition. Hence, a class definition defines both the class contract and the class type.  The name of the class contract and the name of the class type are the same.  A class contract specifies the representation of the values of the class type. Additionally, a class contract specifies the other contracts that the class type supports, e.g., which interfaces, methods, properties and events shall be implemented. A class contract, and hence the class type, can be supported by other class types as well.  A class type that supports the class contract of another class type is said to inherit from that class type.

·              Interface contract – An interface contract is specified with an interface definition.  Hence, an interface definition defines both the interface contract and the interface type. The name of the interface contract and the name of the interface type are the same. Many types can support an interface contract. Like a class contract, interface contracts specify which other contracts the interface supports, e.g. which interfaces, methods, properties and events shall be implemented. 

Note: An interface type can never fully describe the representation of a value. Therefore an interface type can never support a class contract, and hence can never be a class type or an exact type.

·              Method contract – A method contract is specified with a method definition.  A method contract is a named operation that specifies the contract between the implementation(s) of the method and the callers of the method.  A method contract is always part of a type contract (class, value type, or interface), and describes how a particular named operation is implemented.  The method contract specifies the contracts that each parameter to the method shall support and the contracts that the return value shall support, if there is a return value.

·              Property contract – A property contract is specified with a property definition.  There is an extensible set of operations for handling a named value, which includes a standard pair for reading the value and changing the value.  A property contract specifies method contracts for the subset of these operations that shall be implemented by any type that supports the property contract.  A type can support many property contracts, but any given property contract can be supported by exactly one type.  Hence, property definitions are a part of the type definition of the type that supports the property. 

·              Event contract – An event contract is specified with an event definition. There is an extensible set of operations for managing a named event, which includes three standard methods (register interest in an event, revoke interest in an event, fire the event).  An event contract specifies method contracts for all of the operations that shall be implemented by any type that supports the event contract. A type can support many event contracts, but any given event contract can be supported by exactly one type.  Hence, event definitions are a part of the type definition of the type that supports the event.

7.6.1         Signatures

Signatures are the part of a contract that can be checked and automatically enforced. Signatures are formed by adding constraints to types and other signatures. A constraint is a limitation on the use of or allowed operations on a value or location. Example constraints would be whether a location may be overwritten with a different value or whether a value may ever be changed.

All locations have signatures, as do all values. Assignment compatibility requires that the signature of the value, including constraints, is compatible with the signature of the location, including constraints. There are four fundamental kinds of signatures: type signatures, location signatures, parameter signatures, and method signatures.

CLS Rule 11: All types appearing in a signature shall be CLS-compliant.

CLS Rule 12: The visibility and accessibility of types and members shall be such that types in the signature of any member shall be visible and accessible whenever the member itself is visible and accessible.  For example, a public method that is visible outside its assembly shall not have an argument whose type is visible only within the assembly.


CLS (consumer): need not accept types whose members violate these rules.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax to violate these rules.

CLS (framework): shall not violate this rule in its exposed types and their members.

The following sections describe the various kinds of signatures. These descriptions are cumulative: the simplest signature is a type signature; a location signature is a type signature plus (optionally) some additional attributes; and so forth.          Type Signatures

Type signatures define the constraints on a value and its usage. A type, by itself, is a valid type signature. The type signature of a value cannot be determined by examining the value or even by knowing the class type of the value. The type signature of a value is derived from the location signature (see below) of the location from which the value is loaded. Normally the type signature of a value is the type in the location signature from which the value is loaded.

Rationale: The distinction between a Type Signature and a Location Signature (below) is not currently useful.  It is made because certain constraints, such as “constant,” are constraints on values not locations.  Future versions of this standard, or non-standard extensions, may introduce type constraints, thus making the distinction meaningful.          Location Signatures

All locations are typed. This means that all locations have a location signature, which defines constraints on the location, its usage, and on the usage of the values stored in the location. Any valid type signature is a valid location signature. Hence, a location signature contains a type and may additionally contain the constant constraint. The location signature may also contain location constraints that give further restrictions on the uses of the location. The location constraints are:

·              The init-only constraint promises (hence, requires) that once the location has been initialized, its contents never change.  Namely, the contents are initialized before any access, and after initialization, no value may be stored in the location. The contents are always identical to the initialized value (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects).  This constraint, while logically applicable to any location, shall only be placed on fields (static or instance) of compound types.

·              The literal constraint promises that the value of the location is actually a fixed value of a built-in type.  The value is specified as part of the constraint.  Compilers are required to replace all references to the location with its value, and the VES therefore need not allocate space for the location.  This constraint, while logically applicable to any location, shall only be placed on static fields of compound types.  Fields that are so marked are not permitted to be referenced from CIL (they shall be in-lined to their constant value at compile time), but are available using Reflection and tools that directly deal with the metadata.

CLS Rule 13: The value of a literal is specified through the use of field initialization metadata (see Partition II). A CLS compliant literal must have a value specified in field initialization metadata that is of exactly the same type as the literal (or of the underlying type, if that literal is an enum)


CLS (consumer): must be able to read field initialization metadata for static literal fields and inline the value specified when referenced. Consumers may assume that the type of the field initialization metadata is exactly the same as the type of the literal field, i.e., a consumer tool need not implement conversions of the values.

CLS (extender): must avoid producing field initialization metadata for static literal fields in which the type of the field initialization metadata does not exactly match the type of the field.

CLS (framework): should avoid the use of syntax specifying a value of a literal that requires conversion of the value. Note that compilers may do the conversion themselves before persisting the field initialization metadata resulting in a CLS compliant framework, but frameworks are encouraged not to rely on such implicit conversions.


Note:  It might seem reasonable to provide a volatile constraint on a location that would require that the value stored in the location not be cached between accesses.  Instead, CIL includes a volatile. prefix to certain instructions to specify that the value neither be cached nor computed using an existing cache.  Such a constraint may be encoded using a custom attribute (see Section 8.7), although this standard does not specify such an attribute.          Local Signatures

A local signature specifies the contract on a local variable allocated during the running of a method. A local signature contains a full location signature, plus it may specify one additional constraint:

The byref constraint states that the content of the corresponding location is a managed pointer. A managed pointer may point to a local variable, parameter, field of a compound type, or element of an array. However, when a call crosses a remoting boundary (see Section 11.5) a conforming implementation may use a copy-in/copy-out mechanism instead of a managed pointer. Thus programs shall not rely on the aliasing behavior of true pointers.

In addition, there is one special local signature. The typed reference local signature states that the local will contain both a managed pointer to a location and a runtime representation of the type that may be stored at that location. A typed reference signature is similar to a byref constraint, but while the byref specifies the type as part of the byref constraint (and hence as part of the type description), a typed reference provides the type information dynamically. A typed reference is a full signature in itself and can not be combined with other constraints. In particular, it is not possible to specify a byref whose type is typed reference.

The typed reference signature is actually represented as a built-in value type, like the integer and floating point types. In the Base Class Library (see Partition IV) the type is known as System.TypedReference and in the assembly language used in Partition II it is designated by the keyword typedref. This type shall only be used for parameters and local variables. It shall not be boxed, nor shall it be use as the type of a field, element of an array, return value, etc.

CLS Rule 14: Typed references are not CLS-compliant.


CLS (consumer): there is no need to accept this type.

CLS (extender): there is no need to provide syntax to define this type or to extend interfaces or classes that use this type.

CLS (framework): this type shall not appear in exposed members.          Parameter Signatures

Parameter signatures define constraints on how an individual value is passed as part of a method invocation. Parameter signatures are declared by method definitions. Any valid local signature is a valid parameter signature.          Method Signatures

Method signatures are composed of

·              a calling convention,

·              a list of zero or more parameter signatures, one for each parameter of the method,

·              and a type signature for the result value if one is produced.

Method signatures are declared by method definitions. Only one constraint can be added to a method signature in addition to those of parameter signatures:

·              The varargs constraint may be included to indicate that all arguments past this point are optional.  When it appears, the calling convention shall be one that supports variable argument lists.

Method signatures are used in two different ways. They are used as part of a method definition and as a description of a calling site when calling through a function pointer. In this latter case, the method signature indicates

·              the calling convention (which may include platform-specific calling conventions)

·              the type of all the argument values that are being passed,

·              if needed, a varargs marker indicating where the fixed parameter list ends and the variable parameter list begins

When used as part of a method definition, the varargs constraint is represented by the choice of calling convention.

CLS Rule 15: The varargs constraint is not part of the CLS, and the only calling convention supported by the CLS is the standard managed calling convention.


CLS (consumer): there is no need to accept methods with variable argument lists or unmanaged calling convention.

CLS (extender): there is no need to provide syntax to declare varargs methods or unmanaged calling conventions.

CLS (framework): neither varargs methods nor methods with unmanaged calling conventions may be exposed externally.

7.7         Assignment Compatibility

The constraints in the type signature and the location signature affect assignment compatibility of a value to a location. Assignment compatibility of a value (described by a type signature) to a location (described by a location signature) is defined as follows:

One of the types supported by the exact type of the value is the same as the type in the location signature.

This allows, for example, an instance of a class that inherits from a base class (hence supports the base class’s type contract) to be stored into a location whose type is that of the base class.

7.8         Type Safety and Verification

Since types specify contracts, it is important to know whether a given implementation lives up to these contracts. An implementation that lives up to the enforceable part of the contract (the named signatures) is said to be typesafe. An important part of the contract deals with restrictions on the visibility and accessibility of named items as well as the mapping of names to implementations and locations in memory.

Typesafe implementations only store values described by a type signature in a location that is assignment compatible with the location signature of the location (see clause 7.6.1_cor_Signatures). Typesafe implementations never apply an operation to a value that is not defined by the exact type of the value. Typesafe implementations only access locations that are both visible and accessible to them. In a typesafe implementation, the exact type of a value cannot change.

Verification is a mechanical process of examining an implementation and asserting that it is typesafe. Verification is said to succeed if the process proves that an implementation is typesafe. Verification is said to fail if that process does not prove the type safety of an implementation. Verification is necessarily conservative: it may report failure for a typesafe implementation, but it never reports success for an implementation that is not typesafe. For example, most verification processes report implementations that do pointer-based arithmetic as failing verification, even if the implementation is in fact typesafe.

There are many different processes that can be the basis of verification. The simplest possible process simply says that all implementations are not typesafe. While correct and efficient this is clearly not particularly useful. By spending more resources (time and space) a process can correctly identify more typesafe implementations. It has been proven, however, that no mechanical process can in finite time and with no errors correctly identify all implementations as either typesafe or not typesafe. The choice of a particular verification process is thus a matter of engineering, based on the resources available to make the decision and the importance of detecting the typesafety of different programming constructs.

7.9         Type Definers

Type definers construct a new type from existing types. Implicit types (e.g., built-in  types, arrays, and pointers including function pointers) are defined when they are used. The mention of an implicit type in a signature is in and of itself a complete definition of the type. Implicit types allow the VES to manufacture instances with a standard set of members, interfaces, etc. Implicit types need not have user-supplied names.

All other types shall be explicitly defined using an explicit type definition. The explicit type definers are:

·              interface definitions – used to define interface types

·              class definitions – used to define:

o             object types

o             value types and their associated boxed types

Note: While class definitions always define class types, not all class types require a class definition.  Array types and pointer types, which are implicitly defined, are also class types.  See clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects.

Similarly, not all types defined by a class definition are object types.  Array types, explicitly defined object types, and boxed types are object types.  Pointer types, function pointer types, and value types are not object types.  See clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects.

7.9.1         Array Types

An array type shall be defined by specifying the element type of the array, the rank (number of dimensions) of the array, and the upper and lower bounds of each dimension of the array. Hence, no separate definition of the array type is needed. The bounds (as well as indices into the array) shall be signed integers. While the actual bounds for each dimension are known at runtime, the signature may specify the information that is known at compile time: no bounds, a lower bound, or both an upper and lower bound.

Array elements shall be laid out within the array object in row-major order, i.e. the elements associated with the rightmost array dimension shall be laid out contiguously from lowest to highest index.  The actual storage allocated for each array element may include platform-specific padding.

Values of an array type are objects; hence an array type is a kind of object type (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Object). Array objects are defined by the CTS to be a repetition of locations where values of the array element type are stored. The number of repeated values is determined by the rank and bounds of the array.

Only type signatures, not location signatures, are allowed as array element types.

Exact array types are created automatically by the VES when they are required. Hence, the operations on an array type are defined by the CTS. These generally are: allocating the array based on size and lower bound information, indexing the array to read and write a value, computing the address of an element of the array (a managed pointer), and querying for the rank, bounds, and the total number of values stored in the array.

CLS Rule 16: Arrays shall have elements with a CLS-compliant type and all dimensions of the array shall have zero lower bounds. Only the fact that an item is an array and the element type of the array shall be required to distinguish between overloads.  When overloading is based on two or more array types the element types shall be named types.

Note: so-called “jagged arrays” are CLS-compliant, but when overloading multiple array types they are one-dimensional, zero-based arrays of type System.Array.

CLS (consumer): there is no need to support arrays of non-CLS types, even when dealing with instances of System.Array.  Overload resolution need not be aware of the full complexity of array types.  Programmers should have access to the Get, Set, and Address methods on instances of System.Array if there is no language syntax for the full range of array types.

CLS (extender): there is no need to provide syntax to define non-CLS types of arrays or to extend interfaces or classes that use non-CLS  array types.  Shall provide access to the type System.Array, but may assume that all instances will have a CLS-compliant type.  While the full array signature must be used to override an inherited method that has an array parameter, the full complexity of array types need not be made visible to programmers.  Programmers should have access to the Get, Set, and Address methods on instances of System.Array if there is no language syntax for the full range of array types.

CLS (framework): non-CLS array types shall not appear in exposed members. Where possible, use only one-dimensional, zero-based arrays (vectors) of simple named types, since these are supported in the widest range of programming languages.  Overloading on array types should be avoided, and when used shall obey the restrictions.

Array types form a hierarchy, with all array types inheriting from the type System.Array. This is an abstract class (see clause that represents all arrays regardless of the type of their elements, their rank, or their upper and lower bounds. The VES creates one array type for each distinguishable array type.  In general, array types are only distinguished by the type of their elements and their rank.  The VES, however, treats single dimensional, zero-based arrays (also known as vectors) specially.  Vectors are also distinguished by the type of their elements, but a vector is distinct from a single-dimensional array of the same element type that has a non-zero lower bound.. Zero-dimensional arrays are not supported.

Consider the following examples, using the syntax of CIL as described in Partition II:

Table 2: Array Examples

Static specification of type

Actual type constructed

Allowed in CLS?


vector of int32



vector of int32



array, rank 1, of int32



array, rank 2, of int32


int32[0..3, 0..5]

array, rank 2, of int32


int32[0.., 0..]

array, rank 2, of int32


int32[1.., 0..]

array, rank 2, of int32



7.9.2         Unmanaged Pointer Types

An unmanaged pointer type (also known simply as a “pointer type”) is defined by specifying a location signature for the location the pointer references. Any signature of a pointer type includes this location signature. Hence, no separate definition of the pointer type is needed.

While pointer types are Reference Types, values of a pointer type are not objects (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects), and hence it is not possible, given a value of a pointer type, to determine its exact type. The CTS provides two typesafe operations on pointer types: one to load the value from the location referenced by the pointer and the other to store an assignment compatible value into that location. The CTS also provides three operations on pointer types (byte-based address arithmetic): adding and subtracting integers from pointers, and subtracting one pointer from another. The results of the first two operations are pointers to the same type signature as the original pointer. See Partition III for details.

CLS Rule 17: Unmanaged pointer types are not CLS-compliant.


CLS (consumer): there is no need to support unmanaged pointer types.

CLS (extender): there is no need to provide syntax to define or access unmanaged pointer types.

CLS (framework): unmanaged pointer types shall not be externally exposed.

7.9.3         Delegates

Delegates are the object-oriented equivalent of function pointers. Unlike function pointers, delegates are object-oriented, type-safe, and secure. Delegates are created by defining a class that derives from the base type System.Delegate (see Partition IV). Each delegate type shall provide a method named Invoke with appropriate parameters, and each instance of a delegate forwards calls to its Invoke method to a compatible static or instance method on a particular object. The object and method to which it delegates are chosen when the delegate instance is created.

In addition to an instance constructor and an Invoke method, delegates may optionally have two additional methods: BeginInvoke and EndInvoke. These are used for asynchronous calls.

While, for the most part, delegates appear to be simply another kind of user defined class, they are tightly controlled. The implementations of the methods are provided by the VES, not user code. The only additional members that may be defined on delegate types are static or instance methods.

7.9.4         Interface Type Definition

An interface definition defines an interface type. An interface type is a named group of methods, locations and other contracts that shall be implemented by any object type that supports the interface contract of the same name. An interface definition is always an incomplete description of a value, and as such can never define a class type or an exact type, nor can it be an object type.

Zero or more object types can support an interface type, and only object types can support an interface type. An interface type may require that objects that support it shall also support other (specified) interface types. An object type that supports the named interface contract shall provide a complete implementation of the methods, locations, and other contracts specified (but not implemented by) the interface type. Hence, a value of an object type is also a value of all of the interface types the object type supports. Support for an interface contract is declared, never inferred, i.e. the existence of implementations of the methods, locations, and other contracts required by the interface type does not imply support of the interface contract.

CLS Rule 18: CLS-compliant interfaces shall not require the definition of non-CLS compliant methods in order to implement them.


CLS (consumer): there is no need to deal with such interfaces.

CLS (extender): need not provide a mechanism for defining such interfaces..

CLS (framework): shall not expose any non-CLS compliant methods on interfaces it defines for external use.

Interfaces types are necessarily incomplete since they say nothing about the representation of the values of the interface type. For this reason, an interface type definition shall not provide field definitions for values of the interface type (i.e. instance fields), although it may declare static fields (see clause 7.4.3_cor_Static_Fields_and_Methods).

Similarly, an interface type definition shall not provide implementations for any methods on the values of its type. However, an interface type definition may and usually does define method contracts (method name and method signature) that shall be implemented by supporting types. An interface type definition may define and implement static methods (see clause 7.4.3_cor_Static_Fields_and_Methods) since static methods are associated with the interface type itself rather than with any value of the type.

Interfaces may have static or virtual methods, but shall not have instance methods.

CLS Rule 19: CLS-compliant interfaces shall not define static methods, nor shall they define fields.


CLS-compliant interfaces may define properties, events, and virtual methods.

CLS (consumer): need not accept interfaces that violate these rules.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax to author interfaces that violate these rules.

CLS (framework): shall not externally expose interfaces that violate these rules. Where static methods, instance methods, or fields are required a separate class may be defined that provides them.

Interface types may also define event and property contracts that shall be implemented by object types that support the interface. Since event and property contracts reduce to sets of method contracts (Section 7.6_cor_Contracts), the above rules for method definitions apply. For more information, see clause 7.11.4 and clause 7.11.3_cor_Property_Definitions.

Interface type definitions may specify other interface contracts that implementations of the interface type are required to support. See clause 7.9.11 for specifics.

An interface type is given a visibility attribute, as described in clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names, that controls from where the interface type may be referenced. An interface type definition is separate from any object type definition that supports the interface type. Hence, it is possible, and often desirable, to have a different visibility for the interface type and the implementing object type. However, since accessibility attributes are relative to the implementing type rather than the interface itself, all members of an interface shall have public accessibility, and no security permissions may be attached to members or to the interface itself.

7.9.5         Class Type Definition

All types other than interfaces, and those types for which a definition is automatically supplied by the CTS, are defined by class definitions. A class type is a complete specification of the representation of the values of the class type and all of the contracts (class, interface, method, property, and event) that are supported by the class type. Hence, a class type is an exact type. A class definition, unless it specifies that the class is an abstract object type, not only defines the class type: it also provides implementations for all of the contracts supported by the class type.

A class definition, and hence the implementation of the class type, always resides in some assembly. An assembly is a configured set of loadable code modules and other resources that together implement a unit of functionality.

Note: While class definitions always define class types, not all class types require a class definition.  Array types and pointer types, which are implicitly defined, are also class types.  See clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects.

An explicit class definition is used to define:

·              An object type (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects).

·              A value type and its associated boxed type (see clause 7.2.4_cor_Boxing_and_Unboxing_of_Values).

An explicit class definition:

·              Names the class type.

·              Implicitly assigns the class type name to a scope, i.e. the assembly that contains the class definition,   (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names).

·              Defines the class contract of the same name (see Section 7.6_cor_Contracts).

·              Defines the representations and valid operations of all values of the class type using member definitions for the fields, methods, properties, and events (see Section 7.11_cor_Member_Definitions).

·              Defines the static members of the class type (see Section 7.11_cor_Member_Definitions).

·              Specifies any other interface and class contracts also supported by the class type.

·              Supplies implementations for member and interface contracts supported by the class type.

·              Explicitly declares a visibility for the type, either public or assembly (see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names).

·              May optionally specify a method to be called to initialize the type.

The semantics of when, and what triggers execution of such type initialization methods, is as follows:

1.             A type may have a type-initializer method, or not.

2.             A type may be specified as having a relaxed semantic for its type-initializer method (for convenience below, we call this relaxed semantic BeforeFieldInit)

3.             If marked BeforeFieldInit then the type’s initializer method is executed at, or sometime before, first access to any static field defined for that type

4.             If not marked BeforeFieldInit then that type’s initializer method is executed at (i.e., is triggered by):

o             first access to any static or instance field of that type, or

o             first invocation of any static, instance or virtual method of that type

5.             Execution of any type's initializer method will not trigger automatic execution of any initializer methods defined by its base type, nor of any interfaces that the type implements

Note: BeforeFieldInit behavior is intended for initialization code with no interesting side-effects, where exact timing does not matter.  Also, under BeforeFieldInit semantics, type initializers are allowed to be executed at or before first access to any static field of that Type -- at the discretion of the CLI

If a language wishes to provide more rigid behavior -- e.g. type initialization automatically triggers execution of parents initializers, in a top-to-bottom order, then it can do so by either:

defining hidden static fields and code in each class constructor that touches the hidden static field of its parent and/or interfaces it implements, or by making explicit calls to the RunClassConstructor helper function, provided by the CLI

7.9.6         Object Type Definitions

All objects are instances of an object type. The object type of an object is set when the object is created and it is immutable. The object type describes the physical structure of the instance and the operations that are allowed on it. All instances of the same object type have the same structure and the same allowable operations. Object types are explicitly declared by a class type definition, with the exception of Array types, which are intrinsically provided by the VES.          Scope and Visibility

Since object type definitions are class type definitions, object type definitions implicitly specify the scope of the name of object type to be the assembly that contains the object type definition, see clause 7.5.2. Similarly, object type definitions shall also explicitly state the visibility attribute of the object type (either public or assembly); see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names.          Concreteness

An object type may be marked as abstract by the object type definition. An object type that is not marked abstract is by definition concrete. Only object types may be declared as abstract. Only an abstract object type is allowed to define method contracts for which the type or the VES does not also provide the implementation. Such method contracts are called abstract methods (see Section 7.11_cor_Member_Definitions). All methods on an abstract class need not be abstract.

It is an error to attempt to create an instance of an abstract object type, whether or not the type has abstract methods. An object type that derives from an abstract object type may be concrete if it provides implementations for any abstract methods in the base object type and is not itself marked as abstract. Instances may be made of such a concrete derived class. Locations may have an abstract type, and instances of a concrete type that derives from the abstract type may be stored in them.          Type Members

Object type definitions include member definitions for all of the members of the type. Briefly, members of a type include fields into which values are stored, methods that may be invoked, properties that are available, and events that may be raised. Each member of a type may have attributes as described in Section 7.4_cor_Type_Members.

·              Fields of an object type specify the representation of values of the object type by specifying the component pieces from which it is composed (see clause 7.4.1_cor_Fields__Elements__and_Values).  Static fields specify fields associated with the object type itself (see clause 7.4.3_cor_Static_Fields_and_Methods).  The fields of an object type are named and they are typed via location signatures.  The names of the members of the type are scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names).  Fields are declared using a field definition ( see clause 7.11.2_cor_Fields_Definitions).

·              Methods of an object type specify operations on values of the type (see clause 7.4.2_cor_Methods).  Static methods specify operations on the type itself (see clause 7.4.3_cor_Static_Fields_and_Methods).  Methods are named and they have a method signature.  The names of methods are scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names). Methods are declared using a method definition (see clause 7.11.1_cor_Method Definitions).

·              Properties of an object type specify named values that are accessible via methods that read and write the value.  The name of the property is the grouping of the methods; the methods themselves are also named and typed via method signatures.  The names of properties are scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names).  Properties are declared using a property definition (see clause 7.11.3_cor_Property_Definitions).

·              Events of an object type specify named state transitions in which subscribers may register/unregister interest via accessor methods.  When the state changes, the subscribers are notified of the state transition.  The name of the event is the grouping of the accessor methods; the methods themselves are also named and typed via method signatures.  The names of events are scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names).  Events are declared using an event definition (see clause 7.11.4_cor_Events_Defintion).          Supporting Interface Contracts

Object type definitions may declare that they support zero or more interface contracts. Declaring support for an interface contract places a requirement on the implementation of the object type to fully implement that interface contract. Implementing an interface contract always reduces to implementing the required set of methods, i.e. the methods required by the interface type.

The different types that the object type implements, i.e. the object type and any implemented interface types, are each a separate logical grouping of named members. If a class Foo implements an interface IFoo and IFoo declares a member method int a() and the class also declares a member method int a(), there are two members, one in the IFoo interface type and one in the Foo class type. An implementation of Foo will provide an implementation for both, potentially shared.

Similarly, if a class implements two interfaces IFoo and IBar each of which defines a method int a() the class will supply two method implementations, one for each interface, although they may share the actual code of the implementation.

CLS Rule 20: CLS-compliant classes, value types, and interfaces shall not require the implementation of non-CLS-compliant interfaces.


CLS (consumer): need not accept classes, value types or interfaces  that violate this rule.

CLS (extender): need not provide syntax to author classes, value types, or interfaces that violate this rule.

CLS (framework): shall not externally expose classes, value types, or interfaces that violate this rule.          Supporting Class Contracts

Object type definitions may declare support for one other class contract. Declaring support for another class contract is synonymous with object type inheritance (see clause 7.9.9_cor_Object_Type_Inheritance).          Constructors

New values of an object type are created via constructors. Constructors shall be instance methods, defined via a special form of method contract, which defines the method contract as a constructor for a particular object type. The constructors for an object type are part of the object type definition. While the CTS and VES ensure that only a properly defined constructor is used to make new values of an object type, the ultimate correctness of a newly constructed object is dependent on the implementation of the constructor itself.

Object types shall define at least one constructor method, but that method need not be public. Creating a new value of an object type by invoking a constructor involves the following steps in order:

1.             Space for the new value is allocated in managed memory.

2.             VES data structures of the new value are initialized and user-visible memory is zeroed.

3.             The specified constructor for the object type is invoked.

Inside the constructor, the object type may do any initialization it chooses (possibly none).

CLS Rule 21: An object constructor shall call some class constructor of its base class before any access occurs to inherited instance data. This does not apply to value types, which need not have constructors.

CLS Rule 22: An object constructor shall not be called except as part of the creation of an object, and an object shall not be initialized twice.


CLS (consumer): Shall provide syntax for choosing the constructor to be called when an object is created.

CLS (extender): Shall provide syntax for defining constructor methods with different signatures.  May issue a compiler error if the constructor does not obey these rules.

CLS (framework): May assume that object creation includes a call to one of the constructors, and that no object is initialized twice.  System.MemberwiseClone (see Partition IV) and deserialization (including object remoting) may not run constructors.          Finalizers

A class definition that creates an object type may supply an instance method to be called when an instance of the class is no longer accessible. The class System.GC (see Partition IV) provides limited control over the behavior of finalizers through the methods SuppressFinalize and ReRegisterForFinalize. Conforming implementations of the CLI may specify and provide additional mechanisms that affect the behavior of finalizers.

A conforming implementation of the CLI shall not automatically call a finalizer twice for the same object unless

·              there has been an intervening call to ReRegisterForFinalize (not followed by a call to SuppressFinalize), or

·              the program has invoked an implementation-specific mechanism that is clearly specified to produce an alteration to this behavior

Rationale: Programmers expect that finalizers are run precisely once on any given object unless they take an explicit action to cause the finalizer to be run multiple times.

It is legal to define a finalizer for a Value Type.  That finalizer however will only be run for boxed instances of that Value Type.

Implementation Specific (Microsoft)

In first release, the behavior of finalizers for Value Types is undefined.


Note: Since programmers may depend on finalizers to be called, the CLI should make every effort to ensure that finalizers are called, before it shuts down, for all objects that have not been exempted from finalization by a call to SuppressFinalize. The implementation should specify any conditions under which this behavior cannot be guaranteed.


Note: Since resources may become exhausted if finalizers are not called expeditiously, the CLI should ensure that finalizers are called soon after the instance becomes inaccessible.  While relying on memory pressure to trigger finalization is acceptable, implementers should consider the use of additional metrics.

7.9.7         Value Type Definition

Not all types defined by a class definition are object types (see clause 7.2.3_cor_Classes__Interfaces__and_Objects); in particular, value types are not object types but they are defined using a class definition. A class definition for a value type defines both the (unboxed) value type and the associated boxed type (see clause 7.2.4_cor_boxing_and_unboxing_of_values). The members of the class definition define the representation of both:

1.             When a non-static method (i.e. an instance or virtual method) is called on the value type its this pointer is a managed reference to the instance, whereas when the method is called on the associated boxed type the this pointer is an object reference.

Instance methods on value types receive a this pointer that is a managed pointer to the unboxed type whereas virtual methods (including those on interfaces implemented by the value type) receive an instance of the boxed type.

1.             Value types do not support interface contracts, but their associated boxed types do.

2.             A value type does not inherit; rather the base type specified in the class definition defines the base type of the boxed type.

3.             The base type of a boxed type shall not have any fields. 

4.             Unlike object types, instances of value types do not require a constructor to be called when an instance is created.  Instead, the contents of a value type are guaranteed to be initially zero (null for object fields).

7.9.8         Type Inheritance

Inheritance of types is another way of saying that the derived type guarantees support for all of the type contracts of the base type. In addition, the derived type usually provides additional functionality or specialized behavior. A type inherits from a base type by implementing the type contract of the base type. An interface type inherits from zero or more other interfaces. Value types do not inherit, although the associated boxed type is an object type and hence inherits from other types

The derived class type shall support all of the supported interfaces contracts, class contracts, event contracts, method contracts, and property contracts of its base type. In addition, all of the locations defined by the base type are also defined in the derived type. The inheritance rules guarantee that code that was compiled to work with a value of a base type will still work when passed a value of the derived type. Because of this, a derived type also inherits the implementations of the base type. The derived type may extend, override, and/or hide these implementations.

7.9.9         Object Type Inheritance

With the sole exception of System.Object, which does not inherit from any other object type, all object types shall either explicitly or implicitly declare support for (inherit from) exactly one other object type. The graph of the inherits-relation shall form a singly rooted tree with System.Object at the base, i.e. all object types eventually inherit from the type System.Object.

An object type declares it shall not be used as a base type (be inherited from) by declaring that it is a sealed type.

CLS Rule 23:System.Object is CLS-compliant. Any other CLS-compliant class shall inherit from a CLS-compliant class.

Arrays are object types and as such inherit from other object types. Since arrays object types are manufactured by the VES, the inheritance of arrays is fixed. See clause 7.9.1.

7.9.10      Value Type Inheritance

Value Types, in their unboxed form, do not inherit from any type. Boxed value types shall inherit directly from System.ValueType unless they are enumerations, in which case they shall inherit from System.Enum. Boxed value types shall be sealed.

Logically, the boxed type corresponding to a value type

·              Is an object type.

·              Will specify which object type is its base type, i.e. the object type from which it inherits.

·              Will have a base type that has no fields defined.

·              Will be sealed to avoid dealing with the complications of value slicing

The more restrictive rules specified here allow for more efficient implementation without severely compromising functionality.

7.9.11      Interface Type Inheritance

Interface types may inherit from multiple interface types, i.e. an interface contract may list other interface contracts that shall also be supported. Any type that implements support for an interface type shall also implement support for all of the inherited interface types. This is different from object type inheritance in two ways.

·              Object types form a single inheritance tree; interface types do not.

·              Object type inheritance specifies how implementations are inherited; interface type inheritance does not, since interfaces do not define implementation.  Interface type inheritance specifies additional contracts that an implementing object type shall support.

To highlight the last difference, consider an interface, IFoo, that has a single method. An interface, IBar, which inherits from it is requiring that any object type that supports IBar also support IFoo. It does not say anything about which methods IBar itself will have.

7.10      Member Inheritance

Only object types may inherit implementations, hence only object types may inherit members (see clause 7.9.8_cor_Type_Inheritance). Interface types, while they do inherit from other interface types, only inherit the requirement to implement method contracts, never fields or method implementations.

7.10.1      Field Inheritance

A derived object type inherits all of the non-static fields of its base object type. This allows instances of the derived type to be used wherever instances of the base type are expected (the shapes, or layouts, of the instances will be the same). Static fields are not inherited. Just because a field exists does not mean that it may be read or written. The type visibility, field accessibility, and security attributes of the field definition (see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names) determine if a field is accessible to the derived object type.

7.10.2      Method Inheritance

A derived object type inherits all of the instance and virtual methods of its base object type. It does not inherit constructors or static methods. Just because a method exists does not mean that it may be invoked. It shall be accessible via the typed reference that is being used by the referencing code. The type visibility, method accessibility, and security attributes of the method definition (see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names) determine if a method is accessible to the derived object type.

A derived object type may hide a non-virtual (i.e. static or instance) method of its base type by providing a new method definition with the same name or same name and signature. Either method may still be invoked, subject to method accessibility rules, since the type that contains the method always qualifies a method reference.

Virtual methods may be marked as final, in which case they shall not be overridden in a derived object type. This ensures that the implementation of the method is available, by a virtual call, on any object that supports the contract of the base class that supplied the final implementation. If a virtual method is not final it is possible to demand a security permission in order to override the virtual method, so that the ability to provide an implementation can be limited to classes that have particular permissions. When a derived type overrides a virtual method, it may specify a new accessibility for the virtual method, but the accessibility in the derived class shall permit at least as much access as the access granted to the method it is overriding. See clause 7.5.3.

7.10.3      Property and Event Inheritance

Properties and events are fundamentally constructs of the metadata intended for use by tools that target the CLI and are not directly supported by the VES itself. It is, therefore, the job of the source language compiler and the Reflection library [see Partition IV] to determine rules for name hiding, inheritance, and so forth. The source compiler shall generate CIL that directly accesses the methods named by the events and properties, not the events or properties themselves.

7.10.4      Hiding, Overriding, and Layout

There are two separate issues involved in inheritance. The first is which contracts an object shall implement and hence which member names and signatures it shall provide. The second is the layout of the object so that an instance of a derived type can be substituted for an instance of any of its base types. Only the non-static fields and the virtual methods that are part of the derived type affect the layout of an object.

The CTS provides independent control over both the names that are visible from a base type (hiding) and the sharing of layout slots in the derived class (overriding). Hiding is controlled by marking a member in the derived class as either hide by name or hide by name-and-signature. Hiding is always performed based on the kind of member, that is, derived field names may hide base field names, but not method names, property names, or event names. If a derived member is marked hide by name, then members of the same kind in the base class with the same name are not visible in the derived class; if the member is marked hide by name-and-signature then only a member of the same kind with exactly the same name and type (for fields) or method signature (for methods) is hidden in the derived class. Implementation of the distinction between these two forms of hiding is provided entirely by source language compilers and the Reflection library; it has no direct impact on the VES itself.

For example:

class Base
{ field  int32         A;
  field  System.String A;
  method int32         A();
  method int32         A(int32);
class Derived inherits from Base
{ hide-by-name           field  int32 A;
  hide-by-name+signature method int32 A();

The member names available in type Derived are:

Table 3: Member names

Kind of member

Type / Signature of member

Name of member





() -> int32



(int32) -> int32



While hiding applies to all members of a type, overriding deals with object layout and is applicable only to instance fields and virtual methods. The CTS provides two forms of member overriding, new slot and expect existing slot. A member of a derived type that is marked as a new slot will always get a new slot in the object’s layout, guaranteeing that the base field or method is available in the object by using a qualified reference that combines the name of the base type with the name of the member and its type or signature. A member of a derived type that is marked as expect existing slot will re-use (i.e. share or override) a slot that corresponds to a member of the same kind (field or method), name, and type if one already exists from the base type; if no such slot exists, a new slot is allocated and used.

The general algorithm that is used for determining the names in a type and the layout of objects of the type is roughly as follows:

·              Flatten the inherited names (using the hide by name or hide by name-and-signature rule) ignoring accessibility rules.

·              For each new member that is marked “expect existing slot”, look to see if an exact match on kind (i.e. field or method), name, and signature exists and use that slot if it is found, otherwise allocate a new slot.

·              After doing this for all new members, add these new member-kind/name/signatures to the list of members of this type

·              Finally, remove any inherited names that match the new members based on the hide by name or hide by name-and-signature rules.

7.11      Member Definitions

Object type definitions, interface type definitions, and value type definitions may include member definitions. Field definitions define the representation of values of the type by specifying the substructure of the value. Method definitions define operations on values of the type and operations on the type itself (static methods). Property and event definitions may only be defined on object types. Property and events define named groups of accessor method definitions that implement the named event or property behavior. Nested type declarations define types whose names are scoped by the enclosing type and whose instances have full access to all members of the enclosing class.

Depending on the kind of type definition, there are restrictions on the member definitions allowed.

7.11.1      Method Definitions

Method definitions are composed of a name, a method signature, and optionally an implementation of the method. The method signature defines the calling convention, type of the parameters to the method, and the return type of the method (see clause 7.6.1_cor_Method_Signatures). The implementation is the code to execute when the method is invoked. A value type or object type may define only one method of a given name and signature. However, a derived object type may have methods that are of the same name and signature as its base object type. See clause 7.10.2_cor_method_inheritance and clause 7.10.4_cor_hiding__overriding__and_layout.

The name of the method is scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names). Methods may be given accessibility attributes (see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names). Methods may only be invoked with arguments that are assignment compatible with the parameters types of the method signature. The return value of the method shall also be assignment compatible with the location in which it is stored.

Methods may be marked as static, indicating that the method is not an operation on values of the type but rather an operation associated with the type as a whole. Methods not marked as static define the valid operations on a value of a type. When a non-static method is invoked, a particular value of the type, referred to as this or the this pointer, is passed as an implicit parameter.

A method definition that does not include a method implementation shall be marked as abstract. All non-static methods of an interface definition are abstract. Abstract method definitions are only allowed in object types that are marked as abstract.

A non-static method definition in an object type may be marked as virtual, indicating that an alternate implementation may be provided in derived types. All non-static method definitions in interface definitions shall be virtual methods. Virtual method may be marked as final, indicating that derived object types are not allowed to override the method implementation.

7.11.2      Field Definitions

Field definitions are composed of a name and a location signature. The location signature defines the type of the field and the accessing constraints, see clause 7.6.1_cor_Location_Signatures. A value type or object type may define only one field of a given name and type. However, a derived object type may have fields that are of the same name and type as its base object type. See clause 7.10.1 and clause 7.10.4_cor_Field_Inheritance.

The name of the field is scoped to the type (see clause 7.5.2_cor_Scoping_of_Names). Fields may be given accessibility attributes, see clause 7.5.3_cor_Visibility_of_Names. Fields may only store values that are assignment compatible with the type of the field (see clause 7.3.1_cor_Assignment_Compatibility).

Fields may be marked as static, indicating that the field is not part of values of the type but rather a location associated with the type as a whole. Locations for the static fields are created when the type is loaded and initialized when the type is initialized.

Fields not marked as static define the representation of a value of a type by defining the substructure of the value (see clause 7.4.1_cor_Fields__Elements__and_Values). Locations for such fields are created within every value of the type whenever a new value is constructed. They are initialized during construction of the new value. A non-static field of a given name is always located at the same place within every value of the type.

A field that is marked serializable is to be serialized as part of the persistent state of a value of the type. This standard does not specify the mechanism by which this is accomplished, if at all.

7.11.3      Property Definitions

A property definition defines a named value and the methods that access the value. A property definition defines the accessing contracts on that value. Hence, the property definition specifies which accessing methods exist and their respective method contracts. An implementation of a type that declares support for a property contract shall implement the accessing methods required by the property contract. The implementation of the accessing methods defines how the value is retrieved and stored.

A property definition is always part of either an interface definition or a class definition. The name and value of a property definition is scoped to the object type or the interface type that includes the property definition. While all of the attributes of a member may be applied to a property (accessibility, static, etc.) these are not enforced by the CTS. Instead, the CTS requires that the method contracts that comprise the property shall match the method implementations, as with any other method contract. There are no CIL instructions associated with properties, just metadata.

By convention, properties define a getter method (for accessing the current value of the property) and optionally a setter method (for modifying the current value of the property). The CTS places no restrictions on the set of methods associated with a property, their names, or their usage.

CLS Rule 24: The methods that implement the getter and setter methods of a property shall be marked SpecialName in the metadata. 

CLS Rule 25: The accessibility of a property and of its accessors shall be identical.

CLS Rule 26: A property and its accessors shall all be static, all be virtual, or all be instance. 

CLS Rule 27: The type of a property shall be the return type of the getter and the type of the last argument of the setter.  The types of the parameters of the property shall be the types of the parameters to the getter and the types of all but the final parameter of the setter.  All of these types shall be CLS-compliant, and shall not be managed pointers (i.e. shall not be passed by reference).

CLS Rule 28: Properties shall adhere to a specific naming pattern.  See Section 9.4.  The SpecialName attribute referred to in CLS rule 26 shall be ignored in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules.


CLS (consumer): Shall ignore the SpecialName bit in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules.  Otherwise, no direct support other than the usual access to the methods that define the property.

CLS (extender): Shall ignore the SpecialName bit in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules. Otherwise, no direct support other than the usual access to the methods that define the property.  In particular, an extender need not be able to define properties.

CLS (framework): Shall design understanding that not all CLS languages will access the property using special syntax.

7.11.4      Event Definitions

The CTS supports events in precisely the same way that it supports properties (see clause 7.11.3_cor_property_definitions). The conventional methods, however, are different and include means for subscribing and unsubscribing to events as well as for firing the event.

CLS Rule 29: The methods that implement an event shall be marked SpecialName in the metadata.

CLS Rule 30: The accessibility of an event and of its accessors shall be identical.

CLS Rule 31: The add and remove methods for an event shall both either be present or absent.

CLS Rule 32:  The add and remove methods for an event shall each take one parameter whose type defines the type of the event and that shall be derived from System.Delegate.

CLS Rule 33: Events shall adhere to a specific naming pattern.  See Section 9.4. The SpecialName attribute referred to in CLS rule 31 shall be ignored in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules.


CLS (consumer): Shall ignore the SpecialName bit in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules. Otherwise, no direct support other than the usual access to the methods that define the event.

CLS (extender): Shall ignore the SpecialName bit in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules. Otherwise, no direct support other than the usual access to the methods that define the event.  In particular, an extender need not be able to define events.

CLS (framework): Shall design based on the understanding that not all CLS languages will access the event using special syntax.

7.11.5      Nested Type Definitions

A nested type definition is identical to a top-level type definition, with one exception: a top-level type has a visibility attribute, while the visibility of a nested type is the same as the visibility of the enclosing type. See clause 7.5.3.

8         CLI Metadata

This section and its subsections contain only informative text, with the exception of the CLS rules introduced here and repeated in Chapter 10.  The metadata format is specified in Partition II

New types – value types and reference types – are introduced into the CTS via type declarations expressed in metadata. In addition, metadata is a structured way to represent all information that the CLI uses to locate and load classes, lay out instances in memory, resolve method invocations, translate CIL to native code, enforce security, and set up runtime context boundaries. Every CLI PE/COFF module (see Partition II) carries a compact metadata binary that is emitted into the module by the CLI-enabled development tool or compiler.

Each CLI-enabled language will expose a language-appropriate syntax for declaring types and members and for annotating them with attributes that express which services they require of the infrastructure. Type imports are also handled in a language-appropriate way, and it is the development tool or compiler that consumes the metadata to expose the types that the developer sees.

Note that the typical component or application developer will not need to be aware of the rules for emitting and consuming CLI metadata. While it may help a developer to understand the structure of metadata, the rules outlined in this section are primarily of interest to tool builders and compiler writers.

8.1         Components and Assemblies

Each CLI component carries the metadata for declarations, implementations, and references specific to that component. Therefore, the component-specific metadata is referred to as component metadata, and the resulting component is said to be self-describing. In object models such as COM or CORBA, this information is represented by a combination of typelibs, IDL files, DLLRegisterServer, and a myriad of custom files in disparate formats and separate from the actual executable file. In contrast, the metadata is a fundamental part of a CLI component.

Collections of CLI components and other files are packaged together for deployment into assemblies, discussed in more detail in a later section. An assembly is a logical unit of functionality that serves as the primary unit of reuse in the CLI. Assemblies establish a name scope for types.

Types declared and implemented in individual components are exported for use by other implementations via the assembly in which the component participates. All references to a type are scoped by the identity of the assembly in whose context the type is being used. The CLI provides services to locate a referenced assembly and request resolution of the type reference. It is this mechanism that provides an isolation scope for applications: the assembly alone controls its composition.

Every assembly has a manifest that declares what files make up the assembly, what types are exported, and what other assemblies are required to resolve type references within the assembly.  Just as CLI components are self-describing via metadata in the CLI component, so are assemblies self-describing via their manifests. When a single file makes up an assembly it contains both the metadata describing the types defined in the assembly and the metadata describing the assembly itself.  When an assembly contains more than one file with metadata, each of the files describes the types defined in the file, if any, and one of these files also contains the metadata describing the assembly (including the names of the other files, their cryptographic hashes, and the types they export outside of the assembly).

8.2         Accessing Metadata

Metadata is emitted into and read from a CLI module using either direct access to the file format as described in Partition II or through the Reflection library. It is possible to create a tool that verifies a CLI module, including the metadata, during development, based on the specifications supplied in Partition III and Partition II.

When a class is loaded at runtime, the CLI loader imports the metadata into its own in-memory data structures, which can be browsed via the CLI Reflection services. The Reflection services should be considered as similar to a compiler; they automatically walk the inheritance hierarchy to obtain information about inherited methods and fields, they have rules about hiding by name or name-and-signature, rules about inheritance of methods and properties, and so forth.

8.2.1         Metadata Tokens

A metadata token is an implementation dependent encoding mechanism. Partition II describes the manner in which metadata tokens are embedded in various sections of a CLI PE/COFF module. Metadata tokens are embedded in CIL and native code to encode method invocations and field accesses at call sites; the token is used by various infrastructure services to retrieve information from metadata about the reference and the type on which it was scoped in order to resolve the reference.

A metadata token is a typed identifier of a metadata object (type declaration, member declaration, etc.). Given a token, its type can be determined and it is possible to retrieve the specific metadata attributes for that metadata object. However, a metadata token is not a persistent identifier. Rather it is scoped to a specific metadata binary. A metadata token is represented as an index into a metadata data structure, so access is fast and direct.

8.2.2         Member Signatures in Metadata

Every location — including fields, parameters, method return values, and properties — has a type, and a specification for its type is carried in metadata.

A value type describes values that are represented as a sequence of bits. A reference type describes values that are represented as the location of a sequence of bits. The CLI provides an explicit set of built-in types, each of which has a default runtime form as either a value type or a reference type. The metadata APIs may be used to declare additional types, and part of the type specification of a variable encodes the identity of the type as well as which form (value or reference) the type is to take at runtime.

Metadata tokens representing encoded types are passed to CIL instructions that accept a type (newobj, newarray, ldtoken). See the CIL instruction set specification in Partition III.

These encoded type metadata tokens are also embedded in member signatures. To optimize runtime binding of field accesses and method invocations, the type and location signatures associated with fields and methods are encoded into member signatures in metadata. A member signature embodies all of the contract information that is used to decide whether a reference to a member succeeds or fails.

8.3         Unmanaged Code

It is possible to pass data from CLI managed code to unmanaged code. This always involves a transition from managed to unmanaged code, which has some runtime cost, but data can often be transferred without copying. When data must be reformatted the VES provides a reasonable specification of default behavior, but it is possible to use metadata to explicitly require other forms of marshalling (i.e. reformatted copying). The metadata also allows access to unmanaged methods through implementation-specific pre-existing mechanisms.

8.4         Method Implementation Metadata

For each method for which an implementation is supplied in the current CLI module, the tool or compiler will emit information used by the CIL-to-native code compilers, the CLI loader, and other infrastructure services. This information includes:

·              Whether the code is managed or unmanaged.

·              Whether the implementation is in native code or CIL.

·              The location of the method body in the current module, as an address relative to the start of the module file in which it is located (a Relative Virtual Address, or RVA). Or, alternatively, the RVA is encoded as 0 and other metadata is used to tell the infrastructure where the method implementation will be found, including:

o             An implementation to be located via the CLI Interoperability Services. See related specifications for details.

o             Forwarding calls through an imported global static method.

8.5         Class Layout

In the general case, the CLI loader is free to lay out the instances of a class in any way it chooses, consistent with the rules of the CTS. However, there are times when a tool or compiler needs more control over the layout. In the metadata, a class is marked with an attribute indicating whether its layout rule is:

·              autolayout: A class marked “autolayout” indicates that the loader is free to lay out the class in any way it sees fit; any layout information that may have been specified is ignored. This is the default. 

·              layoutsequential: A class marked “layoutsequential” guides the loader to preserve field order as emitted, but otherwise the specific offsets are calculated based on the CLI type of the field; these may be shifted by explicit offset, padding, and/or alignment information.

·              explicitlayout: A class marked “explicitlayout” causes the loader to ignore field sequence and to use the explicit layout rules provided, in the form of field offsets and/or overall class size or alignment.  There are restrictions on legal layouts, specified in Partition II_cor_metadata_api.

It is also possible to specify an overall size for a class. This enables a tool or compiler to emit a value type specification where only the size of the type is supplied. This is useful in declaring CLI built-in types (such as 32 bit integer). It is also useful in situations where the data type of a member of a structured value type does not have a representation in CLI metadata (e.g., C++ bit fields). In the latter case, as long as the tool or compiler controls the layout, and CLI doesn’t need to know the details or play a role in the layout, this is sufficient. Note that this means that the VES can move bits around but can’t marshal across machines – the emitting tool or compiler will need to handle the marshaling.

Optionally, a developer may specify a packing size for a class. This is layout information that is not often used but it allows a developer to control the alignment of the fields. It is not an alignment specification, per se, but rather serves as a modifier that places a ceiling on all alignments. Typical values are 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.

For the full specification of class layout attributes, see the classes in System.Runtime.InteropServices in Partition IV.

8.6         Assemblies: Name Scopes for Types

An assembly is a collection of resources that are built to work together to deliver a cohesive set of functionality. An assembly carries all of the rules necessary to ensure that cohesion. It is the unit of access to resources in the CLI.

Externally, an assembly is a collection of exported resources, including types. Resources are exported by name. Internally, an assembly is a collection of public (exported) and private (internal to the assembly) resources. It is the assembly that determines which resources are to be exposed outside of the assembly and which resources are accessible only within the current assembly scope. It is the assembly that controls how a reference to a resource, public or private, is mapped onto the bits that implement the resource. For types in particular, the assembly may also supply runtime configuration information. A CLI module can be thought of as a packaging of type declarations and implementations, where the packaging decisions may change under the covers without affecting clients of the assembly.

The identity of a type is its assembly scope and its declared name. A type defined identically in two different assemblies is considered two different types.

Assembly Dependencies: An assembly may depend on other assemblies. This happens when implementations in the scope of one assembly reference resources that are scoped in or owned by another assembly.

·              All references to other assemblies are resolved under the control of the current assembly scope. This gives an assembly an opportunity to control how a reference to another assembly is mapped onto a particular version (or other characteristic) of that referenced assembly (although that target assembly has sole control over how the referenced resource is resolved to an implementation).

·              It is always possible to determine which assembly scope a particular implementation is running in. All requests originating from that assembly scope are resolved relative to that scope.

From a deployment perspective, an assembly may be deployed by itself, with the assumption that any other referenced assemblies will be available in the deployed environment. Or, it may be deployed with its dependent assemblies.

Manifests: Every assembly has a manifest that declares which modules make up the assembly, which types are exported, how type references are resolved, how assembly references are resolved, configuration rules, etc. An assembly may carry an explicit manifest or the manifest may be implicit. When explicit, the manifest includes information about exactly which implementations (specific dependent module and assembly versions) were used to successfully build the manifest, regardless of whether the assembly requires binding to these specific versions at runtime. When implicit, the manifest is derived from the modules that are declared to make up the assembly, effectively binding to specific implementation versions.

Applications: Assemblies introduce isolation semantics for applications. An application is simply an assembly that has an external entry point that triggers (or causes a hosting environment such as a browser to trigger) the creation of a new Application Domain. This entry point is effectively the root of a tree of request invocations and resolutions. Some applications are a single, self-contained assembly. Others require the availability of other assemblies to provide needed resources. In either case, when a request is resolved to a module to load, the module is loaded into the same Application Domain from which the request originated. It is possible to monitor or stop an application via the Application Domain.

References: A reference to a type always qualifies a type name with the assembly scope within which the reference is to be resolved – that is, an assembly establishes the name scope of available resources. However, rather than establishing relationships between individual modules and referenced assemblies, every reference is resolved through the current assembly. This allows each assembly to have absolute control over how references are resolved. This is depicted in Figure 2: Assemblies.

Figure 2: Assemblies

Assembly A exports implementations of TypeA and TypeB.  The first two references within Module1 are resolved locally, while the third reference explicitly binds to the TypeB in AssemblyB

8.7         Metadata Extensibility

CLI metadata is extensible. There are three reasons this is important:

·              The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a specification for conventions that languages and tools agree to support in a uniform way for better language integration. The CLS constrains parts of the CTS model, and the CLS introduces higher-level abstractions that are layered over the CTS. It is important that the metadata be able to capture these sorts of development-time abstractions that are used by tools even though they are not recognized or supported explicitly by the CLI.

·              It should be possible to represent language-specific abstractions in metadata that are neither CLI nor CLS language abstractions. For example, it should be possible, over time, to enable languages like C++ to not require separate header files or IDL files in order to use types, methods, and data members exported by compiled modules.

·              It should be possible, in member signatures, to encode types and type modifiers that are used in language-specific overloading.  For example, to allow C++ to distinguish int from long even on 32-bit machines where both map to the underlying type int32.

This extensibility comes in the following forms:

·              Every metadata object can carry custom attributes, and the metadata APIs provide a way to declare, enumerate, and retrieve custom attributes. Custom attributes may be identified by a simple name, where the value encoding is opaque and known only to the specific tool, language, or service that defined it. Or, custom attributes may be identified by a type reference, where the structure of the attribute is self-describing (via data members declared on the type) and any tool including the CLI Reflection services may browse the value encoding.

CLS Rule 34: The CLS only allows a subset of the encodings of custom attributes. The only types that shall appear in these encodings are (see Partition IV): System.Type, System.String, System.Char, System.Boolean, System.Byte, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.Single, System.Double, and any enumeration type based on a CLS-compliant base integer type.


CLS (consumer): Shall be able to read attributes encoded using the restricted scheme.

CLS (extender): Must meet all requirements for CLS consumer and be able to author new classes and new attributes.    Shall be able to attach attributes based on existing attribute classes to any metadata that is emitted.  Shall implement the rules for the System.AttributeUsageAttribute (see Partition IV).

CLS (framework): Shall externally expose only attributes that are encoded within the CLS rules and following the conventions specified for System.AttributeUsageAttribute

·              In addition to CTS type extensibility, it is possible to emit custom modifiers into member signatures (see Types in Partition II_cor_metadata_api). The CLI will honor these modifiers for purposes of method overloading and hiding, as well as for binding, but will not enforce any of the language-specific semantics.  These modifiers can reference the return type or any parameter of a method, or the type of a field.  They come in two kinds: required modifiers that anyone using the member must understand in order to correctly use it, and optional modifiers that may be ignored if the modifier is not understood.

CLS Rule 35: The CLS does not allow publicly visible required modifiers (modreq, see Partition II), but does allow optional modifiers (modopt, see Partition II) they do not understand.


CLS (consumer): Shall be able to read metadata containing optional modifiers and correctly copy signatures that include them.  May ignore these modifiers in type matching and overload resolution.  May ignore types that become ambiguous when the optional modifiers are ignored, or that use required modifiers.

CLS (extender): Shall be able to author overrides for inherited methods with signatures that include optional modifiers.  Consequently, an extender must be able to copy such modifiers from metadata that it imports.  There is no requirement to support required modifiers, nor to author new methods that have any kind of modifier in their signature.

CLS (framework): Shall not use required modifiers in externally visible signatures unless they are marked as not CLS-compliant.  Shall not expose two members on a class that differ only by the use of optional modifiers in their signature unless only one is marked CLS-compliant.

8.8         Globals, Imports, and Exports

The CTS does not have the notion of global statics: all statics are associated with a particular class. Nonetheless, the metadata is designed to support languages that rely on static data that is stored directly in a PE/COFF file and accessed by its relative virtual address. In addition, while access to managed data and managed functions is mediated entirely through the metadata itself, the metadata provides a mechanism for accessing unmanaged data and unmanaged code.

CLS Rule 36: Global static fields and methods are not CLS-compliant.


CLS (consumer): Need not support global static fields or methods.

CLS (extender): Need not author global static fields or methods.

CLS (framework): Shall not define global static fields or methods.

8.9         Scoped Statics

The CTS does not include a model for file- or function-scoped static functions or data members. However, there are times when a compiler needs a metadata token to emit into CIL for a scoped function or data member. The metadata allows members to be marked so that they are never visible/accessible outside of the PE/COFF file in which they are declared and for which the compiler guarantees to enforce all access rules.

End informative text

9         Name and Type Rules for the Common Language Specification

9.1         Identifiers

Languages that are either case-sensitive or case-insensitive can support the CLS. Since its rules apply only to items exposed to other languages, private members or types that aren’t exported from an assembly may use any names they choose. For interoperation, however, there are some restrictions.

In order to make tools work well with a case-sensitive language it is important that the exact case of identifiers be maintained. At the same time, when dealing with non-English languages encoded in Unicode, there may be more than one way to represent precisely the same identifier that includes combining characters. The CLS requires that identifiers obey the restrictions of the appropriate Unicode standard and persist them in Canonical form C, which preserves case but forces combining characters into a standard representation. See CLS Rule 4, in Section 7.5.1.

At the same time, it is important that externally visible names not conflict with one another when used from a case-insensitive programming language. As a result, all identifier comparisons shall be done internally to CLS-compliant tools using the Canonical form KC, which first transforms characters to their case-canonical representation. See CLS Rule 4, in Section 7.5.1.

When a compiler for a CLS-compliant language supports interoperability with a non-CLS-compliant language it must be aware that the CTS and VES perform all comparisons using code-point (i.e. byte-by-byte) comparison. Thus, even though the CLS requires that persisted identifiers be in Canonical form C, references to non-CLS identifiers will have to be persisted using whatever encoding the non-CLS language chose to use. It is a language design issue, not covered by the CTS or the CLS, precisely how this should be handled.

9.2         Overloading

Note: The CTS, while it describes inheritance, object layout, name hiding, and overriding of virtual methods, does not discuss overloading at all. While this is surprising, it arises from the fact that overloading is entirely handled by compilers that target the CTS and not the type system itself. In the metadata, all references to types and type members are fully resolved and include the precise signature that is intended. This choice was made since every programming language has its own set of rules for coercing types and the VES does not provide a means for expressing those rules.

Following the rules of the CTS, it is possible for duplicate names to be defined in the same scope as long as they differ in either kind (field, method, etc.) or signature. The CLS imposes a stronger restriction for overloading methods. Within a single scope, a given name may refer to any number of methods provided they differ in any of the following:

·              Number of parameters

·              Type of each argument

Notice that the signature includes more information but CLS-compliant languages need not produce or consume classes that differ only by that additional information (see Partition II for the complete list of information carried in a signature):

·              Calling convention

·              Custom modifiers

·              Return type

·              Whether a parameter is passed by value or by reference (i.e. as a managed pointer or by-ref)

There is one exception to this rule. For the special names op_Implicit and op_Explicit described in clause 9.3.3 methods may be provided that differ only by their return type. These are marked specially and may be ignored by compilers that don’t support operator overloading.

Properties shall not be overloaded by type (that is, by the return type of their getter method), but they may be overloaded with different number or types of indices (that is, by the number and types of the parameters of its getter method). The overloading rules for properties are identical to the method overloading rules.

CLS Rule 37: Only properties and methods may be overloaded.

CLS Rule 38: Properties, instance methods, and virtual methods may be overloaded based only on the number and types of their parameters, except the conversion operators named op_Implicit and op_Explicit which may also be overloaded based on their return type.


CLS (consumer): May assume that only properties and methods are overloaded, and need not support overloading based on return type unless providing special syntax for operator overloading.  If return type overloading isn’t supported, then the op_Implicit and op_Explicit may be ignored since the functionality shall be provided in some other way by a CLS-compliant framework.

CLS (extender): Should not permit the authoring of overloads other than those specified here.  It is not necessary to support operator overloading at all, hence it is possible to entirely avoid support for overloading on return type.

CLS (framework): Shall not publicly expose overloading except as specified here.  Frameworks authors should bear in mind that many programming languages, including Object-Oriented languages, do not support overloading and will expose overloaded methods or properties through mangled names. Most languages support neither operator overloading nor overloading based on return type, so op_Implicit and op_Explicit shall always be augmented with some alternative way to gain the same functionality.

9.3         Operator Overloading

CLS-compliant consumer and extender tools are under no obligation to allow defining of operator overloading. CLS-compliant consumer and extender tools do not have to provide a special mechanism to call these methods.

Note: This topic is addressed by the CLS so that

·              languages that do provide operator overloading can describe their rules in a way that other languages can understand, and

·              languages that do not provide operator overloading can still access the underlying functionality without the addition of special syntax.

Operator overloading is described by using the names specified below, and by setting a special bit in the metadata (SpecialName) so that they do not collide with the user’s name space. A CLS-compliant producer tool shall provide some means for setting this bit. If these names are used, they shall have precisely the semantics described here.

9.3.1         Unary Operators

Unary operators take one argument, perform some operation on it, and return the result. They are represented as static methods on the class that defines the type of their one operand or their return type. Table 4: Unary Operator Names shows the names that are defined.

Table 4: Unary Operator Names


ISO C++ Operator Symbol


Similar to --


Similar to ++


- (unary)


+ (unary)




Not defined


Not defined


& (unary)




* (unary)

The op_True and op_False operators do not exist in C++.  They are provided to support tri-state boolean types, such as those used in database languages.

9.3.2         Binary Operators

Binary operators take two arguments, perform some operation and return a value. They are represented as static methods on the class that defines the type of one of their two operands or the return type. Table 5: Binary Operator Names shows the names that are defined.

Table 5: Binary Operator Names


C++ Operator Symbol


+ (binary)


- (binary)


* (binary)








& (binary)














Not defined


Not defined














Not defined




























9.3.3         Conversion Operators

Conversion operators are unary operations that allow conversion from one type to another. The operator method shall be defined as a static method on either the operand or return type. There are two types of conversions:

·              An implicit (widening) coercion shall not lose any magnitude or precision.  These should be provided using a method named op_Implicit

·              An explicit (narrowing) coercion may lose magnitude or precision.  These should be provided using a method named op_Explicit

Note: Conversions provide functionality that can’t be generated in other ways, and many languages will not support the use of the conversion operators through special syntax. Therefore, CLS rules require that the same functionality be made available through an alternate mechanism.  Using the more common ToXxx (where Xxx is the target type) and FromYyy (where Yyy is the name of the source type) naming pattern is recommended.

Because these operations may exist on the class of their operand type (so-called “from” conversions) and would therefore differ on their return type only, the CLS specifically allows that these two operators be overloaded based on their return type. The CLS, however, also requires that if this form of overloading is used then the language shall provide an alternate means for providing the same functionality since not all CLS languages will implement operators with special syntax.

CLS Rule 39: If either op_Implicit or op_Explicit is provided, an alternate means of providing the coercion shall be provided.


CLS (consumer): Where appropriate to the language design, use the existence of op_Implicit and/or op_Explicit in choosing method overloads and generating automatic coercions.

CLS (extender): Where appropriate to the language design, implement user-defined implicit or explicit coercion operators using the corresponding op_Implicit, op_Explicit, ToXxx, and/or FromXxx methods. 

CLS (framework): If coercion operations are supported, they shall be provided as FromXxx and ToXxx, and optionally op_Implicit and op_Explicit as well.  CLS frameworks are encouraged to provide such coercion operations.

9.4         Naming Patterns

See also Partition V.

While the CTS does not dictate the naming of properties or events, the CLS does specify a pattern to be observed.

For Events:

An individual event is created by choosing or defining a delegate type that is used to signal the event. Then, three methods are created with names based on the name of the event and with a fixed signature. For the examples below we define an event named Click that uses a delegate type named EventHandler.

EventAdd, used to add a handler for an event

        Pattern: void add_<EventName> (<DelegateType> handler)

        Example: void add_Click (EventHandler handler);

EventRemove, used to remove a handler for an event

        Pattern: void remove_<EventName> (<DelegateType> handler)

        Example: void remove_Click (EventHandler handler);

EventRaise, used to signal that an event has occurred

        Pattern: void family raise_<EventName> (Event e)

For Properties:

An individual property is created by deciding on the type returned by its getter method and the types of the getter’s parameters (if any). Then, two methods are created with names based on the name of the property and these types. For the examples below we define two properties: Name takes no parameters and returns a System.String, while Item takes a System.Object parameter and returns a System.Object. Item is referred to as an indexed property, meaning that it takes parameters and thus may appear to the user as through it were an array with indices

PropertyGet, used to read the value of the property

        Pattern: <PropType> get_<PropName> (<Indices>)

        Example: System.String get_Name ();

        Example: System.Object get_Item (System.Object key);

PropertySet, used to modify the value of the property

        Pattern: void set_<PropName> (<Indices>, <PropType>)

        Example: void set_Name (System.String name);

        Example: void set_Item (System.Object key, System.Object value);

9.5         Exceptions

The CLI supports an exception handling model, which is introduced in clause 11.4.2.  CLS compliant frameworks may define and throw externally visible exceptions, but there are restrictions on the type of objects thrown:

CLS Rule 40:  Objects that are thrown shall be of type System.Exception or inherit from it. Nonetheless, CLS compliant methods are not required to block the propagation of other types of exceptions.


CLS (consumer): Need not support throwing or catching of objects that are not of the specified type.

CLS (extender): Must support throwing of objects of type System.Exception or a type inheriting from it.  Need not support throwing of objects of other types.

CLS (framework): Shall not publicly expose thrown objects that are not of type System.Exception or a type inheriting from it.

9.6         Custom Attributes

In order to allow languages to provide a consistent view of custom attributes across language boundaries, the Base Class Library provides support for the following rules defined by the CLS:

CLS Rule 41: Attributes shall be of type System.Attribute, or inherit from it.


CLS (consumer): Need not support attributes that are not of the specified type.

CLS (extender): Must support the authoring of custom attributes.

CLS (framework): Shall not publicly expose attributes that are not of type System.Attribute or a type inheriting from it.

The use of a particular attribute class may be restricted in various ways by placing an attribute on the attribute class. The System.AttributeUsageAttribute is used to specify these restrictions. The restrictions supported by the System.AttributeUsageAttribute are:

·              What kinds of constructs (types, methods, assemblies, etc.) may have the attribute applied to them. By default, instances of an attribute class can be applied to any construct. This is specified by setting the value of the ValidOn property of System.AttributeUsageAttribute. Several constructs may be combined.

·              Multiple instances of the attribute class may be applied to a given piece of metadata. By default, only one instance of any given attribute class can be applied to a single metadata item. The AllowMultiple property of the attribute is used to specify the desired value.

·              Do not inherit the attribute when applied to a type. By default, any attribute attached to a type should be inherited to types that derive from it. If multiple instances of the attribute class are allowed, the inheritance performs a union of the attributes inherited from the parent and those explicitly applied to the child type. If multiple instance are not allowed, then an attribute of that type applied directly to the child overrides the attribute supplied by the parent. This is specified by setting the Inherited property of System.AttributeUsageAttribute to the desired value.

Note: Since these are CLS rules and not part of the CTS itself, tools are required to specify explicitly the custom attributes they intend to apply to any given metadata item.  That is, compilers or other tools that generate metadata must implement the AllowMultiple and Inherit rules. The CLI does not supply attributes automatically.The usage of attributes in the CLI is further described in Partition II.

10      Collected CLS Rules

The complete set of CLS rules are collected here for reference. Recall that these rules apply only to “externally visible” items – types that are visible outside of their own assembly and members of those types that have public, family, or family-or-assembly accessibility. Furthermore, items may be explicitly marked as CLS-compliant or not using the System.CLSCompliantAttribute.  The CLS rules apply only to items that are marked as CLS-compliant.

1.        CLS rules apply only to those parts of a type that are accessible or visible outside of the defining assembly (see Section 6.3).

2.        Types whose CLS-compliance differs from that of the assembly in which they are defined shall be so marked with the System.CLSCompliantAttribute. Similarly, members whose CLS-compliance differs from that of their class shall also be so marked (see clause 6.3.1).

3.        The CLS does not include boxed value types (see clause 7.2.4).

4.        Assemblies shall follow Annex 7 of Technical Report 15 of the Unicode Standard 3.0 (ISBN 0-201-61633-5) governing the set of characters permitted to start and be included in identifiers, available on-line at For CLS purposes, two identifiers are the same if their lowercase mappings (as specified by the Unicode locale-insensitive, 1-1 lowercase mappings) are the same.  That is, for two identifiers to be considered different under the CLS they shall differ in more than simply their case. However, in order to override an inherited definition the CLI requires the precise encoding of the original declaration be used (see clause 7.5.1).

5.        All names introduced in a CLS-compliant scope shall be distinct independent of kind, except where the names are identical and resolved via overloading.  That is, while the CTS allows a single type to use the same name for a method and a field, the CLS does not (see clause 7.5.2).

6.        Fields and nested types shall be distinct by identifier comparison alone, even though the CTS allows distinct signatures to be distinguished. Methods, properties, and events that have the same name (by identifier comparison) shall differ by more than just the return type, except as specified in CLS Rule 39 (see clause 7.5.2).

7.        The underlying type of an enum shall be a built-in CLS integer type (see clause 7.5.2).

8.        There are two distinct kinds of enums, indicated by the presence or absence of the System.FlagsAttribute custom attribute.  One represents named integer values, the other named bit flags that can be combined to generate an unnamed value. The value of an enum is not limited to the specified values (see clause 7.5.2).

9.        Literal static fields of an enum shall have the type of the enum itself (see clause 7.5.2).

10.     Accessibility shall not be changed when overriding inherited methods, except when overriding a method inherited from a different assembly with accessibility Family-or-Assembly.  In this case the override shall have accessibility family (see clause

11.     All types appearing in a signature shall be CLS-compliant (see clause 7.6.1).

12.     The visibility and accessibility of types and members shall be such that types in the signature of any member shall be visible and accessible whenever the member itself is visible and accessible.  For example, a public method that is visible outside its assembly shall not have an argument whose type is visible only within the assembly (see clause 7.6.1).

13.     Typed references are not CLS-compliant (see clause

14.     The varargs constraint is not part of the CLS, and the only calling convention supported by the CLS is the standard managed calling convention (see clause

15.     Arrays shall have elements of a CLS-compliant type, a fixed number of dimensions, and all dimensions of the array shall have zero lower bounds.  Only the fact that an item is an array and the element type of the array shall be required to distinguish between overloads.  When overloading is based on two or more array types the element types shall be named types (see clause 7.9.1).

16.     Unmanaged pointer types are not CLS-compliant (see clause 7.9.2).

17.     CLS-compliant interfaces shall not require the definition of non-CLS compliant methods in order to implement them (see clause 7.9.4).

18.     CLS-compliant interfaces shall not define static methods, nor shall they define fields (see clause 7.9.4).

19.     CLS-compliant classes, value types, and interfaces shall not require the implementation of non-CLS-compliant interfaces (see clause

20.     An object constructor shall call some class constructor of its base class before any access occurs to inherited instance data. This does not apply to value types, which need not have constructors (see clause

21.     An object constructor shall not be called except as part of the creation of an object, and an object shall not be initialized twice (see clause

22.     System.Object is CLS-compliant. Any other CLS-compliant class shall inherit from a CLS-compliant class (see clause 7.9.9).

23.     The methods that implement the getter and setter methods of a property shall be marked SpecialName in the metadata (see Partition II) (see clause 7.11.3).

24.     The accessibility of a property and of its accessors shall be identical (see clause 7.11.3).

25.     A property and its accessors shall all be static, all be virtual, or all be instance (see clause 7.11.3).

26.     The type of a property shall be the return type of the getter and the type of the last argument of the setter. The types of the parameters of the property shall be the types of the parameters to the getter and the types of all but the final parameter of the setter.  All of these types shall be CLS-compliant, and shall not be managed pointers (i.e. shall not be passed by reference) (see clause 7.11.3).

27.     Properties shall adhere to a specific naming pattern.  See Section 9.4. The SpecialName attribute referred to in CLS rule 26 shall be ignored in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules (see clause 7.11.3).

28.     The methods that implement an event shall be marked SpecialName in the metadata (see Partition II)  (see clause 7.11.4).

29.     The accessibility of an event and of its accessors shall be identical (see clause 7.11.4).

30.     The add and remove methods for an event shall both either be present or absent (see clause 7.11.4).

31.     The add and remove methods for an event shall each take one parameter whose type defines the type of the event and that shall be derived from System.Delegate (see clause 7.11.4).

32.     Events shall adhere to a specific naming pattern.  See Section 9.4. The SpecialName attribute referred to in CLS rule 31 shall be ignored in appropriate name comparisons and shall adhere to identifier rules (see clause 7.11.4).

33.     The CLS only allows a subset of the encodings of custom attributes.  The only types that shall appear in these encodings are: System.Type, System.String, System.Char, System.Boolean, System.Byte, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.Single, System.Double, and any enumeration type based on a CLS-compliant base integer type (see Section 8.7).

34.     The CLS does not allow publicly visible required modifiers (modreq, see Partition II), but does allow optional modifiers (modopt, see Partition II) they do not understand(see Section 8.7).

35.     Global static fields and methods are not CLS-compliant (see Section 8.8).

36.     Only properties and methods may be overloaded (see Section 9.2).

37.     Properties, instance methods, and virtual methods may be overloaded based only on the number and types of their parameters, except the conversion operators named op_Implicit and op_Explicit which may also be overloaded based on their return type (see Section 9.2).

38.     If either op_Implicit or op_Explicit is overloaded on its return type, an alternate means of providing the coercion shall be provided (see clause 9.3.3).

39.     Objects that are thrown shall be of type System.Exception or inherit from it (see Section 9.5).  Nonetheless, CLS compliant methods are not required to block the propagation of other types of exceptions.

40.      Attributes shall be of type System.Attribute, or inherit from it (see Section 9.6).

11      Virtual Execution System

The Virtual Execution System (VES) provides an environment for executing managed code. It provides direct support for a set of built-in data types, defines a hypothetical machine with an associated machine model and state, a set of control flow constructs, and an exception handling model.To a large extent, the purpose of the VES is to provide the support required to execute the Common Intermediate Language instruction set (see Partition III).

11.1      Supported Data Types

The CLI directly supports the data types shown in Table 6: Data Types Directly Supported by the CLI. That is, these data types can be manipulated using the CIL instruction set (see Partition III).

Table 6: Data Types Directly Supported by the CLI

Data Type



8-bit 2’s complement signed value

unsigned int8

8-bit unsigned binary value


16-bit 2’s complement signed value 

unsigned int16

16-bit unsigned binary value


32-bit 2’s complement signed value

unsigned int32

32-bit unsigned binary value


64-bit 2’s complement signed value

unsigned int64

64-bit unsigned binary value


32-bit IEC 60559:1989 floating point value


64-bit IEC 60559:1989 floating point value

native int

native size 2’s complement signed value

native unsigned int

native size unsigned binary value, also unmanaged pointer


native size floating point number (internal to VES, not user visible)


native size object reference to managed memory


native size managed pointer (may point into managed memory)


The CLI model uses an evaluation stack. Instructions that copy values from memory to the evaluation stack are “loads”; instructions that copy values from the stack back to memory are “stores”. The full set of data types in Table 6: Data Types Directly Supported by the CLI can be represented in memory. However, the CLI supports only a subset of these types in its operations upon values stored on its evaluation stack – int32, int64, native int. In addition the CLI supports an internal data type to represent floating point values on the internal evaluation stack. The size of the internal data type is implementation-dependent.  For further information on the treatment of floating-point values on the evaluation stack, see clause 11.1.3 and Partition III.  Short numeric values (int8, int16, unsigned int8, unsigned int16) are widened when loaded (memory-to-stack) and narrowed when stored (stack-to-memory). This reflects a computer model that assumes, for numeric and object references, memory cells are 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes wide but stack locations are either 4 or 8 bytes wide. User-defined value types may appear in memory locations or on the stack and have no size limitation; the only built-in operations on them are those that compute their address and copy them between the stack and memory.

The only CIL instructions with special support for short numeric values (rather than support for simply the 4 or 8 byte integral values) are:

·              Load and store instructions to/from memory: ldelem, ldind, stind, stelem

·              Data conversion: conv, conv.ovf

·              Array creation: newarr

The signed integer (int8, int16, int32, int64, and native int) and the respective unsigned integer (unsigned int8, unsigned int16, unsigned int32, unsigned int64, and native unsigned int) types differ only in how the bits of the integer are interpreted. For those operations where an unsigned integer is treated differently from a signed integer (e.g. comparisons or arithmetic with overflow) there are separate instructions for treating an integer as unsigned (e.g. cgt.un and add.ovf.u).

This instruction set design simplifies CIL-to-native code (eg. JIT) compilers and interpreters of CIL by allowing them to internally track a smaller number of data types. See clause

As described below, CIL instructions do not specify their operand types. Instead, the CLI keeps track of operand types based on data flow and aided by a stack consistency requirement described below. For example, the single add instruction will add two integers or two floats from the stack.

11.1.1      Native Size: native int, native unsigned int, O and &

The native-size, or generic, types (native int, native unsigned int, O, and &) are a mechanism in the CLI for deferring the choice of a value’s size. These data types exist as CIL types. But the CLI maps each to the native size for a specific processor. (For example, data type I would map to int32 on a Pentium processor, but to int64 on an IA64 processor). So, the choice of size is deferred until JIT compilation or runtime, when the CLI has been initialized and the architecture is known. This implies that field and stack frame offsets are also not known at compile time. For languages like Visual Basic, where field offsets are not computed early anyway, this is not a hardship. In languages like C or C++, where sizes must be known when source code is compiled, a conservative assumption that they occupy 8 bytes is sometimes acceptable (for example, when laying out compile-time storage).       Unmanaged Pointers as Type Native Unsigned Int

Rationale: For languages like C, when compiling all the way to native code, where the size of a pointer is known at compile time and there are no managed objects, the fixed-size unsigned integer types (unsigned int32 or unsigned int64) may serve as pointers.  However choosing pointer size at compile time has its disadvantages. If pointers were chosen to be 32 bit quantities at compile time, the code would be restricted to 4 gigabytes of address space, even if it were run on a 64 bit machine.  Moreover, a 64 bit CLI would need to take special care so those pointers passed back to 32-bit code would always fit in 32 bits.  If pointers were chosen at compile time to be 64 bits, the code would run on a 32 bit machine, but pointers in every data structure would be twice as large as necessary on that CLI. 

For other languages, where the size of a data type need not be known at compile time, it is desirable to defer the choice of pointer size from compile time to CLI initialization time.  In that way, the same CIL code can handle large address spaces for those applications that need them, while also being able to reap the size benefit of 32 bit pointers for those applications that do not need a large address space.

The native unsigned int type is used to represent unmanaged pointers with the VES. The metadata allows unmanaged pointers to be represented in a strongly typed manner, but these types are translated into type native unsigned int for use by the VES.       Managed Pointer Types: O and &

The O datatype represents an object reference that is managed by the CLI. As such, the number of specified operations is severely limited. In particular, references shall only be used on operations that indicate that they operate on reference types (e.g. ceq and ldind.ref), or on operations whose metadata indicates that references are allowed (e.g. call, ldsfld, and stfld).

The & datatype (managed pointer) is similar to the O type, but points to the interior of an object. That is, a managed pointer is allowed to point to a field within an object or an element within an array, rather than to point to the ‘start’ of object or array.

Object references (O) and managed pointers (&) may be moved during garbage collection.

Note: In summary, object references, or O types, refer to the ‘outside’ of an object, or to an object as-a-whole.  But managed pointers, or & types, refer to the interior of an object.  The & types are sometimes called “by-ref types” in source languages, since passing a field of an object by reference is represented in the VES by using an & type to represent the type of the parameter.

In order to allow managed pointers to be used more flexibly, they are also permitted to point to areas that aren’t under the control of the CLI garbage collector, such as the evaluation stack, static variables, and unmanaged memory. This allows them to be used in many of the same ways that unmanaged pointers (U) are used. As a result, however, managed pointers are allowed to appear only as parameters or local variables; this guarantees that a managed pointer to a value on the evaluation stack doesn’t outlast the life of location to which it points.       Portability: Storing Pointers in Memory

Several instructions, including calli, cpblk, initblk, ldind.*, and stind.*, expect an address on the top of the stack. If this address is derived from a pointer stored in memory, there is an important portability consideration.

1.             Code that stores pointers in a native sized integer or pointer location (types native int, O, native unsigned int, or &) is always fully portable.

2.             Code that stores pointers in an 8 byte integer (type int64 or unsigned int64) can be portable.  But this requires that a conv.ovf.u instruction be used to convert the pointer from its memory format before its use as a pointer. This may cause a runtime exception if run on a 32-bit machine. 

3.             Code that uses any smaller integer type to store a pointer in memory (int8, unsigned int8, int16, unsigned int16, int32, unsigned int32) is never portable, even though the use of a unsigned int32 or int32 will work correctly on a 32-bit machine.

11.1.2      Handling of Short Integer Data Types

The CLI defines an evaluation stack that contains either 4-byte or 8-byte integers, but a memory model that encompasses in addition 1-byte and 2-byte integers. To be more precise, the following rules are part of the CLI model:

·              Loading from 1-byte or 2-byte locations (arguments, locals, fields, statics, pointers) expands to 4-byte values.  For locations with a known type (e.g. local variables) the type being accessed determines whether the load sign-extends (signed locations) or zero-extends (unsigned locations).    For pointer dereference (ldind.*), the instruction itself identifies the type of the location (e.g. ldind.u1 indicates an unsigned location, while ldind.i1 indicates a signed location).

·              Storing into a 1-byte or 2-byte location truncates to fit and will not generate an overflow error.  Specific instructions (conv.ovf.*) can be used to test for overflow before storing.

·              Calling a method assigns values from the evaluation stack to the arguments for the method, hence it truncates just as any other store would when the actual argument is larger than the formal argument.

·              Returning from a method assigns a value to an invisible return variable, so it also truncates as a store would when the type of the value returned is larger than the return type of the method.  Since the value of this return variable is then placed on the evaluation stack, it is then sign-extended or zero-extended as would any other load.  Note that this truncation followed by extending is not identical to simply leaving the computed value unchanged.

It is the responsibility of any translator from CIL to native machine instructions to make sure that these rules are faithfully modeled through the native conventions of the target machine. The CLI does not specify, for example, whether truncation of short integer arguments occurs at the call site or in the target method.

11.1.3      Handling of Floating Point Datatypes

Floating-point calculations shall be handled as described in IEC 60559:1989. This standard describes encoding of floating point numbers, definitions of the basic operations and conversion, rounding control, and exception handling.

The standard defines special values, NaN, (not a number), +infinity, and –infinity. These values are returned on overflow conditions. A general principle is that operations that have a value in the limit return an appropriate infinity while those that have no limiting value return NaN, but see the standard for details.

Note: The following examples show the most commonly encountered cases.

X rem 0 = NaN
0 *  +infinity = 0 * -infinity = NaN
(X / 0) = +infinity, if X>0
, if X=0
, if X < 0
op X = X op NaN = NaN for all operations
(+infinity) + (+infinity) =  (+infinity)
X / (+infinity) = 0
X mod (-infinity) = -X
(+infinity) - (+infinity) =  NaN

Note: This standard does not specify the behavior of arithmetic operations on denormalized floating point numbers, nor does it specify when or whether such representations should be created.  This is in keeping with IEC 60559:1989.  In addition, this standard does not specify how to access the exact bit pattern of NaNs that are created, nor the behavior when converting a NaN between 32-bit and 64-bit representation.  All of this behavior is deliberately left implementation-specific.

For purposes of comparison, infinite values act like a number of the correct sign but with a very large magnitude when compared with finite values. NaN is ‘unordered’ for comparisons  (see clt, clt.un).

While the IEC 60559:1989 standard also allows for exceptions to be thrown under unusual conditions (such as overflow and invalid operand), the CLI does not generate these exceptions. Instead, the CLI uses the NaN, +infinity, and –infinity return values and provides the instruction ckfinite to allow users to generate an exception if a result is NaN, +infinity, or –infinity.

The rounding mode defined in IEC 60559:1989 shall be set by the CLI to “round to the nearest number,” and neither the CIL nor the class library provide a mechanism for modifying this setting. Conforming implementations of the CLI need not be resilient to external interference with this setting. That is, they need not restore the mode prior to performing floating-point operations, but rather may rely on it having been set as part of their initialization.

For conversion to integers, the default operation supplied by the CIL is “truncate towards zero”. There are class libraries supplied to allow floating-point numbers to be converted to integers using any of the other three traditional operations (round to nearest integer, floor (truncate towards –infinity), ceiling (truncate towards +infinity)).

Storage locations for floating point numbers (statics, array elements, and fields of classes) are of fixed size. The supported storage sizes are float32 and float64. Everywhere else (on the evaluation stack, as arguments, as return types, and as local variables) floating point numbers are represented using an internal floating-point type. In each such instance, the nominal type of the variable or expression is either R4 or R8, but its value may be represented internally with additional range and/or precision.  The size of the internal floating-point representation is implementation-dependent, may vary, and shall have precision at least as great as that of the variable or expression being represented. An implicit widening conversion to the internal representation from float32 or float64 is performed when those types are loaded from storage. The internal representation is typically the native size for the hardware, or as required for efficient implementation of an operation.  The internal representation shall have the following characteristics:

·              The internal representation shall have precision and range greater than or equal to the nominal type.

·              Conversions to and from the internal representation shall preserve value.

Note: This implies that an implicit widening conversion from float32 (or float64) to the internal representation, followed by an explicit conversion from the internal representation to float32 (or float64), will result in a value that is identical to the original float32 (or float64) value.


Rationale: This design allows the CLI to choose a platform-specific high-performance representation for floating point numbers until they are placed in storage locations.  For example, it may be able to leave floating point variables in hardware registers that provide more precision than a user has requested.  At the same time, CIL generators can force operations to respect language-specific rules for representations through the use of conversion instructions.

When a floating-point value whose internal representation has greater range and/or precision than its nominal type is put in a storage location it is automatically coerced to the type of the storage location.  This may involve a loss of precision or the creation of an out-of-range value (NaN, +infinity, or ‑infinity). However, the value may be retained in the internal representation for future use, if it is reloaded from the storage location without having been modified.  It is the responsibility of the compiler to ensure that the retained value is still valid at the time of a subsequent load, taking into account the effects of aliasing and other execution threads (see memory model section).  This freedom to carry extra precision is not permitted, however, following the execution of an explicit conversion (conv.r4 or conv.r8), at which time the internal representation must be exactly representable in the associated type.

Note: To detect values that cannot be converted to a particular storage type, a conversion instruction (conv.r4, or conv.r8) may be used, followed by a check for a non-finite value using ckfinite. To detect underflow when converting to a particular storage type, a comparison to zero is required before and after the conversion.


Note: The use of an internal representation that is wider than float32 or float64 may cause differences in computational results when a developer makes seemingly unrelated modifications to their code, the result of which may be that a value is spilled from the internal representation (e.g. in a register) to a location on the stack.

11.1.4      CIL Instructions and Numeric Types

This clause contains only informative text

Most CIL instructions that deal with numbers take their operands from the evaluation stack (see clause, and these inputs have an associated type that is known to the VES. As a result, a single operation like add can have inputs of any numeric data type, although not all instructions can deal with all combinations of operand types. Binary operations other than addition and subtraction require that both operands be of the same type. Addition and subtraction allow an integer to be added to or subtracted from a managed pointer (types & and O). Details are specified in Partition II.

Instructions fall into the following categories:

Numeric: These instructions deal with both integers and floating point numbers, and consider integers to be signed. Simple arithmetic, conditional branch, and comparison instructions fit in this category.

Integer: These instructions deal only with integers. Bit operations and unsigned integer division/remainder fit in this category.

Floating point: These instructions deal only with floating point numbers.

Specific: These instructions deal with integer and/or floating point numbers, but have variants that deal specially with different sizes and unsigned integers. Integer operations with overflow detection, data conversion instructions, and operations that transfer data between the evaluation stack and other parts of memory (see clause 11.3.2) fit into this category.

Unsigned/unordered: There are special comparison and branch instructions that treat integers as unsigned and consider unordered floating point numbers specially (as in “branch if greater than or unordered”):

Load constant: The load constant (ldc.*) instructions are used to load constants of type int32, int64, float32 or float64. Native size constants (type native int) shall be created by conversion from int32 (conversion from int64 would not be portable) using conv.i or conv.u.

Table 7: CIL Instructions by Numeric Category shows the CIL instructions that deal with numeric values, along with the category to which they belong. Instructions that end in “.*” indicate all variants of the instruction (based on size of data and whether the data is treated as signed or unsigned).

Table 7: CIL Instructions by Numeric Category















Load constant



































































Floating point

























End informative text

11.1.5      CIL Instructions and Pointer Types

This clause contains only informative text

Rationale: Some implementations of the CLI will require the ability to track pointers to objects and to collect objects that are no longer reachable (thus providing memory management by “garbage collection”).  This process moves objects in order to reduce the working set and thus will modify all pointers to those objects as they move.  For this to work correctly, pointers to objects may only be used in certain ways.  The O (object reference) and & (managed pointer) datatypes are the formalization of these restrictions.

The use of object references is tightly restricted in the CIL. They are used almost exclusively with the “virtual object system” instructions, which are specifically designed to deal with objects. In addition, a few of the base instructions of the CIL handle object references. In particular, object references can be:

1.             Loaded onto the evaluation stack to be passed as arguments to methods (ldloc, ldarg), and stored from the stack to their home locations (stloc, starg)

2.             Duplicated or popped off the evaluation stack (dup, pop)

3.             Tested for equality with one another, but not other data types (beq, beq.s, bne, bne.s, ceq)

4.             Loaded-from / stored-into unmanaged memory, in type unmanaged code only (ldind.ref, stind.ref)

5.             Created as a null reference (ldnull)

6.             Returned as a value (ret)

Managed pointers have several additional base operations.

1.             Addition and subtraction of integers, in units of bytes, returning a managed pointer (add, add.ovf.u, sub, sub.ovf.u)

2.             Subtraction of two managed pointers to elements of the same array, returning the number of bytes between them (sub, sub.ovf.u)

3.             Unsigned comparison and conditional branches based on two managed pointers (bge.un, bge.un.s, bgt.un, bgt.un.s, ble.un, ble.un.s, blt.un, blt.un.s, cgt.un, clt.un)

Arithmetic operations upon managed pointers are intended only for use on pointers to elements of the same array. Other uses of arithmetic on managed pointers is unspecified.

Rationale: Since the memory manager runs asynchronously with respect to programs and updates managed pointers, both the distance between distinct objects and their relative position can change.

End informative text

11.1.6      Aggregate Data

This clause contains only informative text

The CLI supports aggregate data, that is, data items that have sub-components (arrays, structures, or object instances) but are passed by copying the value. The sub-components can include references to managed memory. Aggregate data is represented using a value type, which can be instantiated in two different ways:

·              Boxed: as an Object, carrying full type information at runtime, and typically allocated on the heap by the CLI memory manager.

·              Unboxed: as a “value type instance” that does not carry type information at runtime and that is never allocated directly on the heap.  It can be part of a larger structure on the heap – a field of a class, a field of a boxed value type, or an element of an array.  Or it can be in the local variables or incoming arguments array (see clause 11.3.2).  Or it can be allocated as a static variable or static member of a class or a static member of another value type.

Because value type instances, specified as method arguments, are copied on method call, they do not have “identity” in the sense that Objects (boxed instances of classes) have.       Homes for Values

The home of a data value is where it is stored for possible reuse. The CLI directly supports the following home locations:

·              An incoming argument

·              A local variable of a method

·              An instance field of an object or value type

·              A static field of a class, interface, or module

·              An array element

For each home location, there is a means to compute (at runtime) the address of the home location and a means to determine (at JIT compile time) the type of a home location. These are summarized in Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations.

Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations

Type of Home

Runtime Address Computation

JITtime Type Determination


ldarga for by-value arguments or ldarg for by-reference arguments

Method signature

Local Variable

ldloca for by-value locals or ldloc for by-reference locals

Locals signature in method header



Type of field in the class, interface, or module



Type of field in the class, interface, or module

Array Element

ldelema for single-dimensional zero-based arrays or call the instance method Address

Element type of array


In addition to homes, built-in values can exist in two additional ways (i.e. without homes):

1.             as constant values (typically embedded in the CIL instruction stream using ldc.* instructions)

2.             as an intermediate value on the evaluation stack, when returned by a method or CIL instruction.       Operations on Value Type Instances

Value type instances can be created_cor_Creating_Instances_of_Value_Classes, passed_cor_Passing_a_Value_Class_as_an_Argument as arguments, returned_cor_Returning_a_Value_Class_as_the_Result_of_a_Method as values, and stored into and extracted from locals, fields, and elements of arrays (i.e., copied_cor_copied). Like classes, value types may have both static and non-static members (methods and fields). But, because they carry no type information at runtime, value type instances are not substitutable for items of type Object; in this respect, they act like the built-in types int, long, and so forth. There are two operations, box_cor_Boxing_and_Unboxing and unbox_cor_Boxing_and_Unboxing, that convert between value type instances and Objects.        Initializing Instances of Value Types

There are three options for initializing the home of a value type instance. You can zero it by loading the address of the home (see Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations) and using the initobj instruction (for local variables this is also accomplished by setting the zero initialize bit in the method’s header). You can call a user-defined constructor by loading the address of the home (see Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations) and then calling the constructor directly. Or you can copy an existing instance into the home, as described in clause        Loading and Storing Instances of Value Types

There are two ways to load a value type onto the evaluation stack:

·              Directly load the value from a home that has the appropriate type, using an ldarg, ldloc, ldfld, or ldsfld instruction

·              Compute the address of the value type, then use an ldobj instruction

Similarly, there are two ways to store a value type from the evaluation stack:

·              Directly store the value into a home of the appropriate type, using a starg, stloc, stfld, or stsfld instruction

·              Compute the address of the value type, then use a stobj instruction        Passing and Returning Value Types

Value types are treated just as any other value would be treated:

·              To pass a value type by value, simply load it onto the stack as you would any other argument: use ldloc, ldarg, etc., or call a method that returns a value type.  To access a value type parameter that has been passed by value use the ldarga instruction to compute its address or the ldarg instruction to load the value onto the evaluation stack.

·              To pass a value type by reference, load the address of the value type as you normally would (see Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations).  To access a value type parameter that has been passed by reference use the ldarg instruction to load the address of the value type and then the ldobj instruction to load the value type onto the evaluation stack.

·              To return a value type, just load the value onto an otherwise empty evaluation stack and then issue a ret instruction.        Calling Methods

Static methods on value types are handled no differently from static methods on an ordinary class: use a call instruction with a metadata token specifying the value type as the class of the method. Non-static methods (i.e. instance and virtual methods) are supported on value types, but they are given special treatment. A non-static method on a class (rather than a value type) expects a this pointer that is an instance of that class. This makes sense for classes, since they have identity and the this pointer represents that identity. Value types, however, have identity only when boxed. To address this issue, the this pointer on a non-static method of a value type is a by-ref parameter of the value type rather than an ordinary by-value parameter.

A non-static method on a value type may be called in the following ways:

·              Given an unboxed instance of a value type, the compiler will know the exact type of the object statically.  The call instruction can be used to invoke the function, passing as the first parameter (the this pointer) the address of the instance.  The metadata token used with the call instruction shall specify the value type itself as the class of the method.

·              Given a boxed instance of a value type, there are three cases to consider:

o             Instance or virtual methods introduced on the value type itself: unbox the instance and call the method directly using the value type as the class of the method.

o             Virtual methods inherited from a parent class: use the callvirt instruction and specify the method on the System.Object, System.ValueType or System.Enum class as appropriate.

o             Virtual methods on interfaces implemented by the value type: use the callvirt instruction and specify the method on the interface type.        Boxing and Unboxing

Box and unbox are conceptually equivalent to (and may be seen in higher-level languages as) casting between a value type instance and System.Object. Because they change data representations, however, boxing and unboxing are like the widening and narrowing of various sizes of integers (the conv and conv.ovf instructions) rather than the casting of reference types (the isinst and castclass instructions). The box instruction is a widening (always typesafe) operation that converts a value type instance to System.Object by making a copy of the instance and embedding it in a newly allocated object. Unbox is a narrowing (runtime exception may be generated) operation that converts a System.Object (whose runtime type is a value type) to a value type instance. This is done by computing the address of the embedded value type instance without making a copy of the instance.        Castclass and IsInst on Value Types

Casting to and from value type instances isn’t permitted (the equivalent operations are box and unbox). When boxed, however, it is possible to use the isinst instruction to see whether a value of type System.Object is the boxed representation of a particular class.       Opaque Classes

Some languages provide multi-byte data structures whose contents are manipulated directly by address arithmetic and indirection operations. To support this feature, the CLI allows value types to be created with a specified size but no information about their data members. Instances of these “opaque classes” are handled in precisely the same way as instances of any other class, but the ldfld, stfld, ldflda, ldsfld, and stsfld instructions shall not be used to access their contents.

End informative text

11.2      Module Information

Partition II provides details of the CLI PE file format. The CLI relies on the following information about each method defined in a PE file:

·              The instructions composing the method body, including all exception handlers.

·              The signature of the method, which specifies the return type and the number, order, parameter passing convention, and built-in data type of each of the arguments.  It also specifies the native calling convention (this does not affect the CIL virtual calling convention, just the native code).

·              The exception handling array.  This array holds information delineating the ranges over which exceptions are filtered and caught.  See Partition II and clause 11.4.2.

·              The size of evaluation stack that the method will require. 

·              The size of the locals array that the method will require.

·              A “zero init flag” that indicates whether the local variables and memory pool should be initialized by the CLI (see also localloc).

·              Type of each local variable in the form of a signature of the local variable array (called the “locals signature”).

In addition, the file format is capable of indicating the degree of portability of the file. There are two kinds of restrictions that may be described:

·              Restriction to a specific (32-bit or 64-bit) native size for integers.

·              Restriction to a specific “endian-ness” (i.e. whether bytes are stored left-to-right or right-to-left within a machine word).

By stating which restrictions are placed on executing the code, the CLI class loader can prevent non-portable code from running on an architecture that it cannot support.

11.3      Machine State

One of the design goals of the CLI is to hide the details of a method call frame from the CIL code generator. This allows the CLI (and not the CIL code generator) to choose the most efficient calling convention and stack layout. To achieve this abstraction, the call frame is integrated into the CLI. The machine state definitions below reflect these design choices, where machine state consists primarily of global state and method state.

11.3.1      The Global State

The CLI manages multiple concurrent threads of control (not necessarily the same as the threads provided by a host operating system), multiple managed heaps, and a shared memory address space.

Note: A thread of control can be thought of, somewhat simplistically, as a singly linked list of method states, where a new state is created and linked back to the current state by a method call instruction – the traditional model of a stack-based calling sequence. Notice that this model of the thread of control doesn’t correctly explain the operation of tail., jmp, or throw instructions.

Figure 3: Machine State Model illustrates the machine state model, which includes threads of control, method states, and multiple heaps in a shared address space. Method state, shown separately in Figure 4: Method State, is an abstraction of the stack frame. Arguments and local variables are part of the method state, but they can contain Object References that refer to data stored in any of the managed heaps. In general, arguments and local variables are only visible to the executing thread, while instance and static fields and array elements may be visible to multiple threads, and modification of such values is considered a side-effect.

Figure 3: Machine State Model

Figure 4: Method State

11.3.2      Method State

Method state describes the environment within which a method executes. (In conventional compiler terminology, it corresponds to a superset of the information captured in the “invocation stack frame”). The CLI method state consists of the following items:

·              An instruction pointer (IP).  This points to the next CIL instruction to be executed by the CLI in the present method.

·              An evaluation stack.  The stack is empty upon method entry.  Its contents are entirely local to the method and are preserved across call instructions (that’s to say, if this method calls another, once that other method returns, our evaluation stack contents are “still there”).  The evaluation stack is not addressable.  At all times it is possible to deduce which one of a reduced set of types is stored in any stack location at a specific point in the CIL instruction stream (see clause

·              A local variable array (starting at index 0).  Values of local variables are preserved across calls (in the same sense  as for the evaluation stack).  A local variable may hold any data type.  However, a particular slot shall be used in a type consistent way (where the type system is the one described in clause  Local variables are initialized to 0 before entry if the initialize flag for the method is set (see Section 11.2).  The address of an individual local variable may be taken using the ldloca instruction.

·              An argument array.  The values of the current method’s incoming arguments (starting at index 0).  These can be read and written by logical index.  The address of an argument can be taken using the ldarga instruction.  The address of an argument is also implicitly taken by the arglist instruction for use in conjunction with typesafe iteration through variable-length argument lists.

·              A methodInfo handle.  This contains read-only information about the method.  In particular it holds the signature of the method, the types of its local variables, and data about its exception handlers.

·              A local memory pool.  The CLI includes instructions for dynamic allocation of objects from the local memory pool (localloc). Memory allocated in the local memory pool is addressable.  The memory allocated in the local memory pool is reclaimed upon method context termination. 

·              A return state handle.  This handle is used to restore the method state on return from the current method.  Typically, this would be the state of the method’s caller.  This corresponds to what in conventional compiler terminology would be the dynamic link.

·              A security descriptor.  This descriptor is not directly accessible to managed code but is used by the CLI security system to record security overrides (assert, permit-only, and deny). 

The four areas of the method state – incoming arguments array, local variables array, local memory pool and evaluation stack – are specified as if logically distinct areas. A conforming implementation of the CLI may map these areas into one contiguous array of memory, held as a conventional stack frame on the underlying target architecture, or use any other equivalent representation technique.       The Evaluation Stack

Associated with each method state is an evaluation stack. Most CLI instructions retrieve their arguments from the evaluation stack and place their return values on the stack. Arguments to other methods and their return values are also placed on the evaluation stack. When a procedure call is made the arguments to the called methods become the incoming arguments array (see clause to the method. This may require a memory copy, or simply a sharing of these two areas by the two methods.

The evaluation stack is made up of slots that can hold any data type, including an unboxed instance of a value type. The type state of the stack (the stack depth and types of each element on the stack) at any given point in a program shall be identical for all possible control flow paths. For example, a program that loops an unknown number of times and pushes a new element on the stack at each iteration would be prohibited.

While the CLI, in general, supports the full set of types described in Section 11.1, the CLI treats the evaluation stack in a special way. While some JIT compilers may track the types on the stack in more detail, the CLI only requires that values be one of:

·              int64, an 8-byte signed integer

·              int32, a 4-byte signed integer

·              native int, a signed integer of either 4 or 8 bytes, whichever is more convenient for the target architecture

·              F, a floating point value (float32, float64, or other representation supported by the underlying hardware)

·              &, a managed pointer

·              O, an object reference

·              *, a “transient pointer,” which may be used only within the body of a single method, that points to a value known to be in unmanaged memory (see the CIL Instruction Set specification for more details.  * types are generated internally within the CLI; they are not created by the user).

·              A user-defined value type

The other types are synthesized through a combination of techniques:

·              Shorter integer types in other memory locations are zero-extended or sign-extended when loaded onto the evaluation stack; these values are truncated when stored back to their home location.

·              Special instructions perform numeric conversions, with or without overflow detection, between different sizes and between signed and unsigned integers.

·              Special instructions treat an integer on the stack as though it were unsigned.

·              Instructions that create pointers which are guaranteed not to point into the memory manager’s heaps (e.g. ldloca, ldarga, and ldsflda) produce transient pointers (type *) that may be used wherever a managed pointer (type &) or unmanaged pointer (type native unsigned int) is expected.

·              When a method is called, an unmanaged pointer (type native unsigned int or *) is permitted to match a parameter that requires a managed pointer (type &).  The reverse, however, is not permitted since it would allow a managed pointer to be “lost” by the memory manager.

·              A managed pointer (type &) may be explicitly converted to an unmanaged pointer (type native unsigned int), although this is not verifiable and may produce a runtime exception.       Local Variables and Arguments

Part of each method state is an array that holds local variables and an array that holds arguments. Like the evaluation stack, each element of these arrays can hold any single data type or an instance of a value type. Both arrays start at 0 (that is, the first argument or local variable is numbered 0). The address of a local variable can be computed using the ldloca instruction, and the address of an argument using the ldarga instruction.

Associated with each method is metadata that specifies:

·              whether the local variables and memory pool memory will be initialized when the method is entered

·              the type of each argument and the length of the argument array (but see below for variable argument lists)

·              the type of each local variable and the length of the local variable array.

The CLI inserts padding as appropriate for the target architecture. That is, on some 64-bit architectures all local variables may be 64-bit aligned, while on others they may be 8-, 16-, or 32-bit aligned. The CIL generator shall make no assumptions about the offsets of local variables within the array. In fact, the CLI is free to reorder the elements in the local variable array, and different JITters may choose to order them in different ways.       Variable Argument Lists

The CLI works in conjunction with the class library to implement methods that accept argument lists of unknown length and type (“varargs methods”). Access to these arguments is through a typesafe iterator in the Class Library, called System.ArgIterator (see Partition IV).

The CIL includes one instruction provided specifically to support the argument iterator, arglist. This instruction may be used only within a method that is declared to take a variable number of arguments. It returns a value that is needed by the constructor for a System.ArgIterator object. Basically, the value created by arglist provides access both to the address of the argument list that was passed to the method and a runtime data structure that specifies the number and type of the arguments that were provided. This is sufficient for the class library to implement the user visible iteration mechanism.

From the CLI point of view, varargs methods have an array of arguments like other methods. But only the initial portion of the array has a fixed set of types and only these may be accessed directly using the ldarg, starg, and ldarga instructions. The argument iterator allows access to both this initial segment and the remaining entries in the array.       Local Memory Pool

Part of each method state is a local memory pool. Memory can be explicitly allocated from the local memory pool using the localloc instruction. All memory in the local memory pool is reclaimed on method exit, and that is the only way local memory pool memory is reclaimed (there is no instruction provided to free local memory that was allocated during this method invocation). The local memory pool is used to allocate objects whose type or size is not known at compile time and which the programmer does not wish to allocate in the managed heap.

Because the local memory pool cannot be shrunk during the lifetime of the method, a language implementation cannot use the local memory pool for general-purpose memory allocation .

11.4      Control Flow

The CIL instruction set provides a rich set of instructions to alter the normal flow of control from one CIL instruction to the next.

·              Conditional and Unconditional Branch instructions for use within a method, provided the transfer doesn’t cross a protected region boundary  (see clause 11.4.2).

·              Method call instructions to compute new arguments, transfer them and control to a known or computed destination method (see clause 11.4.1).

·              Tail call prefix to indicate that a method should relinquish its stack frame before executing a method call (see clause 11.4.1).

·              Return from a method, returning a value if necessary.

·              Method jump instructions to transfer the current method’s arguments to a known or computed destination method (see clause 11.4.1).

·              Exception-related instructions (see clause 11.4.2).  These include instructions to initiate an exception, transfer control out of a protected region, and end a filter, catch clause, or finally clause.

While the CLI supports control transfers within a method, there are several restrictions that shall be observed:

1.             Control transfer is never permitted to enter a catch handler or finally clause (see clause 11.4.2) except through the exception handling mechanism.

2.             Control transfer out of a protected region (see clause 11.4.2) is only permitted through an exception instruction (leave, end.filter, end.catch, or end.finally).

3.             The evaluation stack shall be empty after the return value is popped by a ret instruction.

4.             Each slot on the stack shall have the same data type at any given point within the method body, regardless of the control flow that allows execution to arrive there.

5.             In order for the JIT compilers to efficiently track the data types stored on the stack, the stack shall normally be empty at the instruction following an unconditional control transfer instruction (br, br.s, ret, jmp, throw, end.filter, end.catch, or end.finally).  The stack may be non-empty at such an instruction only if at some earlier location within the method there has been a forward branch to that instruction.

6.             Control is not permitted to simply “fall through” the end of a method. All paths shall terminate with one of these instructions: ret, throw, jmp, or (tail. followed by call, calli, or callvirt).

11.4.1      Method Calls

Instructions emitted by the CIL code generator contain sufficient information for different implementations of the CLI to use different native calling convention. All method calls initialize the method state areas (see clause 11.3.2) as follows:

1.             The incoming arguments array is set by the caller to the desired values.

2.             The local variables array always has null for Object types and for fields within value types that hold objects.  In addition, if the “zero init flag” is set in the method header, then the local variables array is initialized to 0 for all integer types and 0.0 for all floating point types.  Value Types are not initialized by the CLI, but verified code will supply a call to an initializer as part of the method’s entry point code.

3.             The evaluation stack is empty.       Call Site Descriptors

Call sites specify additional information that enables an interpreter or JIT compiler to synthesize any native calling convention. All CIL calling instructions (call, calli, and callvirt) include a description of the call site. This description can take one of two forms. The simpler form, used with the calli instruction, is a “call site description” (represented as a metadata token for a stand-alone call signature) that provides:

·              The number of arguments being passed.

·              The data type of each argument.

·              The order in which they have been placed on the call stack.

·              The native calling convention to be used

The more complicated form, used for the call and callvirt instructions, is a “method reference” (a metadata methodref token) that augments the call site description with an identifier for the target of the call instruction.       Calling Instructions

The CIL has three call instructions that are used to transfer new argument values to a destination method. Under normal circumstances, the called method will terminate and return control to the calling method.

·              call is designed to be used when the destination address is fixed at the time the CIL is linked.  In this case, a method reference is placed directly in the instruction.  This is comparable to a direct call to a static function in C.  It may be used to call static or instance methods or the (statically known) superclass method within an instance method body.

·              calli is designed for use when the destination address is calculated at run time.  A method pointer is passed on the stack and the instruction contains only the call site description.

·              callvirt, part of the CIL common type system instruction set, uses the class of an object (known only at runtime) to determine the method to be called.  The instruction includes a method reference, but the particular method isn’t computed until the call actually occurs.  This allows an instance of a subclass to be supplied and the method appropriate for that subclass to be invoked.  The callvirt instruction is used both for instance methods and methods on interfaces.   For further details, see the Common Type System specification and the CIL Instruction Set specification.

In addition, each of these instructions may be immediately preceded by a tail. instruction prefix. This specifies that the calling method terminates with this method call (and returns whatever value is returned by the called method). The tail. prefix instructs the JIT compiler to discard the caller’s method state prior to making the call (if the call is from untrusted code to trusted code the frame cannot be fully discarded for security reasons). When the called method executes a ret instruction, control returns not to the calling method but rather to wherever that method would itself have returned (typically, return to caller’s caller). Notice that the tail. instruction shortens the lifetime of the caller’s frame so it is unsafe to pass managed pointers (type &) as arguments.

Finally, there are two instructions that indicate an optimization of the tail. case:

·              jmp is followed by a methodref or methoddef token and indicates that the current method’s state should be discarded, its arguments should be transferred intact to the destination method, and control should be transferred to the destination.  The signature of the calling method shall exactly match the signature of the destination method.       Computed Destinations

The destination of a method call may be either encoded directly in the CIL instruction stream (the call and jmp instructions) or computed (the callvirt, and calli instructions). The destination address for a callvirt instruction is automatically computed by the CLI based on the method token and the value of the first argument (the this pointer). The method token shall refer to a virtual method on a class that is a direct ancestor of the class of the first argument. The CLI computes the correct destination by  locating the nearest ancestor of the first argument’s class that supplies an implementation of the desired method.

Note: The implementation can be assumed to be more efficient than the linear search implied here).

For the calli instruction the CIL code is responsible for computing a destination address and pushing it on the stack. This is typically done through the use of a ldftn or ldvirtfn instruction at some earlier time. The ldftn instruction includes a metadata token in the CIL stream that specifies a method, and the instruction pushes the address of that method. The ldvirtfn instruction takes a metadata token for a virtual method in the CIL stream and an object on the stack. It performs the same computation described above for the callvirt instruction but pushes the resulting destination on the stack rather than calling the method.

The calli instruction includes a call site description that includes information about the native calling convention that should be used to invoke the method. Correct CIL code shall specify a calling convention specified in the calli instruction that matches the calling convention for the method that is being called.       Virtual Calling Convention

The CIL provides a “virtual calling convention” that is converted by the JIT into a native calling convention. The JIT determines the optimal native calling convention for the target architecture. This allows the native calling convention to differ from machine to machine, including details of register usage, local variable homes, copying conventions for large call-by-value objects (as well as deciding, based on the target machine, what is considered “large”). This also allows the JIT to reorder the values placed on the CIL virtual stack to match the location and order of arguments passed in the native calling convention.

The CLI uses a single uniform calling convention for all method calls. It is the responsibility of the JITters to convert this into the appropriate native calling convention. The contents of the stack at the time of a call instruction (call, calli, or callvirt any of which may be preceded by tail.) are as follows:

1.             If the method being called is an instance method (class or interface) or a virtual method, the this pointer is the first object on the stack at the time of the call instruction.  For methods on Objects (including boxed value types), the this pointer is of type O (object reference).  For methods on value types, the this pointer is provided as a by-ref parameter; that is, the value is a pointer (managed, &, or unmanaged, * or native int) to the instance.

2.             The remaining arguments appear on the stack in left-to-right order (that is, the lexically leftmost argument is the lowest on the stack, immediately following the this pointer, if any).  clause describes how each of the three parameter passing conventions (by-value, by-reference, and typed reference) should be implemented.       Parameter Passing

The CLI supports three kinds of parameter passing, all indicated in metadata as part of the signature of the method. Each parameter to a method has its own passing convention (e.g., the first parameter may be passed by-value while all others are passed by-ref). Parameters shall be passed in one of the following ways (see detailed descriptions below):

·              By-value parameters, where the value of an object is passed from the caller to the callee.

·              By-ref parameters, where the address of the data is passed from the caller to the callee, and the type of the parameter is therefore a managed or unmanaged pointer.

·              Typed reference parameters, where a runtime representation of the data type is passed along with the address of the data, and the type of the parameter is therefore one specially supplied for this purpose.

It is the responsibility of the CIL generator to follow these conventions. Verification checks that the types of parameters match the types of values passed, but is otherwise unaware of the details of the calling convention.        By-Value Parameters

For built-in types (integers, floats, etc.) the caller copies the value onto the stack before the call. For objects the object reference (type O) is pushed on the stack. For managed pointers (type &) or unmanaged pointers (type native unsigned int), the address is passed from the caller to the callee. For value types, see the protocol in clause        By-Ref Parameters

By-Ref Parameters are the equivalent of C++ reference parameters or PASCAL var parameters: instead of passing as an argument the value of a variable, field, or array element, its address is passed instead; and any assignment to the corresponding parameter actually modifies the corresponding caller’s variable, field, or array element. Much of this work is done by the higher-level language, which hides from the user the need to compute addresses to pass a value and the use of indirection to reference or update values.

Passing a value by reference requires that the value have a home (see clause and it is the address of this home that is passed. Constants, and intermediate values on the evaluation stack, cannot be passed as by-ref parameters because they have no home.

The CLI provides instructions to support by-ref parameters:

·              calculate addresses of home locations (see Table 8: Address and Type of Home Locations)

·              load and store built-in data types through these address pointers (ldind.*, stind.*, ldfld, etc.)

·              copy value types (ldobj and cpobj). 

Some addresses (e.g., local variables and arguments) have lifetimes tied to that method invocation. These shall not be referenced outside their lifetimes, and so they should not be stored in locations that last beyond their lifetime. The CIL does not (and cannot) enforce this restriction, so the CIL generator shall enforce this restriction or the resulting CIL will not work correctly. For code to be verifiable (see Section 7.8) by-ref parameters may only be passed to other methods or referenced via the appropriate stind or ldind instructions.        Typed Reference Parameters

By-ref parameters and value types are sufficient to support statically typed languages (C++, Pascal, etc.). They also support dynamically typed languages that pay a performance penalty to box value types before passing them to polymorphic methods (Lisp, Scheme, SmallTalk, etc.). Unfortunately, they are not sufficient to support languages like Visual Basic that require by-reference passing of unboxed data to methods that are not statically restricted as to the type of data they accept. These languages require a way of passing both the address of the home of the data and the static type of the home. This is exactly the information that would be provided if the data were boxed, but without the heap allocation required of a box operation.

Typed reference parameters address this requirement. A typed reference parameter is very similar to a standard by-ref parameter but the static data type is passed as well as the address of the data. Like by-ref parameters, the argument corresponding to a typed reference parameter will have a home.

Note: If it were not for the fact that verification and the memory manager need to be aware of the data type and the corresponding address, a by-ref parameter could be implemented as a standard value type with two fields: the address of the data and the type of the data.

Like a regular by-ref parameter, a typed reference parameter can refer to a home that is on the stack, and that home will have a lifetime limited by the call stack. Thus, the CIL generator shall apply appropriate checks on the lifetime of by-ref parameters; and verification imposes the same restrictions on the use of typed reference parameters as it does on by-ref parameters (see clause

A typed reference is passed by either creating a new typed reference (using the mkrefany instruction) or by copying an existing typed reference. Given a typed reference argument, the address to which it refers can be extracted using the refanyval instruction; the type to which it refers can be extracted using the refanytype instruction.        Parameter Interactions

A given parameter may be passed using any one of the parameter passing conventions: by-value, by-ref, or typed reference. No combination of these is allowed for a single parameter, although a method may have different parameters with different calling mechanisms.

A parameter that has been passed in as typed reference shall not be passed on as by-ref or by-value without a runtime type check and (in the case of by-value) a copy.

A by-ref parameter may be passed on as a typed reference by attaching the static type.

Table 9: Parameter Passing Conventions illustrates the parameter passing convention used for each data type.

Table 9: Parameter Passing Conventions

Type of data

Pass By

How data is sent

Built-in value type (int, float, etc.)


Copied to called method, type statically known at both sides


Address sent to called method, type statically known at both sides

Typed reference

Address sent along with type information to called method

User-defined value type


Called method receives a copy; type statically known at both sides


Address sent to called method, type statically known at both sides

Typed reference

Address sent along with type information to called method



Reference to data sent to called method, type statically known and class available from reference


Address of reference sent to called method, type statically known and class available from reference

Typed reference

Address of reference sent to called method along with static type information, class (i.e. dynamic type) available from reference


11.4.2      Exception Handling

Exception handling is supported in the CLI through exception objects and protected blocks of code. When an exception occurs, an object is created to represent the exception. All exceptions objects are instances of some class (i.e. they can be boxed value types, but not pointers, unboxed value types, etc.). Users may create their own exception classes, typically by subclassing System.Exception (see Partition IV).

There are four kinds of handlers for protected blocks. A single protected block shall have exactly one handler associated with it:

·              A finally handler that shall be executed whenever the block exits, regardless of whether that occurs by normal control flow or by an unhandled exception.

·              A fault handler that shall be executed if an exception occurs, but not on completion of normal control flow.

·              A type-filtered handler that handles any exception of a specified class or any of its sub-classes.

·              A user-filtered handler that runs a user-specified set of CIL instructions to determine whether the exception should be ignored (i.e. execution should resume), handled by the associated handler, or passed on to the next protected block.

Protected regions, the type of the associated handler, and the location of the associated handler and (if needed) user-supplied filter code are described through an Exception Handler Table associated with each method. The exact format of the Exception Handler Table is specified in detail in Partition II. Details of the exception handling mechanism are also specified in Partition II.       Exceptions Thrown by the CLI

CLI instructions can throw the following exceptions as part of executing individual instructions. The documentation for each instruction lists all the exceptions the instruction can throw (except for the general purpose ExecutionEngineException described below that may be generated by all instructions).

Base Instructions (see Partition III)

·              ArithmeticException

·              DivideByZeroException

·              ExecutionEngineException

·              InvalidAddressException

·              OverflowException

·              SecurityException

·              StackOverflowException

Object Model Instructions (see Partition III)

·              TypeLoadException

·              IndexOutOfRangeException

·              InvalidAddressException

·              InvalidCastException

·              MissingFieldException

·              MissingMethodException

·              NullReferenceException

·              OutOfMemoryException

·              SecurityException

·              StackOverflowException

The ExecutionEngineException is special. It can be thrown by any instruction and indicates an unexpected inconsistency in the CLI. Running exclusively verified code can never cause this exception to be thrown by a conforming implementation of the CLI. However, unverified code (even though that code is conforming CIL) can cause this exception to be thrown if it corrupts memory. Any attempt to execute non-conforming CIL or non-conforming file formats can cause completely unspecified behavior: a conforming implementation of the CLI need not make any provision for these cases.

There are no exceptions for things like ‘MetaDataTokenNotFound.’ CIL verification (see Partition V) will detect this inconsistency before the instruction is executed, leading to a verification violation. If the CIL is not verified this type of inconsistency shall raise the generic ExecutionEngineException.

Exceptions can also be thrown by the CLI, as well as by user code, using the throw instruction. The handing of an exception is identical, regardless of the source.       Subclassing Of Exceptions

Certain types of exceptions thrown by the CLI may be subclassed to provide more information to the user.  The specification of CIL instructions in Partition III describes what types of exceptions should be thrown by the runtime environment when an abnormal situation occurs.  Each of these descriptions allows a conforming implementation to throw an object of the type described or an object of a subclass of that type.

Note: For instance, the specification of the ckfinite instruction requires that an exception of type ArithmeticException or a subclass of ArithmeticException be thrown by the CLI.  A conforming implementation may simply throw an exception of type ArithmeticException, but it may also choose to provide more information to the programmer by throwing an exception of type NotFiniteNumberException with the offending number.

The following exception types are among those that may be subclassed by the runtime environment:

·              ArithmeticException

·              ArithmeticOverflowException

·              ArrayTypeMismatchException

·              ExecutionEngineException

·              IndexOutOfRangeException

·              InvalidCastException

·              InvalidOperationException

·              MissingFieldException

·              MissingMethodException

·              NullReferenceException

·              OutOfMemoryException

·              OverflowException

·              SecurityException

·              StackOverflowException

·              TypeLoadException       Resolution Exceptions

CIL allows types to reference, among other things, interfaces, classes, methods, and fields.  Resolution errors occur when references are not found or are mismatched.  Resolution exceptions can be generated by references from byte-code instructions, references to base-classes, to implemented interfaces, and by references from signatures of fields, methods and other class members.

To allow scalability with respect to optimization, detection of resolution exceptions is given latitude such that it may occur as early as install time and as late as execution time. 

The latest opportunity to check for resolution exceptions from all references except byte-code instructions is as part of initialization of the type that is doing the referencing (see Partition II). If such a resolution exception is detected the static initializer for that type, if present, shall not be executed.

The latest opportunity to check for resolution exceptions in byte-code instructions is as part of the first execution of the associated byte-code instruction.  When an implementation chooses to perform resolution exception checking in byte-code instructions as late as possible, these exceptions, if they occur, shall be thrown prior to any other non-resolution exception that the byte-code may throw.  Once a byte-code instruction has passed the point of throwing resolution errors (it has completed without exception, or has completed by throwing a non-resolution exception), subsequent executions of that instruction shall no longer throw resolution exceptions.

If an implementation chooses to detect some resolution errors, from any references, earlier than the latest opportunity for that kind of reference, it is not required to detect all resolution exceptions early.

An implementation that detects resolution errors early is allowed to prevent a class from being installed, loaded or initialized as a result of resolution exceptions detected in the class itself or in the transitive closure of types from following references of any kind.

For example, each of the following represents a permitted scenario.  An installation program can throw resolution exceptions (thus failing the installation) as a result of checking byte-code instructions for resolution errors in the set of items being installed.  An implementation is allowed to fail to load a class as a result of checking byte-code instructions in a referenced class for resolution errors.  An implementation is permitted to load and initialize a class that has resolution errors in its byte-code instructions.

The following exceptions are among those considered resolution exceptions:

·              BadImageFormatException

·              EntryPointNotFoundException

·              MissingFieldException

·              MissingMemberException

·              MissingMethodException

·              NotSupportedException

·              TypeLoadException

·              TypeUnloadedException

For example, when a referenced class cannot be found, a TypeLoadException is thrown.  When a referenced method (whose class is found) cannot be found, a MissingMethodException is thrown.  If a matching method being used consistently is accessible, but violates declared security policy, a SecurtyException is thrown       Timing of Exceptions

Certain types of exceptions thrown by CIL instructions may be detected before the instruction is executed.  In these cases, the specific time of the throw is not precisely defined, but the exception should be thrown no later than the instruction is executed.  That relaxation of the timing of exceptions is provided so that an implementation may choose to detect and throw an exception before any code is run, e.g., at the time of CIL to native code conversion.

There is a distinction between the time of detecting the error condition and throwing the associated exception.  An error condition may be detected early (e.g., at JIT time), but the condition may be signaled later (e.g. at the execution time of the offending instruction) by throwing an exception.

The following exceptions are among those that may be thrown early by the runtime:

·              MissingFieldException,

·              MissingMethodException,

·              SecurityException,

·              TypeLoadException       Overview of Exception Handling

See the Exception Handling specification in Partition II for details.

Each method in an executable has associated with it a (possibly empty) array of exception handling information. Each entry in the array describes a protected block, its filter, and its handler (which may be a catch handler, a filter handler, a finally handler, or a fault handler). When an exception occurs, the CLI searches the array for the first protected block that

·              Protects a region including the current instruction pointer and

·              Is a catch handler block and

·              Whose filter wishes to handle the exception

If a match is not found in the current method, the calling method is searched, and so on. If no match is found the CLI will dump a stack trace and abort the program.

Note: A debugger can intervene and treat this situation like a breakpoint, before performing any stack unwinding, so that the stack is still available for inspection through the debugger.

If a match is found, the CLI walks the stack back to the point just located, but this time calling the finally and fault handlers. It then starts the corresponding exception handler. Stack frames are discarded either as this second walk occurs or after the handler completes, depending on information in the exception handler array entry associated with the handling block.

Some things to notice are:

·              The ordering of the exception clauses in the Exception Handler Table is important.  If handlers are nested, the most deeply nested try blocks shall come before the try blocks that enclose them.

·              Exception handlers may access the local variables and the local memory pool of the routine that catches the exception, but any intermediate results on the evaluation stack at the time the exception was thrown are lost.

·              An exception object describing the exception is automatically created by the CLI and pushed onto the evaluation stack as the first item upon entry of a filter or catch clause.

·              Execution cannot be resumed at the location of the exception, except with a user-filtered handler.       CIL Support for Exceptions

The CIL has special instructions to:

·              Throw and rethrow a user-defined exception.

·              Leave a protected block and execute the appropriate finally clauses within a method, without throwing an exception.  This is also used to exit a catch clause.  Notice that leaving a protected block does not cause the fault clauses to be called.

·              End a user-supplied filter clause (endfilter) and return a value indicating whether to handle the exception.

·              End a finally clause (endfinally) and continue unwinding the stack.       Lexical Nesting of Protected Blocks

A protected region (also called a “try block”) is described by two addresses: the trystart is the address of the first instruction to be protected and tryend is the address immediately following the last instruction to be protected.  A handler region is described by two addresses: the handlerstart is the address of the first instruction of the handler and the handlerend is the address immediately following the last instruction of the handler.

There are three kinds of handlers: catch, finally, and fault.  A single exception entry consists of

·              Optional: a type token (the type of exception to be handled) or filterstart (the address of the first instruction of the user-supplied filter code)

·              Required: protected region

·              Required: handler region.

Every method has associated with it a set of exception entries, called the exception set.

If an exception entry contains a filterstart, then filterstart < handlerstart. The filter region starts at the instruction specified by filterstart and contains all instructions up to (but not including) that specified by handlerstart.  If there is no filterstart then the filter region is empty (hence does not overlap with any region).

No two regions (protected region, handler region, filter region) of a single exception entry may overlap with one another.

For every pair of exception entries in an exception set, one of the following must be true:

·              They nest: all three regions of one entry must be within a single region of the other entry.

·              They are disjoint: all six regions of the two entries are pairwise disjoint (no addresses overlap)

·              They mutually protect: the protected regions are the same and the other regions are pairwise disjoint.

The encoding of an exception entry in the file format (see Partition II) guarantees that only a catch handler (not a fault handler or finally handler) can have a filter region.       Control Flow Restrictions on Protected Blocks

The following restrictions govern control flow into, out of, and between try blocks and their associated handlers.

1.             CIL code shall not enter a filter, catch, fault or finally block except through the CLI exception handling mechanism.

2.             There are only two ways to enter a try block from outside its lexical body:

a.            Branching to or falling into the try block’s first instruction.  The branch may be made using a conditional branch, an unconditional branch, or a leave instruction.

b.            Using a leave instruction from that try’s catch block.  In this case, correct CIL code may branch to any instruction within the try block, not just its first instruction, so long as that branch target is not protected by yet another try, nested withing the first

3.             Upon entry to a try block the evaluation stack shall be empty.

4.             The only ways CIL code may leave a try, filter, catch, finally or fault block are as follows:

a.            throw from any of them.

b.            leave from the body of a try or catch (in this case the destination of the leave shall have an empty evaluation stack and the leave instruction has the side-effect of emptying the evaluation stack).

c.            endfilter may appear only as the lexically last instruction of a filter block, and it shall always be present (even if it is immediately preceded by a throw or other unconditional control flow).  If reached, the evaluation stack shall contain an int32 when the endfilter is executed, and the value is used to determine how exception handling should proceed.

d.            endfinally from anywhere within a finally or fault, with the side-effect of emptying the evaluation stack.

e.            rethrow from within a catch block, with the side-effect of emptying the evaluation stack.

5.             When the try block is exited with a leave instruction, the evaluation stack shall be empty.

6.             When a catch or filter clause is exited with a leave instruction, the evaluation stack shall be empty. This involves popping, from the evaluation stack, the exception object that was automatically pushed onto the stack.

7.             CIL code shall not exit any try, filter, catch finally or fault block using a ret instruction.

8.             The localloc instruction cannot occur within an exception block: filter, catch, finally, or fault

11.5      Proxies and Remoting

A remoting boundary exists if it is not possible to share the identity of an object directly across the boundary. For example, if two objects exist on physically separate machines that do not share a common address space, then a remoting boundary will exist between them. There are other administrative mechanisms for creating remoting boundaries.

The VES provides a mechanism, called the application domain, to isolate applications running in the same operating system process from one another. Types loaded into one application domain are distinct from the same type loaded into another application domain, and instances of objects shall not be directly shared from one application domain to another. Hence, the application domain itself forms a remoting boundary.

The VES implements remoting boundaries based on the concept of a proxy. A proxy is an object that exists on one side of the boundary and represents an object on the other side. The proxy forwards references to instance fields and methods to the actual object for interpretation. Proxies do not forward references to static fields or calls to static methods.

The implementation of proxies is provided automatically for instances of types that derive from System.MarshalByRefObject (see Partition IV).

11.6      Memory Model and Optimizations

11.6.1      The Memory Store

By “memory store” we mean the regular process memory that the CLI operates within. Conceptually, this store is simply an array of bytes. The index into this array is the address of a data object. The CLI accesses data objects in the memory store via the ldind.* and stind.* instructions.

11.6.2      Alignment

Built-in datatypes shall be properly aligned, which is defined as follows:

·              1-byte, 2-byte, and 4-byte data is properly aligned when it is stored at a 1-byte, 2-byte, or 4-byte boundary, respectively.

·              8-byte data is properly aligned when it is stored on the same boundary required by the underlying hardware for atomic access to a native int.

Thus, int16 and unsigned int16 start on even address; int32, unsigned int32, and float32 start on an address divisible by 4; and int64, unsigned int64, and float64 start on an address divisible by 4 or 8, depending upon the target architecture. The native size types (native int, native unsigned int, and &) are always naturally aligned (4 bytes or 8 bytes, depending on architecture). When generated externally, these should also be aligned to their natural size, although portable code may use 8 byte alignment to guarantee architecture independence.  It is strongly recommended that float64 be aligned on an 8-byte boundary, even when the size of native int is 32 bits.

There is a special prefix instruction, unaligned., that may immediately precede a ldind, stind, initblk, or cpblk instruction. This prefix indicates that the data may have arbitrary alignment; the JIT is required to generate code that correctly performs the effect of the instructions regardless of the actual alignment. Otherwise, if the data is not properly aligned and no unligned. prefix has been specified, executing the instruction may generate unaligned memory faults or incorrect data.

11.6.3      Byte Ordering

For datatypes larger than 1 byte, the byte ordering is dependent on the target CPU. Code that depends on byte ordering may not run on all platforms. The PE file format (see Section 11.2) allows the file to be marked to indicate that it depends on a particular type ordering.

11.6.4      Optimization

Conforming implementations of the CLI are free to execute programs using any technology that guarantees, within a single thread of execution, that side-effects and exceptions generated by a thread are visible in the order specified by the CIL.  For this purpose volatile operations (including volatile reads) constitute side-effects.  Volatile operations are specified in clause 11.6.7. There are no ordering guarantees relative to exceptions injected into a thread by another thread (such exceptions are sometimes called “asynchronous exceptions,” e.g., System.Threading.ThreadAbortException).

Rationale: An optimizing compiler is free to reorder side-effects and synchronous exceptions to the extent that this reordering does not change any observable program behavior.


Note: An implementation of the CLI is permitted to use an optimizing compiler, for example, to convert CIL to native machine code provided the compiler maintains (within each single thread of execution) the same order of side-effects and synchronous exceptions.  

This is a stronger condition than ISO C++ (which permits reordering between a pair of sequence points) or ISO Scheme (which permits reordering of arguments to functions).

11.6.5      Locks and Threads

The logical abstraction of a thread of control is captured by an instance of the System.Threading.Thread object in the class library.  Classes beginning with the string “System.Threading” (see Partition IV) provide much of the user visible support for this abstraction.

To create consistency across threads of execution, the CLI provides the following mechanisms:

1.        Synchronized methods. A lock that is visible across threads controls entry to the body of a synchronized method.  For instance and virtual methods the lock is associated with the this pointer.  For static methods the lock is associated with the type to which the method belongs.  The lock is taken by the logical thread (see System.Threading.-Thread in Partition IV) and may be entered any number of times by the same thread; entry by other threads is prohibited while the first thread is still holding the lock.  The CLI shall release the lock when control exits (by any means) the method invocation that first acquired the lock.

2.        Explicit locks and monitors.  These are provided in the class library, see System.Threading.Monitor. Many of the methods in the System.Threading.Monitor class accept an Object as argument, allowing direct access to the same lock that is used by synchronized methods.  While the CLI is responsible for ensuring correct protocol when this lock is only used by synchronized methods, the user must accept this responsibility when using explicit monitors on these same objects.

3.        Volatile reads and writes.  The CIL includes a prefix, volatile., that specifies that the subsequent operation is to be performed with the cross-thread visibility constraints described in clause 11.6.7.  In addition, the class library provides methods to perform explicit volatile reads (name) and writes (name), as well as a barrier synchronization (name)

4.        Built-in atomic reads and writes.  All reads and writes of certain properly aligned data types are guaranteed to occur atomically.  See clause 11.6.6.

5.        Explicit atomic operations.  The class library provides a variety of atomic operations in the System.Threading.Interlocked class.

Acquiring a lock (System.Threading.Monitor.Enter or entering a synchronized method) shall implicitly perform a volatile read operation, and releasing a lock (System.Threading.Monitor.Exit or leaving a synchronized method) shall implicitly perform a volatile write operation. See clause 11.6.7.

11.6.6      Atomic Reads and Writes

A conforming CLI shall guarantee that read and write access to properly aligned memory locations no larger than the native word size (the size of type native int) is atomic (see clause 11.6.2).  Atomic writes shall alter no bits other than those written.  Unless explicit layout control (see Partition II (Controlling Instance Layout)) is used to alter the default behavior, data elements no larger than the natural word size (the size of a native int) shall be properly aligned.  Object references shall be treated as though they are stored in the native word size.

Note: There is no guarantee about atomic update (read-modify-write) of memory, except for methods provided for that purpose as part of the class library (see Partition IV). An atomic write of a “small data item” (an item no larger than the native word size) is required to do an atomic read/write/modify on hardware that does not support direct writes to small data items.


Note: There is no guaranteed atomic access to 8-byte data when the size of a native int is 32 bits even though some implementations may perform atomic operations when the data is aligned on an 8-byte boundary. 

11.6.7      Volatile Reads and Writes

The volatile. prefix on certain instructions shall guarantee cross-thread memory ordering rules.  They do not provide atomicity, other than that guaranteed by the specification of clause 11.6.6.

A volatile read has “acquire semantics” meaning that the read is guaranteed to occur prior to any references to memory that occur after the read instruction in the CIL instruction sequence.  A volatile write has “release semantics” meaning that the write is guaranteed to happen after any memory references prior to the write instruction in the CIL instruction sequence.

A conforming implementation of the CLI shall guarantee this semantics of volatile operations.   This ensures that all threads will observe volatile writes performed by any other thread in the order they were performed. But a conforming implementation is not required to provide a single total ordering of volatile writes as seen from all threads of execution.

An optimizing compiler that converts CIL to native code shall not remove any volatile operation,  nor may it coalesce multiple volatile operations into a single operation.

Rationale: One traditional use of volatile operations is to model hardware registers that are visible through direct memory access.  In these cases, removing or coalescing the operations may change the behavior of the program.


Note: An optimizing compiler from CIL to native code is permitted to reorder code, provided that it guarantees both the single-thread semantics described in Section 11.6 and the cross-thread semantics of volatile operations.

11.6.8      Other Memory Model Issues

All memory allocated for static variables (other than those assigned RVAs within a PE file, see Partition II) and objects shall be zeroed before they are made visible to any user code.

A conforming implementation of the CLI shall ensure that, even in a multi-threaded environment and without proper user synchronization, objects are allocated in a manner that prevents unauthorized memory access and prevents illegal operations from occurring.  In particular, on multiprocessor memory systems where explicit synchronization is required to ensure that all relevant data structures are visible (for example, vtable pointers) the EE shall be responsible for either enforcing this synchronization automatically or for converting errors due to lack of synchronization into non-fatal, non-corrupting, user-visible exceptions.

It is explicitly not a requirement that a conforming implementation of the CLI guarantee that all state updates performed within a constructor be uniformly visible before the constructor completes.  CIL generators may ensure this requirement themselves by inserting appropriate calls to the memory barrier or volatile write instructions.

11.7      Atomicity of Memory Accesses

The CLI makes several assumptions about atomicity of memory references, and these translate directly into rules required of either programmers or translators from high-level languages into CIL.

·              Read and write access to word-length memory locations (types native int and native unsigned int) that are properly aligned is atomic.  Correct translation from CIL to native code requires generation of native code sequences that supply this atomicity guarantee.  There is no guarantee about atomic update (read-modify-write) of memory, except for methods provided for that purpose as part of the class library (see Partition IV).

·              Read and write access to 4-byte data (int32 and unsigned int32) that is aligned on a 4-byte boundary is atomic, even on a 64-bit machine.  Again, there is no guarantee about atomic read-modify-write.

·              One- and Two-byte data that does not cross a word boundary will be read atomically, but writing may write the entire word back to memory.

·              No other memory references are performed atomically.

When the CLI controls the layout of managed data, it pads the data so that if an object starts at a word boundary all of the fields that require 4 or fewer bytes will be aligned so that reads will be atomic. The managed heap always aligns data that it allocates to maintain this rule, so heap references (type O) to data that does not have explicit layout will occur atomically where possible. Similarly, static variables of managed classes are allocated so that they, too, are aligned when possible. The CLI aligns stack frames to word boundaries, but need not attempt to align to an 8-byte boundary on 32-bit machines even if the frame contains 8-byte values.

12      Index

& 16

abstract.............................................................. 9, 50, 51, 57

abstract class.............................................................. 18, 33

access................................................................................ 40

accessible.......................................................................... 40

application........................................................................ 63

application domain.................................................... 63, 96

array element................................................................ 9, 37

array type................................................................ 9, 37, 47

assembly............................................... 9, 39, 41, 51, 60, 62

assembly dependency.................................................... 62

assembly scope............................................................ 9, 39

assignment compatibility................................................ 43

assignment compatible............................................. 36, 39

Attributes............................................................................ 9

autolayout......................................................................... 62

behavior............................................................................ 33

box...................................................................................... 35

boxed type.................................................................. 10, 35

boxed value................................................................. 10, 35

byref................................................................................... 44

by-ref................................................................................. 77

Calling convention.......................................................... 10

cast............................................................................... 10, 37

explicit........................................................................... 69

implicit........................................................................... 69

narrowing...................................................................... 69

widening....................................................................... 69

casting......................................................................... 10, 37

class contract............................................................. 10, 43

class definitions............................................................... 50

class type.............................................................. 10, 43, 50

CLS......................................................................... 11, 25, 28

CLS consumer languages............................................... 10

CLS extender languages................................................. 11

CLS frameworks............................................................... 11

CLS-compliant............................................................ 11, 30

consumer tool.............................................................. 11

extender tool................................................................. 11

coercion............................................................................. 36

COFF.......................................................................... See PE

Common Intermediate Language......................... See CIL

Common Language Specification....................... See CLS

component metadata....................................................... 60

compound type.......................................................... 11, 37

concrete....................................................................... 12, 51

constructor....................................................................... 52

contract........................................................... 12, 31, 42, 61


explicit........................................................................... 37

implicit........................................................................... 37

Custom attributes............................................................ 12

enclosing type...................................................... 18, 41, 42

enum.................................................................................. 39

enumeration type............................................................. 39

Enumerations.................................................................... 12

equal............................................................................ 12, 35

equality.................................................................. 12, 35, 36

event contract............................................................ 13, 43

Event observer................................................................. 13

Event source..................................................................... 13

Events................................................................................ 13

exact type.................................................................... 34, 38


Throwing...................................................................... 21

expect existing slot.................................................... 18, 56

explicitlayout.................................................................... 62

exportable.......................................................................... 41

family............................................................................. 9, 41

family-and-assembly................................................... 9, 41

family-or-assembly...................................................... 9, 41

field................................................................................ 9, 37

Fields................................................................................. 13

final.............................................................................. 55, 57

fully describe.................................................................... 34

garbage collection........................................................... 27

getter.................................................................................. 58

Global fields...................................................................... 13

Global methods................................................................ 13

global statics.................................................................... 65

hide............................................................ 14, 55, 56, 57, 64

by name................................................................... 14, 56

by name and signature......................................... 14, 56

id 14

identical....................................................................... 14, 35

Identifiers.......................................................................... 14

identity...................................................... 10, 14, 35, 36, 37

implicit type...................................................................... 46

indexed property............................ See property, indexed

inherit..................................................................... 23, 33, 43

inheritance demand......................................................... 42

inherits............................................................................... 37

init-only............................................................................. 44

init-only constraint.......................................................... 44

instance field.................................................................... 38

Instance methods............................................................ 14

interface contract....................................................... 15, 43

interface definition..................................................... 15, 48

interface type.................................................. 15, 33, 34, 43

Intermediate Language.......................................... See CIL

kind.................................................................................... 39

Label.................................................................................. 20

Code label..................................................................... 11

layout........................................................................... 55, 56

layoutsequential.............................................................. 62

literal............................................................................ 40, 44

literal constraint............................................................... 44

local signature............................................................ 15, 44

location........................................................................ 15, 36

location constraint........................................................... 44

location signature...................................................... 15, 44

managed code............................................................ 16, 26

managed data....................................................... 16, 26, 27

managed pointer.............................................................. 44

manifest............................................................................. 63

marshalling........................................................................ 61

member.............................................................................. 37

member scope............................................................. 21, 39

member signatures........................................................... 61

messages........................................................................... 33

metadata............................................................................ 60

method......................................................................... 17, 34

method contract......................................................... 17, 43

method signature....................................................... 17, 45

modreq............................................................................... 12

Name mangling................................................................. 17


special........................................................................... 67

narrowing.................................................................... 36, 69

nested................................................................................ 41

nested type........................................................... 18, 41, 42

new slot....................................................................... 18, 56

null............................................................................... 37, 38

object................................................................................. 34

object type...................................................... 18, 33, 34, 51

OOP........................... See Programming, Object-Oriented

optional modifiers............................................................ 64

overriding.................................................................... 38, 56

parameter signature................................................... 19, 45

partial description................................................ 15, 18, 33

PE....................................................................................... 60

pointer type.................................................... 19, 22, 33, 48


Managed....................................................................... 16

Transient....................................................................... 21

Unmanaged.................................................................. 22

private............................................................................ 9, 41


object-oriented............................................................. 31

Properties.......................................................................... 19


indexed.......................................................................... 70

property contract....................................................... 19, 43

proxy.................................................................................. 96

public....................................................................... 9, 41, 51

publicly accessible parts.......................................... 11, 30

qualified name............................................................ 19, 39

qualify................................................................................ 39

rank.............................................................................. 19, 47

reference............................................................................ 63

reference demand............................................................. 42

reference type................................................................... 33

referenced entity.............................................................. 40

referent.............................................................................. 40

Relative Virtual Address..................................... See RVA

remoting boundary.................................................... 20, 96

representation.................................................................. 33

required modifiers............................................................ 64

RVA................................................................................... 61

scope..................................................................... 20, 39, 51

sealed........................................................................... 20, 54

self-describing.................................................................. 60

serializable................................................................... 20, 58

setter............................................................................ 20, 58

signature......................................................... 12, 20, 42, 43

static.................................................................................. 57

static field.................................................................... 21, 38

static method.............................................................. 21, 38

Static methods.................................................................. 21

Super call........................................................................... 21

System.AttributeUsageAttribute...................... 70, 71, 74

System.Enum.................................................................... 54

System.TypedReference.................. See typed reference

System.ValueType........................................................... 54

this..................................................................................... 57

this pointer...................................................... 21, 37, 38, 57

throw.................................................................................. 21

type.................................................................................... 33

type definer................................................................. 21, 46

type definition............................................................ 21, 39

type name.................................................................... 21, 39

type safety.................................................................. 26, 46

type signature............................................................ 22, 44

typed reference................................................................ 45

typedref.............................................. See typed reference

typeless programming..................................................... 33

typesafe....................................................................... 22, 46

unbox................................................................................. 35


name.............................................................................. 39


metadata........................................................................ 60

Validation.......................................................................... 22

value type......................................................................... 33

Value types....................................................................... 23

vararg................................................................................. 23

varargs............................................................................... 45

vector................................................................................. 47

verification........................................................... 23, 26, 46

Verification........................................................................ 23

VES..................................... See Virtual Execution System

virtual..................................................................... 23, 38, 57

virtual call.................................................................... 23, 38

Virtual Execution System................................................ 25

virtual method.................................................................. 38

Virtual methods................................................................ 23

visibility............................................................................. 51

visible................................................................................ 40

volatile constraint............................................................ 44

widening...................................................................... 36, 69